
January 16, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: computers & electronics, audio & home theatre, audio amplifiers
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FOR SALE. WANTED REAL ESTATE. FOB SALE. HELP WANTED MALE. fr urnitore for bale. MisreHaneona. WE DGMRABLE HOr,ES WANTED. LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. machines, new and second-hanKi, of modern cost SSW'LSGmakes, J E. If have an attrairiiva house tor Bale, ri k.mii LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, of all sold lor less: no asents t .. m ail, arter bum iort. t fa gf'OiX cupultioo, locate 240 Ankenv St., Corner Second. in a detrabl cay, repaired ployed: $3 and .N, rented. machines 1'4 10th Khone Bdwy. 749. 1 d.siTiCt. can aell it for you at a fair Office Open Today. 6:30 A. M. per raontn. p.-ft MILL with but little delay and without L'SfclD (aa heaters and oil beaters at less AIEN. BEWIXG MACHINE EMPORIUM. CO. you but altgnt inconvenience. man na.i new price. Thin mill will soon cut spruce for Got 943L A 3626. 190 near Main Yamhill. 3d. n Vo or poorly located property M1SH FUKNITL'KE CO., 1S4 FlrsNat. ernment. can help do your blu You fCataft:t.n4 liTT. HOT water tanks, slightly used. 30. 40 and 15 mill and yard men. $3. SO. PAt'U C 1U RPUY, J703 SLaxk NEAT hnOd. TfcU directory le for the Inlormauon CO furnlsblnca 4 room heated flat, al- ir&L. the public, to ive a as po- c:. jkiam nw. A l.Hti. in sood, serviceable guaranteed Room and board In hotel. $7 week. . A Modern, Spacioua Family snap. cooa as new; 4tM) lbi tu. different line of buiiucM wbicJi of 1SL mosi over 30Tabor each; gal.. $5 of condition, Fare advanced. Ship tndav. tne mar find occasion 10 ttMk our boilers Installed In city. 1SU Adams asajt Information welch cmooot be found bare fr9on Koom M iU Prirata Entrance. NORTH. NORTH. 704 E. 8L N. d will be clftdiy furnished I f ELL houaea only. LUt with ma. Hare JEWEL gaa atove, sCEasjx 7rtT. 9 by IfraoAJiig Main For one of the largest mills on Grays A LAD? caan ouyers. or Uoum 4l Harbor. Waeh. Ship today. Fare adPIANOS, oreanA talking machines accepted C. A. Warrln-- r, FS.a.. Mala auT. A 1.11L Dogs. Bird and Pet Stock. vanced. as first Tay men t on new pianos and RITTEK. LOWE A CO.. Mill and yard laborers, $55 and board. CANARY BIRDS, yellow males and females. player pianos. Sen wan Piano Co.. 2n.ft-- 7 Board of Trade Bid. Touug men factory, bays $40 for box and St. Andreasburg canaries, pure stock. HOo fourth at. lal cw And bora nwwira. HoIitU and board. lum, rnone A 4lS. C BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show HAVE buyer SPECIALS. for 5 and (room modern Parfact ffaaarai .ante, for I 1 i mk li b k . cases ana wan case, nxiures; easy terms. Two men pile drivers, $5. houaea not to exceed $ toOO and can be aoid An. A.M JTai.K ei3k biiUAUWA. .uw II NIL Poultry. W. J. wiiiglcy. Mam wiw. One millwright, S5. on Initiiinenta. & Mcclura bcnmauch. A.NLi UAKUWAiC. One JLXhi off bearer. $4.30. per 100 EARLY $1.50 $1 early layers. potatoes. and We chix Ku&rmake BURBANK I'uMrai Dtrctra. iad?a,aat Tta Front aL One dogger, mill. $4. J unit C.. uftjoo antcA ia arrival of White Leghorn baby. jds. fhone Broadway iteiv. xo. -- uu isorin v BL. SSA tMA Ad 31et, Ik eat buy all kind a4 junk, metal One man. $4.50. Mm crux rrora xieavy-iayin- g Kearney. iHogamzed) cor. 13th, stock. Laay you A aan See boss in office. 9:30 A. M. iMi al AMiiuaL pricea. tva ua tlora FOB BALK TIMBER LANDS. nte tor prices, etc Tne Pioneer Uatcu- - TWO pool tables for sale, .50 North 3d aL HE ery. WA'TS cat. retaiuma, M talc Ala. One locomotive engineer, $5. FOR SA4LE On sawmill complete, capacity high climber One combination and bit kuwm f A'oputar Mkatc 1 a 6ih- wlLh Dinner. ana tliouoand. edaer LlretrtoeA. chaser. $0.5ii. Two sets fallen, -- 5c M. all FURNITC ul-- i J. r. riNLAT A OJi. ieaauiiatiiera DiUc. Ai..i, jito. aiAt fu aidetrack. deep water on aguina Ba.yej WANTED To buy 30 head tools furnished. cows) of Ho!stein 1U mtlea Is ew port, where tlie Uovernmtnt of AluaiC AOAl abA cut aaa lo..aa4. One timekeeper and log scaler, $105. V iVfV a.a.a allU..aJtLaV and UKLUtj.M Conacrvatory tecbooi) or neiiers. John Back. Gen Delivery. Port- is builUmc Jetty; 1!0 million feet aecund-grow- ih at iiroAiway, city One office man, lumber Co., to start, GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPAnV. Wal. al. ianq, uregon. stum pace reasonable; all fir $75 month. M-Ml 183 St, 101 A 13S. to First i IhlcLhuiOi, violin taacbar. puyli 4QQU. Eik City Lumber Co.. Klk City, Or. Plenty of other positions coming in 4 daily. Come to the Lumbermen's EmployTypewrltera. W buy Oi.oo.N BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED SALE Sawmill 2 miles from K. K.; CO. LH i,Vauppltam. ment Agency. VJuLlNl.-Lansy AssiatAAt. will give inatxuctitta to bcliv Poll C JleA a., a.uoa tarbtt 1 year; capacity k aUrV FURNITURE reason for timber applies! Remington tiu; NEW plan, rent rental iivia. iraaoua TCk.. Wuuumwa i!0L A Win0. to purchase. Tr selllns oo account of draft. B lOi, Ore- - Typewriter Vlsiu.e models. Kemii. ARE POSITIONS OPEN FOR TO 17. PtovA ranges, rug store fixtures, res- THERE 8 Broadway. Co.. Phone I OKTOMtl A As is Ufl 1C1A. men far exceed L, aL. Ju.Sw, J4. u The calls for high-claKaltaainb at taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houseCA.NCkH flvaAlk;i. Broadway aire. 1. T1UBER LANDS supply. T We know how to put the right the klUKA nothing stocks; Will office furniture, furniture rAl raban 1A BOL"jMT AND bOl.p. job together. Memberright &0 to 7a per cent on all I the save can mnrt WE and from HA ISM iron JM to Aw per cent us. small, A Prompt or atbig for too too 1 fc.LA.lLOH lliA, WIXj N WIUuX W J.a 49441 ti4.riU.Nst, C J. McCKACKKN. SH McKaT BLDO. ship costing $5 guarantees employment or irTwUiplt. makes of typewriters; send for our price I tention and courteous treatment. tit ted giaaae aa .a to Investia refund fee. It costs nothing position-securinlirtt. Retail Department. WHOLEALfc. I a ai.wu. 4uu4l aat;aliMl cuaLomere g ritDMOM (..xtbulAialM) CO.. gate this modern, systematic CO., . Oooa- W TYPEWRITER SL Wash. .321 teed, t'ttaa, L A aaiiaiaciiwa 3224. 598 MARSHALL uateb fcMy. w. a t EmployAdvisory and IDR RENT FARMS. institution. Coronal REBUILT typewriters supplies. and 8700. ment Department T. il. C. A. Main LiilUOitliLvT. UeaierA c.. w. fease Co.. 110 6th. ' ttmtruhiai Paner w iLHAa. fcaat.a fATL.NTb. A 6561. kiucu 1-ma ix 30a. and VS U.taxn. Jr ARES for rent, mostly In orchard NEW, rebuilt, second-han- d rem is at cut J ml t;rffva vA wu.y actenuiU1 cauvpouwla H. O. WKitiUT years' experience, U. . We carpets U and smail house chicken and fruit, furniture, and need other Ari.ta aiwclMMU) in turn city. WANTED. Mc fc X A fee, (uatru eireet- LABORERS and toraiiu pateniA tol AJgfcum house; also a goods, We modern house iraraora office household 'aieo furniture. at Aa . e tUt era, 1- -S (llar bttiaf. buuIIi 1 ort ar L. adjoining property. Tabor Permanent positions assured steady men. and must have goods at once. Call us and fcUli5lCLML Cadj allMaaaA J wages $3.10 1 hours; strike not yet lll be there with the cash, givour 71st at. Automobiles. AirVdJ y 01 C but 1500 men working general you ing prices paid ever highest Uki. in 1AA K. the tui.i A. tid, 10 ACR8S at Clarkamaa station with bungafilJuLli'Si. UilKOruUlT AMI AU1H eufcil 1AL1T. F. a. DLAMUaia. 1AC UPON A WELL-KNOWDEALER. oaDermlll work: no experience neceaoary. Kbeumatlafn, lawala uaaoruara. aAln troulow and barn, or will ell cheap. 42i FailTHE GOUi.Ji fewt-- a. ObkitTA KZR& k 509 Oregon bidg., cor. 5th and Oak LA Mw.Mh. k rtae a aaailary FURNITURE KUINE'S we. STORE. blea. do livar, ktunya, a aioiuacb. v M Bidg. 1 ing LOOKING OVER OUR SOCK. 4a( Amf aJOU Aaet A. tpaiaiaa wA . lya First St., Near Taylor. metbod. WiAa&rU streetA of arch ttiroat; Koura, acaip. blfiu mwu pieaure l.Uu a Oi-- a featland tod. aim Main b4A MADE THIS STATEMENT: iK. LUKA A,7btiBKOWiS. solLre aud Ulfie UcCLOctS RIVER LUMBER COM-PATHIS (HlM.HKAl Ml fH.nULl.Nn. complete Tou i most of have line the aw U urn Ma a, cur. of woineo. FARMS WANTED. utb at. CAL., McCLOUD. weight, popular, ecoat K. ANa late model, light l K i'k.ol Dr. Mcklaaon. fartim.aO. operations on or 1 Will cars one LIMB ever on have nomical IMi seen A.' st CiMo. Tabor UU stait their logging PRICES HIGHEST PAID Ttua,l' by 1 cmruractic .pciav.i. Af OR TO SELL FARM TOUR TRADE Men for thesa your 15. February wanted addition, prices about In right." floor. are for all kinds of used household goods, ho LLMBiAliT AuffUcti at, wboiaaal r oawa to cmpioy urui. oparatiuaa. pricea. Jw La,uoi. Aa llfit witrt KINOCEY A TRACY. Corvalhs, Or. ilia ium logging crews Good wages, good board, iuij oodge Bros, sedan, used very a Stara-iatfitel and restaurant outfits, trunks, bass v.uratera. u at. Auu Co.. -- 1 .oiei ray a alectrtcuy. baat. ltfO.i)L .feaat ISA. J good country'. Apply in person or write. $1150 little bicycles, fishing tackle and suitcases, and and otter JtM ilouaa atuntA 1 ta THE: McCLOUD RIVER LUMBER COM1018 Dodge Bros, touring, almost new 9i!5 FK1NT1.NG. firearms; Also hardware aud tools of, ail mo UA4,k.y. aura.y tiia Catuaaa ol uia.aa CAL. PANY, McCLOUD. 60O UMo" Dodge Bros, touring K. Co. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. description. Aad tea Jai.y j:oalixu4 aak: VSTo.N tS PKcCad J. avptal.. Oantanbein. klar. 191 tl Ford lights roadster, electric SGK.. OK H.AC1A "a dwuttlii. CASH UKUktta adjuauuaAt SI ainotypiit IWW fc'runt aC. fcrintina and i 425 and starter & CO., FURNITURE HARDWARE LEVIN a. ritMu.. ka.i or writ a. A 141a. FOR PALK OR EXCHANGE. cornr stark. 1016 Ford touring, great buy 3 IUm 1 jj. A i. Lu lanmi. at 221 Front st cor. Salmon. A pply beTWO experienced shoemakers. Bavrton In com" producing acreagA C 1K1 1 KVK i:l." Ford touring, wonderiul buy. . .. 2"j LET i AkUk MAIN lu72. A 7174. ofTtia; IV Y PHlvtia tween 9 and 11 A. Al., Superintendent's consulting of 11 acres, in apples, beaud-tu- l 6'J5 Chalmers VJa six Sc. Broadway 40. A 40fl. frtarh aU Balcony. Frank 32 Meier Basement fice. nuburban homemte. clooe tu. electric li.'iO WE NEED all kinds of old furniture, car Pord delivery, first class CMtTUIO. Co. lineM; nwn- -r will sell cheap, i "j i.n.r. luuitigrapnau. al.&u. pets, stoves, ranges, office xurnuure and "W. BALTkti A COMPANY, k very little, extras bh'i 7 Maxwell. ut-lid or tiaue for California property. U. Pause. H. H. goods generally and will pay top 101;; Packard, first claas 7."0 let aiid UA ata. Jlain ItU. A lltij price for same. Cal. Call Marshall &is7 and Studebaker sedan, great buy.... 475 .Sr. A .. Our buyer will call at once. HLlL fcTAlfc DtALtHS. uRnl,r bids. Mala WL lO.'.o WANTED By one of the oldest farm mort117 Sturtebaker six. almost new STORE, FURNITURE GklVURTZ 9Mt 1H17 new gage houses on the Coat, a man over like Ruick. WILL trade 4H acres of tilled land, ready tAJ.L K. JuAfcb, 44 WUCOK bd. 7 First St. experience in apeight 1J0O draft age who has had on .ence, lacing two main crop, lU15tiilian lor klOh, Many in praising and reporting trom. farm landsage, to choose others Oregon City. Valued Greater the UP RING to Portland Sidewalk Furniture roads. alNCIia-aTK- H UANClMi Idaho; or Washington state COVEY COMPANY. CAR Oregon, you on uJ-MOTOR eny S4om, get ACAlEJi. terms Store, Marshall terigage win and the l, at f WOLNT SCOTT PARK ISUKTli WlviT hid CO.. ealabliabed iWl ifilk Cniar nta 1.1 qualification, experience, references, salMain 6J44. lst and Washington st. highest price paid for your used furniWilt take - automobile in good mortKKC. and rag rua woven ail aisea lull iua Oregonian. ary expected. X ture; you will also get good bargains In CEMTKSY condition for qulty. J. M. Juatin. care 3aO. B H FORDS! Laiat 8ta ana Taytor. FORDS. , FORDS. 41. I. ttrv.dajr ' - 31- Hrl- e Bros.. Ore;un City, Or. buving or exchanging. Kemeuiuer, iuo-- i WANTED A young man aa office aistant. 1117 P'ord touring.. MUKAOt; A .NO TKANM-LIFirst st. Tricn) Brst Service Fo.-and who can dictation handle one who roadster. lUft ELL or trade 10 acres, all in cultivation ir uughi in ail IL branbaa; nrikata ALWAi'a PICA TkiH HOST Houaehold 1:17 Ford touring. is familiar with installment business preWANTED Large oak double desk, flat top. good bungalow, barn, outbuilding, young way or . claaM.a. luea. ana r'r. ; salary $18 1H17 Foid chassis, 4.1. tveek; give telephone guodA apwciaiiau. atoraaa. pacainc amp a ferred ru nxa wncre is aize about witu drawer No axpmiie after interment. o car. city in orvh;ud. miles from ammy ailwr. --VM V alio. Jiiu O 871, Orego-nia- n. liumbeA slate references. lllia Ford luurinK. pins aud luoins. boraa auu auto vana; lt am how much? Cash, AP St5, Ore value .0'0. Take less, acre runiuranre. to alt point, lower than otbAr ccni-- " into Kord touring. peciat frciant rates gon lan. Ha KUEOK'H t ACAULMT Orego or city part. Uba. oocta aad home AP as ae K iKAiS.-KitCO.. GTuKAOB roadster.Ford A lHlil t. O. PICA solicitor ' oacciniu private .iiaimctlu: .aa nun. tenea. WANT TO BUY SET OF DOUBLE HAR LIVE proposition for experienced J010 Ford delivery, panel body. 2d at.d Pine ta. Bruidway fttftj. A lUd. alwtk.. selling tea and coffee; must be a business m ai at. Ihura.. 4 10 ID. A KM WOKK. r FOR SUlTABI-f- c express. NESS delivery IWltl Ford getter; highest saJary and commission OKAiiO.N IkAAM1 trt CO.. 474 Gilaan at.. TO EXCHANGE! acre of Improved land. PHONB UK. HEMPHILL, BROADWAY 1014 Ford delivery, panel body. pi or paid man who can show returns. Ideal corner ldtb. Teiepnona tfroaaway clear of all incumbrance, -- j m mutes no a 191, Ford touring. fc.lrtri MoCitr. Tea Co., 711 Union North! front- the heart of I'ortiand, at Metxgers Wa own and operate two larva A 1119. Ford l!llo FURNI1 USED PRICES FOR HIGHEST PA kOK ALK. TKAUb uH Kiv.NT ou lerminal tracfcA "A" will tradi for auto. Adaicas . J. siation; caaa areboosa 1IM4 Ford touring, C1-.MAN and wife take charge of country hoKhi, fUKlLA.'Si. l HiiU, TL A. WA1.KKK fc.Lfc.CT KlCA L J. ''JuSstner, Hood River, Or. uKAA. inmranct raiaa in the city. turat touring. Ford lllia tel: furninhed and doing good business; CLEARING liOUtoE. MARSHALL 47ha. tturiMi'li. Bruaoay &a74. Ford chassis. proposition. CUT freight rates to all points on bo us hoi . exenange, nlte Income prop rental or FOR SALE . FURNITURE WANTED. A number of these cars are practically HOUSEHOLD M1LLERPHIP. t ranai .iE. goouA . Manning v arenouaa M NfK A.N 1 M MOAT. ert y in Hue count ry tow n, income 1 ou ft iii be sur new. Termi II desired. W I I..L. rA X CASH. 3lAii a.i.iJ. 431 Chamber of Commerce. a w. per month, long lease; want farm or gen. tO.. Via V "u " r. you they are ji.aaaaa them, see prised (.Mtoa, trvatniwiu. for when IJ.trd. C. 1!.mmi ; tli Is la good. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 26S2.' Too K cor. -- ut a B. Uo. B. 4734 md" 1'rire $Hubbard, ST. DOCK AND WAKKHuL'H MAN for gen. farm work, no dairy; wages MAl'IfOA' real P&rga.ns MOTOR CAR CO.. M. Crittenden. or. $40 per month and board; more in harti 1 1 re IMi jdaaiaoo. onrai mercnanai FRANCIS t 1.1 t HI I. ANO UAO KK..4. 7tf agt-ntMam forwarding Phone vest; long job. Call at room b44 Imperial Hawthorne 3770. and your exE. i:Uh Eust avA property and eery ua reaulta; with for MltarrWw LiT Tarter t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . Hotel. changes of merit: established lo years. fTORAOK. MOVINO. PACtxLN'ti. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARETS & SILVA'S Auto Wrecking Dept, LONG 105-tHA V Wr." The t:rnet Younger Co., Park at., fnr rl la minH a nlrl cnld TWO or 3 boys betweef ages 10 to 18 to mat had af bwrtaL cars toTUKAtil. A TKANSKLR CO. following parts Tba l 8E We IvKll at the have for high-graWashington between ore. I atStark streetA and SlWS. Ingralna tue person. dry. ) platinum, 1UA A silver, a al hooper lurn Main Smyrna. toraba. per Bruaaeta. 10L 11st; Pavk factory. Apply bag In ri.ia. in cent oir tua work 50 cent to u Avminater ras ro al V a auXa m-- at. tnmgM you a on 1 oeea mio money; oring Hoy t St., HIGH-GRAD- E fXA Co., 5- -mail r nl r n rn mm ruv i. Kairmanon I ll' and v ChalmerA Studehakers. buaineaa site, unincumbered, we are reliable ana in .fori . maiL Michigan, V UA Hudson,. h. cor. even exchange for I'ortiand furnished apt. kCk I' MB li.MdAJ AL CARPET CLEANifiG, REFirriNG, ETC. NATK'AL KILL CO- - tail 2(4L E. 2d am We maKa and repair land tt years. E. M. F. Over. and. houte; IIOOO to $000 value, AV -- 10, be exmust stockroom; you for Man WANTED set wiilte lewelrv: wait. diamonds ; a. s.v.a. Winton. lrrg"n at VaLt fw eeaa-- d aatl aiemtned perienced in handling K. D. chair stock; ai aa Pickering & Co.. manuiacturing jewelers Windshields, Mag-- 1 Engihes. Radiators, AND I'HV SLA It WOOD, block wood. VViitAT CO, 8 hr. a day. Ask for Mr. Alter. Hey wood WKrU near U. S. Saskatchewan, OKKLN Ktti Uo. setters, western ortn Lampa, nd diamond lnd. for Carburetors. netos. eic. MKMTfL , 5 , MOft ; A k.4ii HOI, a 147a. 4V teres, Misesaed value $MJ20; will f Bros. & Wakefield Co., 10th and Irving. Bank bidg. Phone Main 955. price. scii or trade. Main blOtf. Iul4 Chamuer A A. 1A4-S41 a 4i2 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 640. K.KTUND MAhBLIHMDWOKMaia WANTED Clerk to sell local tickets in larg of Commerce bidg avaoaita -- bass., faaua $7.50. IMi office; salary fhi.o"; experienced $7.50 railroad 7 UP AND t. 5 Super wire six, HUDSON' MAN A aa tor mtiwnata K young man preferred. Call 705 Yeon bidg. EXCHAXOB20 acres of clear land at Ad- lbl7 CalL Marshall 12J9. or 22U Madison sL to wheels and extras, tuny insured ana iirst- houne in Portland. dison. N. Y., for a sell Sur castoff clothing. run Jess than 30O0 miles.) condition; class HUM A.VU CLAsa. Meyer. The Tailor, pays ana un Help Waated Agents. East oS-- lt. Tabor lOTU. J. K. Perry. ltO A.NU HK.OV TOPS. o.a. B?Mt.-M- .. Jdu.i leave. Call at 314 First su, or phone I forJ. second-hand Cu. and Tajrier. lu'nnrii.t.fc. Bii.or suits. He pays more for co. vitt aad Main sbo. Ilr3 Grand ave. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED. caa any ne shoes and oilier ciotmng. .. county a gen la wanted for bewt TO $70,000. 1w.1l RANCH VAX.V STOCK and WANT A.MJ State truck, P. with Reo XlMUAMa. SALE FOR tlft:. tlVt. where in the city day or evening, can PA-tr- iC OHAl.N CO.. bciii ol Trad. bm. auto accessory on American market. Big Have Improved Income city property to L L. KLI.St. M-r'rant at. condition: Peerless motor la iirst-clas- s Marshall 1229, or 229 Madison. profits, sells on sight, $150 per week If same. P. O. box 873. for gone immediately. trade East, must sell owner LOKIsTm. t you are the man lor the job. Give teleAMI CTHAM HrrLNti. Phone Miiwaukle VI. CITY lot wanted, if clear. In part ar full exNotion. M. 1LIMU1U riWrCI CPICI Of! urn;.Mn. Kru&l aL L. hLi.t, PHONE MAIN 4776. . htnl phone and factory representative will calL. of l;.dtbc and IUUUI.UIVI change for- - $7.0 player piano, music and MuToHS. aears. bearings, wheels, axles: we I CLOTHING WANTED. Ikl VUi 111 savrucliMig. N 104. Oregonian. COJJI.-IOAlt.rUIIA.VTli. Security HD 4tti SU fKOliillC Storage cars Co.. bench. of and sell makes their PAYS wreck all TAILOR. GOLDSTEIN. THE OM4M .Kltt. make $50 to $100 a week selling CbnUI.u a hAitltki.U 1 w rioui ml. Auto Wrecking Co., parts at hail price. away. HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND YOU can ,oi for Portland Im KLAMATH TAL.-4ft WAPHA1I1 a -- J. .j f ront and scissor sharproa the new automatic-knifiNorth LADIES' CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC. WK A.NU BIMrl.SU TMl.NK. proved; will assume. S J 53, Oregonian. Hurt 1 rwA JAl'AS ri.OKIHT. . I independent- - Previous experiener. Be CAI-bMATH CITY. first-claI Portlaiia Cufiui Co. 14ta aud .NurthruD. running I CALL ANY PART MOF THE oTb I'O 4th r . HL'PMOBII.E roadster, .wtilil atd Tay THA.VJir-- I MATAM ence not required for success. Address CO. U-- J Airs PHONE 4..0. to., $1 taigar order, i'aui via (,LAM. FiAKII. UOOK-ANU 7. Charlea Braua. 813 Panama blfg., Port-lan- d. 346 FIRST STREET. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. CAM. AKA UAkJi. Couch. Broad w ay 564. ' P. ClLLbh a Uto aod Umfim atA Or. CO.. A r.crtaia. W4 KAti.NHUibJs KIMIL BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON. lvKbul kaKTtN 111 at. Float good lights and fc iargc or Studebaker; aWA A a somu want JJOA a trade, HAVE SALE fine f iowara Ma. shoats: FOR aafa.aataai sat accident policy; wen-knoWALUArtM. clothing wanted. J. Meyer. AGENTS Sell honest your Ore SECOND-HAN- D cow or r a t acraatoua artatra.:y White Plymouth starter; terms or real estate. K 459, AMI Lt HKH Arl.SU OIL. wau lreh policy holders best asset; Co.. ITX lat C Hll.i.KK isfied up ne ft. pays ' ' suits; ior .uUana the. tailor, gonian. Rock hens. Oregon City car to ineyaru company; liberal commissions; part a Qi, l;tp an J I'.'ia ata. MyitA.,l H Al.l. f.M'LK LU. . J3U d .t. more lor anoes ana ciotnine. we can klorria. at througn gate to first house on so Ry. II Ahaiiar -- AKcS.. r.v'Uta, S.c;on; 314 Lyman. or full time men. See Mr. anywhere m the city, a ay or evening. jna.r SACRIFICE lateet model 1918 Studebaker, rtaa flowara Aad Lara Phone oak Grove .1. Exchange . or -- u jaaaieon. fa branch atorea. cyl. 530 Alder at. hail lJ-rREAL. tXTATl REAL t.TATK. confectionery, exchange, card FoR bALE or ; month hos specialty is buying ladies' and gen ls' AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per JkvNai. rii l'UKAL CV. VvJ Waaii.taa poo! hall good town, location; puce SLIGHTLY used tires, $.1 to $15 each; vul- - OUR ar and biQg. ll.or.. .lr 206 pital tickets. corbett ff cast-ocasu A clothing, rlignest price paio. canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. uu trade, ba.ance caso. t. aat. 4th aad atb. Mm Sluoo; will take Will call nay or night. MUVK IX Av 211, Oregonian. Help Wanted ftaieamen. White, good condition. Tele A 2iaU. baiOaj STORE, aAA aL fMlTrl. Main PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAN-- K"fB PAKk OUbO. atA and phone bth Aider St, Tabor 209 rood or Madison exchange 3225. farm horse Marshall college-bre- d WANTED To !.. I.UW In W.S. salesmen to represent Mw.Sril TWO cow or pigA Matt Hill. Tuaiattn. or. SMALL delivery body cheap. ffl4 TL 44th st for 1;'.- - r.Hiin uunfalow. anti brrak old S3 A dr firm in roruana ana vicinestablished low generator with I'tOI'l W andrLOML CHOP. Xartha'l electric WANTED An DUTCH COLONIAL No. 1. D. 150, bos. F. P. O. IL addrens. one p..afr.U capable and Men Im of earning $40 weekly ity. h.aiJra noli. ampere; tt I, ucd liHim In .111c. Iw.hI r. p. at., built. fc'.wra must be in voltage and high daAa fana Sherwood Or. and up Apply 208 Lumber Exchange bidg. good condition. Apply to W. J. Sullivan. ROSE CITY PARK Automobile Wanted. kjttto.n. In liHt.i.r. .11U bul ..I. Hand-knit woolen ave. scarfs EXCHANGE ALU 20 OPKN DA Grand FoR oih-floor, in tuain room, l.ra. A h.rlooUentrant, TF.D Late model touring car In a Dig bedrooraA 1 ama.1 bedroom, sleep. or knitted articles ior goou singing v change immediately, quantities oak. ash r Kr.nch d.tors. iu.i for timber land, it ox ZJ, jjiviae. WANTED, HELP WANTED FEMALE-bird. Call or write u East ista su '" iMrcn. i.g living ana Uimng-roo- n OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY lib fruit turnart. l.undry and other hardwood logs. 000a price, h..'runl. Oregon. firrplsoe, bufisc Dutch white Ta Call for Incubator, Cypher hen Northwest Chair Co., -- 01 .di- - COMPETENT bookkeeper who understands a at scale. eral NEW t.r tr..a in yjrd. corn.r ot, big kitchen, porm v;it back with view of W astu VlF. PAY tnnt cash for late model cars. Tacoma, ave., general son onice work. --Must do accurate, neat bor uwm IM aa)rtba a. btb 4. Muib fioni. uuirk action tl you jrit 2ti. OfrVra. .nd ly A mia., fu.i ceuient bwaemnt, fur Perand write a good business hand. High-graTHE USED CAR bAlMA.M.L, o., I V asn. J. L. IIAI.IH AN liiJIl'A.W. No. II. kaHraace. THE GLOBE i4tft wisteria Ave, off car 7 t'hniorr of Coutlil.rt-manent position with good salary. Where VS ashlngton and tturnside . meet. JJids. At .1H 2i llMa lktae A ta k J fraaa 4lh and Handy, go 1 HIGHEST PRICES FOR MENfS blot aa west. J PAYS fkMt Answer firm. reliable and office SALE. FOR IA for !- -. 75xR0. kMir Mtm CLOTHING. allarv lot. clear after WANTED To trade l AND LADIES' l MAKlKA.M CUM PA .NY, No. 7 Cliamli T 389, Oregon i an. in own handwriting. 4tA A titark. Aiaio of Coiuni-rcauto. Ford preferred, lie B7. oregonian. SHOES. ETC. 285 FIRST. MAIN 2080. lr la Lfbwi aa caaa lloraea. Vehicle. Lt. dir-4a- . SOLICITOR'S wanted, married women, to call ihmt-amal VS. A tfUsHJ. L.evtria I7"0. second-han- d f $1200 for auto. low. roll-to- p buy to lots and To clear 7 WANTED FREE 6 gelding. and inau-anrand TEAM, for and during iaie nours: neignoors mare on BLACK friends and ntma.A alb full Modern vunsiiow: fireplace,trays. MAR u416. 31Ai. lJo-tto exceed 4o inches in wiutn. dek. not years old. wt. .ov. sound ana irue 10 at a mmbt' notice Any-f- e baa-mno experience necessary; work easy to laundry f mr. an.aka years high-clas- s; Write P. O. box o4t. giving price ana ue- tommuat-aigood pay; phone, or pta uatr;a a do and work. J'Mt. Dapple gray gelding. bu,.t-l4hr learn laig. plumbing. SMrulld ... gcription. jrar Hale Acrewga. for aU Iwal ar at rayed old. 'L 14.rf) lbs., goou. true worKers, call room 502 Carlton Hotel, 14th and wit a ua. ir-room, un ha rd-- u rf J red strvfts, Auto Tires and Accesaoriea. pan of matched geldings, . years oiu. Washington. Phone Broadway 3435. aa w lMa after a.l liapamautnc A fxai-'S" !Hi WANTED Typewriter, Remington No. 10; district, on.y ONE AND HALF ACRE WITH ; ur w t. aitJoU, free 01 oieiuianes. irue 10 worn. ta xjeuiiouu rim ally muuO. Jbta Urtoa ay wu $l ?. it run. condition immaterial. In plain home, two boys. $h irmt HOUSEKEEPER teams, matched Aim drart 1 N vaudi OUtitl ttte iiuuae todaj. ou il ctl IJimhj tulatinf K. Fenwick. on a Uiacad a m roa d PA HkH US REAL BARGAINS. age. parents employed; reierences USED TIRES. a. jfor used office fur school tram 144HI tu 17UO lbs., a lid a ftW a boine. take adtnLAg of If yota Close to car. ground all Cleared, g ibi I exchanged. Woodlawn 2642 after Phone paid treet-uAe- d we cheap. prices wilt sell cash BEST horsa that garage, fireplace, built In buff it. a tti.s 6:30, or , AL 821, Oregonian. niture. Desks, chairs, ines ior saie or renu ai Model staoies, oiu ana oavis. 7Jj r OF C. BLDta. W. KLf.i.-- S. bath, gas and electi iWty. $3 up Terms: a."o W TOIIAT. 80x3 & Ptg. Co.. IQi 2d st. Stat'y Pacific competent girl or young once, At WANTED now n. J. 1a. HAtUliA.N iii.-u- i 4 up fjrnt team. & and 9 years old. 3"x3ft CO.lli'A .N 1 , .No, 17 I'KK MuNTII. DOWN woman, general housework ana cooking, FLRaMTURjS 7 chamber of Commerce Bidg. 6 up 32x3 Vs 3daiu -- u, WE NEED SECOND-HANweighing about laioo1 im., eacn in gooa will buy a rnrxtern buri.iuw of 4 5552 afterreauy references. 2 nave CalEaat i. A up anv adults: 6 tne deacriotion: I f legs 81x4 and l''.o good aud condition, with ' I fet lit a good neiK't-lrniM- d and bat;i. lat la noon and evening. 7 up today. Main 4627, or 204 - First si. J2x4 life: will work any place. Take S. S. I a no cia- - t i.nd icrt .. Phone cariiue, large tiv bl. acres, right at station on Carver Rail- sr 7 up 33x4 Belmont, car-- . at good ex E. 34th and off at STENOGRAPHER, have rags. must I materials, a ruom and unilug dki new pan nnttn combined. bungalow, bottles. JUNK. with md; t 7 up 84x4 E. Alder st.. also a good farm I u w. 1 u( t it k i trhrn. 2 Imi rrwtma. cement perience; state ail particulars. clothing and furniture; gooa prices. try and porches; wt&il at back porch 8 up &b4 wagon, rpniplfl". Oregonian. good barn, wagun. hack and garden toots; 8054. wun laundo liaa, A np al the up 8 84x4 H bv pea !oU. )rii-- ' and tvrnia nut In wneat. acre in vetch aird oat a i'.ini 1 work team, weight -.- two ms., in gooa acre am po it ( CASH 8 up 35x4 H for furniture, musical iusLrumenLs ana GIRLS wanted; good wages and steady j.ut 1 acre In pasture, family orchard, giod I'tioiir 'a lnn-a- . ICroudaay lb-1- . narness shape; ioo can li soia at once:Russell-S9 Up sition. "Apply Troy iaunary 0., Jasi 8tix4k records. Main luwa. .u.u, cow. I s .iu, If wagon cheap irrn.A wanted. ureaonian. h(-Sup 9 and CI rv PARR and Pine sts. 87x4fe l."4.i. goods and FULL value paid for second-han- d and Storage Co., Russell -- ac, near I 10 up Transfer 36x5 house, fmtt and berries. Park J KtKiM.N M.KKPl.X'l PoKCll by wholesale house. LAD V stenographer, junk. Call Mam 4b-- .. " i a p 10 up mi a ve. 87x5 Rose; 1 block from highway, JtloO; 40 fir,rs to fvry room, t. fire-Itrdwxxl in Handwriting ana pnone numAddress ir and full cement Q. your D attl your s. Reingoid or big clincher rMm, per order at W watch repair htifret. small entrance tw ILL ntontn. $1 r.ian. buggy laoor light Oregonian. 2 922, iiu harness. sets SALE oH ber. F t n m throughout, d r'tupnt, men i. li m m. a:t tc. full ttuicDl ! Mimigmii. straight sire. jewelers, ii:- rum, neai good as new: one set wiih collar and tract t platted adjoining college w Hn ii,lou-C;- . Highest wages, long en XJIRLS NEW WAY TIRE COMPANY. ronvi nirnin, lot. .nic tr- -: all built-i- n Ivtrnai. names, the other with Belgian breaHt a good buy. John ..strap. umpuj at ilcMlnnviile; BICYCLE wanted, apot cash paid. Main CHORUS edtiaa-du- v. 620 Golden Gate Ave.. San Francisco. ...H Appiy wiwu gagements, no traveling. J. U HArtTMAN rltv twner. teavtnc g neit Co.. Inquire 4th Meat and Union near Ding. 128 Aiaer. 4495. First, e uain. A . Cuuim-rcBidg.. 7 w till 1 at a. 4th .1. 1 cnamlxr Theater. to tf soung. body ani Mr. delivery 109 Ask for for sts. Ford sale N. at NEW iiinan A -- hK S Lark, Remington automatic and WINCHESTER loiUv, ; roaaway For NUr 1-- arina. acrlfl-- . chambermaid, :iak camp waitresses, 4th st. Phone ho. TWO SALE, cheau I head of horses, weigh & pump shotguns wanted, nocnieiu, 00 ou. Tavidv-iwron- il Hanson's. 345 hi Wash- A I. BIN A IM STRICT BAHRAIN. $40: cook, $40. YOLK CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich pounds each; one team 01 norsrs ing l -- 5, T rooms, weil built houaa. lot Inpton. ..orth. T.ikr 1 1 roadway cafliu lands and busiuess opportunities of er OLD gold, silver and platinum bought at 218 weighing 2'tou pounds; one team of horses Hire. for Antomobilea v garden rn-a, t t a. and t st ks. You to IJ Oregonian oiug., to XtickttAl atrreL mii froaavei car larm lands. 2"0 pound p. 220 Russell st. WANTED Two children to care for in my oue bio.A both ptdes. city liens acre; irrigated lands, loo to ."0;Illi(o years scale a I own tfbme; prefer children, 4 to 6 years showeasas, gister, WANT cash I 1100 each, with harness I AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRBS w hium at ooca. all paid. u&rr to pay; loan in improvements. 01 TWO teams, weight 128 4495, First. ot age; reasonable price. Tabor go.. wagon; Newman, Main $12o them. takes ". A. U arrlnrr nd car farm with driver. renuy-niad- e Loans of livestock. farm a. CO F.ITTKR. LoWR will fiel separate ; 10 day a' trial given. I LONG A tilLVA, YOUNG, neat girl for reception room, also cents an sere; no Taxes average under 4f.j Flanders, corner 7 Board of Trade bidg. 5MI 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 6840. taxes on improvemrntA peisonai pruprrty girl for phone; no experience- neueaaa.y. HELP WANTED MALE. tjood markets, . or livestock. chuiches. FOR SALE Six head neavy work horses. Call today. 508 Plttock bik. or f T . beatitiful A PAKC.AIN heavy hand-mad- e -Lxcelient cn- achouiA roads, telephones. men's for mcey van SHOEMAKERS name&s, WITHOUT or a and HIRE FOR witnout fucmsheu r;e'y AUTOS rortiana with NEW house. iri in need of a friend apply to the vY crops mmm mm mmm mm Su and goou pay Drove livestock iL I xnate a snoes; 392 Kearney rangt-aim G-Home, 15th loggers' Co.. N. and miners mia SMITH, 121 NORTH and East Storage mod tnro.:houl. wosd and raa DRIVER fcEE 1 Salvation Army Rescue 1 n I Write cial hoiukers fare certificates. Shoe Mfg. Co., steady work. Currin-Green- e at HrluU, era m vry w jr. I aimU-i- i loic!l f u. THIHn ST 15th st. N.. or pnone naet 1 for ire? book. eta. 1 ameron. ocneru DEAD HORSES and animals hauled'wawsybearing fru.l oca AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. cment C dc L lane ImtrA oodixenaering 11 bupenntendant v.aii Laud 1'ortiana Experienced free. Canadian to Branch. waitress work WANTED u .ot; l STS. v.rea. GLISAN balance AND THIRD Caiu. 6'i!'"J experienced anuy .. 4U3 --Niuih avav, Calgary, Al sogers WANTED At once, first-clalawn 1:0. Pacific Don t pnone, ' nC" car. lil 7 J lb si North. to l:3u. CO. uima. knee holterman to work on AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. berta. Store, Broadway and Yamhill' st. b ochs aunjt h Sand. T a e FOUR head good farm work horses, 1000 to I A art lie Cooperage tlT-3Mill asavaia Apply Western Garage. City machine. New cars, reasonable rates. lady, business get coir, iuu. H'HJ. $10 earn; auu loo PER MONTH. WANTED ttaralMA IIA A l office. Phone coiumoia -. 86 loth at. Broadway twi. llKIt.HTS Superior. alinot PvltTlAM Aicer mi. no money flOU. CSU LlOHT OlTlXMK ORCHARD WORK. ter big growing neia, on ou-o- u; new rloee In. wonderful -- year Night man and janitor, one who ,u acres, 6, highway, depots, funerals, planted Oregonian. WANTED 83S, lu to cleared SAXON NEW AO required. bought. us horses old and stock .Call floors, DEAD wnlteg Matlun and viea; hardwMd worn goes. steaay cleaning; lncludiug good SpUieii burgs, fc.aat aud calling. 'shopping, Newtown reasonable. understands old ana oast caan results. Atiifor service Crystal WANTED Housekeeper for bachelor; must enamel .aitd mahogany .tirvuanout, sleep-lavU acres In oats; deal carries contrails to wsukie. 6l-- J. port-bplenty f Ireplat e. J bat nr-AUTOS without driver for hire. Fashion be clean and neat, goou noma ana modLa u nd ry Co. care for other tracts which pay floo pet Cautaei-i- . large 4 roan dak f ine I HKOoKU Garage, loth and Yamhill. Mar, zivi, a li'do. os wagons and horses for erate wages AF. 855, Oregonian. DELIVERY aOou price month; tain. a outside Dnppp inside and wnfnH for t Umiigumiry Drie. cor. Kim att. Mar. V K. STEARNS, ill o (oiiiiisjiua. st. ortu. cheap. b3 ttn k. fHiirLMil. calling. touring, hire, Dodge - tsi. for a.oo. Meves' Reatau- work; good wages, permanent empiuybAranic shall 4.V.'.'. A 3"i- - Call morning. rrrj Wilcox Bidg. ' shopping, highway. Broadway gpi. rajit. .iix waan ment. For information apply ouj OR SALE One team horses, weight 0o0 Main 3KT. evenings Mar. 8770. lots, cheap. muurrn house sod Room su aw o inquire b"llbs. inclosed car, day first HUDSON super-siPRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years 7- - room ti,wdm houe and 2 lot a soint BENTON COUNTY. ORKoON, OFFERS I IA S U. OH rOMBtT H L IK.-- , night. Geo. Turney. Main quo, a hps. old; 15 years' exp. ! Averett. war. ;ioj. watchmaker and en- WANTED First-clas- s DEAD stock takn quickly: we pay the moet trade: both in Mil auki. ur. opportunity for the DAIRYt TaDori.'trj. bearing fruit room. naotri., cnppiea stock. dead and for CA.MP. hotel. re8taurant. family help, Howe'. AM AN. MAN, t rOC re- -' tba the Motorcycles- rLne psu tr house. l7Sxlo,. and trriea. jcw.uv.. Agency, room .o. xivn wasn. at. j and. beat of all. to the GENu Ker--City car. terniA il4tiin. Org ana and Musical Instruments. iTfun rtanoo. 1 SINGLE Indian motorcycle. Al condition. US YOU WHAT TkLL PAKMEK. ERAL . iio-KtCgiri in family of 3. Phone Mari;k ai. chm. ol Crm. $40. Call v oodiawn jWdJ. WANT. a WANTED An auto mechanic who can take SECOND Ann 7.50 CASH, $7.50 next pay day. then $7 u 1 liAihl e rr of a small shoo: must understand n Rose fine ii..m--- a for K1NN KT A TRACT, the Real Estate Men. buys $4'J5, ltfii model upright monthly MaacbUiery. goou runman . neiiau City. Ir ngton. I rv ins Ignition ana caroureiion; GOOD waitress wanteo. Para tad ail at CORVALL1S. OR., the home town of during Green berg Music pianos at W 785, Oregonian. Mogul farm and terms, 1 ranrant. 149 2d St. references. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. pjrts of lie ct;y; C'arasa Mwiidsy Co. s Kansas liquidation sale in progress FARMERS. ATTENTION Ronr.RTii at Ma. 1UJ and Tu'inionry. good as new, so 10, complete; must WANTED Good ragtime piano piayer, good WAITED J tractor, Sen wan Piano Co.. ill fourth sc Lst nurse at Ore- Jgraduate easy ST-- a Cook at terms, near O. and Aaga 3 ACRES. -' oay. after 1 a n.e 4ul 5ith N. US sell quick. Address iim wasnington su. opportunity before raise to prices. Tour salary. Fairmont iavern. rnuue u.uin- go n Cre-kgood soli, half In cultivation, ail r 10 Vo: li, 3 olocks soutu. Hlllsboro. Or. renta or grandparents paid sooo to house, good barn, 51. pinwable. new m bia work. second Kicnisoo. for Phone Maid WANTED $.000 for sucn quality pianos during and FOR SALE Reynolds-Corlis- s engine. 20x4A f. owing springs; a positive bargain, liart fluick shoemaker wanted at once: Main 6313. HOShT riTV PKK. after our civu war. Cb, of Com. Phone Mar. 91 Land in good ConaiUUii. cauutuuij, M.w.a year Shoe Jim, round. the work ateadv 3 modern bi ncalows. porter. 4 hours' work. 1 WANTED Kitchen WEHER pianola piano; beautiful dull-finii ISt St. Reynolds-Corlis- s Doctor, Eugene. Or. Al. Campbell Hotel. MourcAoac LrOA.s Jl ST liKI) CO.aPl.ET mahogany case; in perfect condition and Washington engine, 20x42. YOUNG man. 17 to 20, office work; oppor SALE in Southwestern ? houses on Jd 1 north of PnOdy; 5ooi ACRES Settlers 40 roita of good music: will sell for $io: FOR young lady; little work. upon easy i only, . . ..' for . co.. airoajiKs, GOOD lirias1 to home r for condition, good saie. In ,tnmmsnt aiorse a afrnloiala al)d' 1 in b.vd. Bui en Jar and ...d hm Insurance-Suret- y also consider time saiA 149 6th SL Tele- and low prices. 5 per acre and up. Writs Phone B li9o. 15 1st st. 1'hoae Sod vaner. t.ulhrie LvodwooA. state all particulars. AR 554, Oregonian. phone Main 31 On. for showing location, term a etc. Broadway Alt Tw3. A S73 waitress wJnted. 143 Park VA K Y E ft HA El'S launches and Boats. TIMHKR CoMPANl', EXPERIENCED man for country place; one; EXPERIENCED style, most upright tit piano, late the MILTON t reet. st ; w chickens and oulit. large, modern bunga.ow. Tacoma B.Ug.. Tacoma. Waah. .who understands gardening, 8 In., ready for en expensive a reign; practical y new; boat, 26x4 NEW c' oae in. Aaat dip su rornr cow. u.ovejoy ikcrptiona.ij tot. Appiy milking cook for email restau- Woman WANTED 149 6th st. Qgi-Teieterms. a consider 4991. ill RI-4-L $70.oo); Island Tabor ranch, Sauviee ACHES. 010 gine. i I npmrtmn'.i a ETATK. . : 2'i0 paid a . si r"t f; first-clafsortn th au M n In 31 06. man, n new raiL 63 only 18 miles from city. A great dairying TAILOR wanted,' steady owner auihoruei rut va.ue M iatsrilaiieou a aw saila sta. job, good wages. WANTED Maid for general house cleaning; All or half; no as on BL iS $12.50 Wonder with six records; or cat Lie proposition. and old work; .'mn. cast;, for guicK aa m with of 3H4 3d st. lu Chamber of CommercA Tei. wagea. Apply rtamier notei. trades. SALE or rent,, logging and holstfnr LOT Twra a karrtea tnta good FOR 10 rec a an. - aay Vlctrola cabinet Hart lsnd Co . P10 $45 a with VAcaT deatga JkAT bus Marshall 15H5. engine A all kinus macainery, rans, cars uu-CV irmf p of Commrr. Mtrh.l IjV laxrtxwa. aad baada aajFtklng ords Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. wanted to work on river steamboats: WANTED Girl to stay nights in return for yeara Ka way equipment, v o.. ..o guia n. fwrat- iaa aoati if aaairaa . atgot lands. 20. 40. 80 or au OAK Western Cottago organ, $30. t $50 a month and board. Apply Washing room, r'hone g?eiiwooa ltr.. H California a: fa. fa terms, LAURELHURSr. k. li. Maitey ia,Baj-.-cvaixavart-W- s la fartiAaraV Apply su eav dock. sale. Al for J. tracts. Pattlsoa ton cordwood !!st OAK Ilefora bu)ng e obtain our Kimball piano, rosewood, $1 15. im ars:aiia.ta Ntrtawtera excursions, see us for reduced rates. Calaaorgiui diuk. joam oui MAN to care for partly paralyzed man, good MANICURIST. Chamber of Commerce bar S. GILBERT. CO.. -Lumber 3t4 St. Yamhill esQuie't honi'i for sale on easy terms ef HAKoLD ber shop. ' 1 ifornia ColoniaaiibD Co.. loU3 Spalding A 3216. In LU(.:'irt. in and . slow piac of l'ort-Uaiav70 fnl.i j. HAH1AX home ana srueui wages, country. 11 $S5 CASH secures a $325 mahogany, modern at A IC . corner. LAUKKLhCfor CO, 70Sa Stavxk Inquire 102 Sixth st.. WAITRESS wanted. Iri (rm RENT, complete course in land boulevard. Kenton car.. FOR SALE OR cneap. upngnt piano now cioaea out ey A M. ! P. M--; A.tart ai P. st. Min ITvu. A ES. Stark. near w. UK E N. V H U IT. OA KDENper RANCHeasy .w tt saleamananip, co., storage su. r niuyro, ourtn clothing st. at in wash and assist office iw MAN to sell acre; 10 $73 $2'K Near Portland. W Or. I own. thrpine. beautiful md I UNGA U work-state age, references ana salary ex most reasonable terms la DomestJca. - Ctty farms for safe, all sixa KENT a piano, squares terms: best, soil; Yeon room, r.aai Rere but g at a a. a ani rented, ex Prk. Qwa-- r. uected. B 241. Oregonian. or thump doxsa VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, bidg.. Portland. Portland, no McFarrand. 6:i cook and second maid. ont norm,-- one srsuth. ona Hawthorne Ill L. tat .yoa. fjentiey co. 31a in goaj CITY salesmas? specialty or otherwise, fori EXPERIENCED bougnc changed, S. SL Id 3M GLDert. H aro Yamhill easy very ll n term and eiKtriet: will Call Main 9023. la and containing t6 acre a on Puge : ae ye. in ia cial v'l.c unj- Co. rotary mim lellaaii'a. 1 va. ua. Call evenings, ANSound, low the r'onianu. FOR SALE An A. B. Dick;oucharming surroundings. Particulars $245 CASH Closes out $50, ma' " LADY lor general housework; no Bashing. gonlan. o. it. aiain a eograph Mtn hogany player piano, bench and mualc At from Wm. Beyer. Hrron P. P.. Wash. m. .tit ji. o car, Security storage co.. ivv r ourtn at- - . wanted at once. Apply Won I. an t . itaj k. ata. Kts AJmi4 A 808, BUSHEL-MAatrlrt.y mod-er- a 2d ACRES for saie. 14 cleared. wt:h l.lri.VC wi.i pav FOR SALE Addressing machine. ian snop. su, cor. a Alder. on WANTED Japanese couple to leave city; Clothes der Oregonjan. Tate UV e apartment-slxro.Ti piano; a;nrk: lunaIow.a leaving perfectly ne for strT. health, i MCE lttle ;ar. 1 ramliy. r runn-Vsmall 14 fnona t u;l west M not I.T AV i!4u. Oregonian. kwt- fir p.ain darK case; sio. termA 14V otn su SEVERAL good scond-han- d fin safes at the MAN and wife to take "charge of (..tiita, s and a ioddarU a U iedrick. M trade. rf araga. al girl for. general oregonian. ,.4;. Tephone Main S10S3. 9 WANTED Experienced farm. No. y rront su proaoway right pnee. stock ranrh n Lane 1ST SELL a.acte at w no laundry. nr. ou se h ork. Oiegon. $16 per acre. H. E. PIANOS TUNED. $3. A PAIR of maple bowling alleys complete. BOY for errands and make himself useful Al.lli.ltTA 1STRICT. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. a -Slattery. Eugene, Or. and small Apply 14 tjront. 0; dan t in wholesale store. GOOD girl for general housework, cheap, can :u r.. aiam. xaoor u'Sat. S Foor-wi- u utingaiow . ail modem. ou t 4 tw h r UOira Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. th u.iay. u BaT. family, good wages, atam w.t. MO bellboy . DaIn wheat porter; fine 4 North iand and Combination ACRES fixtures, WANTED lot. boxeA furniture, fr..u SHOWCASE, office a..,.i. or 7A tKw.a lovely housework,. general good Improved sale; girl tone for farm In PIANO for end In day work. Appiy nainier otei. AN experienced kota to trade for month. toma 9100 is aorc etc. F. P. Keenan t o., iw tn st. prup-rti- r Vatley. A. E. Stewart. Siiverton. Or condition; very cheap. $1,5. Call at 330 or yeung girt to assisu- r.. ivaJN. a 1UT'.. work,, light work. i a BaBV buggy and high chair for saie cheap. MAN and wife for janitor a Taylor st. "V Mar- J' lih. girl for general oiifw ork. 'lng!oW. 2 nice lota FOR KALE --AO acres what land cheap, in ana gweuanq bidg . EXPERIENCED Meyers, NEW Apply air. Telephone Marshall Miw Ph 4... na "rr. famUy. 436 E. 17th N. E. ft273. Trr FULL CASH VALUE PAID on Central Oregon: will take part trade or - ' r r smll si BICYCLE FOR SALE, NEWMAN, WANTED Steady boy, if deliver on wheel. 4 1. i. Box 571. Tillamook, or. t.rg p.toa fattxir For Records. Phonographs. M usual Instru FINS FIHST, give terms b.ltf 2606 East 43d, wanted. 2H, om. HOUSEKEEPER is. iNEArt Call '8 trs-ments. .Nrwman. Main 44.. IliS Flrsu r's1 ar b . car. ru firm ACRFS lex e farm, house, barn. etc. : HI'MTrirLL hot water; rea- - GOOD sheet metal worker wanted. Gunter I near Clinton. Take Broadway 510. PAY CASH for used pianos. NO.-- K lltoo par aer-- : nar electric Harold & 1 QUEEN incubator, 125-egaell vol I or HTT P RK houe. waaiaa A cook. WANTED ge4 ) amill St, King Co. , . sonabiA tail woouiawo aiwa 4a. a 3672. McPArland. 60S Yeoo blug. Lir;j. O vrcganlan. tee aa first. Tabor boeae vbaap


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