Utah Motion to Waive 90-day Waiting Period Form

January 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Legal, Divorce Papers, Utah
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I am the

Petitioner Respondent Attorney for the _________


Respondent and my Utah Bar number is

In the District Court of Utah __________ Judicial District ________________ County Court Address ______________________________________________________ Motion to Waive 90-day Waiting Period and Declaration _____________________________________ _______________________________ Case Number





_____________________________________ _______________________________ Commissioner

Respondent Instructions:

 You must complete this form before you file it. The judicial services representative cannot complete this form for you. Use the Checklist to help you understand and complete this form.  Keep a copy of all documents for your records.  Attend all court hearings.  Attach:

Motion to Waive 90-day Waiting Period and Declaration

Approved Board of District Court Judges April 17, 2009 Revised April 20, 2012

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 Additional pages as needed to complete paragraphs that don’t have enough space. Write the paragraph number on the additional page.  Any documents referred to in this document.

By and through my attorney, (Attorney, check here if you are appearing for your client.) (1)

I ask that the court waive the 90-day waiting period for the following reasons.


The divorce petition was filed on _______________________________ (date).


The other party has signed: (check if applicable)  an Acceptance of Service, Consent and Waiver, which is attached or is already filed with the court.  a stipulation agreeing to waive the 90-day waiting period, which is attached or is already filed with the court.


Under Section 30-3-18 the court may waive the 90-day waiting period if the court finds that there are extraordinary circumstances.

I declare under penalty of Utah Code Section 78B-5-705 that everything stated in this document is true. Sign here ► Date Typed or Printed Name

Motion to Waive 90-day Waiting Period and Declaration

Approved Board of District Court Judges April 17, 2009 Revised April 20, 2012

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Certificate of Service I certify that I served a copy of this Motion to Waive 90-day Waiting Period and Declaration and my proposed Order on the following people. Served at this Served on Person’s Name Method of Service Address this Date Mail Hand Delivery Fax (Person agreed to service by fax.) Email (Person agreed to service by email.) Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.)

(Other Party or Attorney)

(Clerk of Court)

Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.)

Mail Hand Delivery Electronic File Mail Hand Delivery Fax (Person agreed to service by fax.) Email (Person agreed to service by email.) Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.)

Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.)

Mail Hand Delivery Fax (Person agreed to service by fax.) Email (Person agreed to service by email.) Left at business (With person in charge or in receptacle for deliveries.)

Left at home (With person of suitable age and discretion residing there.)

Sign here ►


Typed or printed name

Motion to Waive 90-day Waiting Period and Declaration

Approved Board of District Court Judges April 17, 2009 Revised April 20, 2012

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