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IN MEMORIAM We mourn the loss of these FPB School of Nursing alumni and friends and extend heartfelt condolences to their loved ones. Lucille Katherine Geib, DN ’35, died on July 6, 2008. She was born in Akron, Ohio, and raised in Canton, Ohio. She joined the Army Nurse Corps in 1942, traveling to Australia, New Guinea and the Philippines. In 1946, she was discharged from the Army with the rank of captain, and she moved to Austin, Texas, in 1949. While working at Brackenridge Hospital, she met Dr. Lang Holland and became his assistant, a position she held for 35 years. Charlotte (Arganbright) McArthur, MN ’40, died on February 22, 2008. Anna Ruth (Worthington) Culler, CPHN ’42, died on February 26, 2008, at St. Joseph Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. She was a nurse at the Fayette County Board of Health in Fayetteville, West Virginia. During World War II, she served as a nurse in the U.S. Army, attaining the rank of 1st lieutenant. Ida (Gantner) Fischer, MN ’42, died on April 10, 2008.
Jacqueline (Edwards) Hickok, MN ’48, died in February, 2008. Juanita E. Mathews, DN ’48, died on December 29, 2007. Patricia C. (Skemp) Randol, MN ’48, died on March 26, 2008. Elizabeth A. Bymers Regan, BSN ’49, died on April 26, 2008. She served as professor and associate dean for The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Nursing for 23 years. She also served as president of the Wisconsin Nurses Association and on numerous governmental task forces. She established The Elizabeth A. Regan Scholarship Endowment at UW-Oshkosh to ensure that students in need of funding can pursue a career in nursing. Kathryn (James) Darby, DN ’50, died on March 26, 2008, in New Concord, Ohio.
Susan Marguerite (Powers) Rowell, MN ’42, died on May 20, 2008.
Cecile E. Heidler, BSN ’51, died in August 2008 at the age of 98. She was the former head of the Visiting Nurses Association in Cleveland.
Carolyn (Weir) Walker, MN ’43, died on April 26, 2008, at the age of 90.
Jane (Wattleworth) Arnold, BSN ’56, died on March 13, 2008.
Clara (Gross) Wait, MN ’44, died on February 14, 2008, in Hillsboro, Ohio.
V. Jacelyn (Brown) Dininny, BSN ’56, died on April 13, 2008, in Albion, Michigan.
Ruth E. (Tribby) Ginter, DN ’48, died on June 25, 2008, after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease. She was an accomplished and award-winning equestrian, competing in regional and national tournaments on her horse, Prince Leo Lauro.
Beverly (Durr) Summers, BSN ’58, died on April 5, 2008, after a long battle with cancer. She worked as an RN in the psychiatric unit at University Hospitals Health System Laurelwood Hospital & Counseling Centers. She was also a nursing instructor at Lakeland Community College. Upon retirement,
“Grandma Summers” (as she came to be known by hundreds of children) volunteered as a first grade reading tutor. Margaret (Brooks) Seeno, MSN ’76, died on April 5, 2008. After earning a PhD in psychiatric nursing from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, she worked in several Clevelandarea hospitals, including the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Brecksville, Ohio. She was also a professor at the University of Akron School of Nursing. Cheryl P. (Diab) McCahon, MSN ’80, died on August 3, 2008, after a lengthy battle with cancer. She was a nurse and educator for more than 45 years, specializing in gerontological nursing. Having recently retired as interim chair of the Cleveland State University School of Nursing, she was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2008 NEONI Legacy of Nursing Gala. She was selected by her peers for her dedication to advancing nursing education and research and to raising awareness about faculty shortages. Rhae Jean (Andrews) Daly, mother of FPB Associate Professor Barbara Daly, MSN ’72 , died on July 2, 2008, at the age of 86. Friends of FPB John Deaver Drinko, longtime CWRU benefactor, died on January 30, 2008, at the age of 86. Coming from a humble background, he understood the importance of hard work and education. As a child during the Great Depression, he was a door-to-door salesman and supplemented his education by self-
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I n Me m o r i a m : C a r o l y n Te r ese ( fa i r h u r s t ) N i e m a n , M S N ‘ 0 4 , A P RN - B C , C F RN Carolyn Terese (Fairhurst) Nieman, MSN ’04, APRN-BC, CFRN, beloved wife and mother of two, died on May 2, 2008, at the age of 42. Mrs. Nieman was an acute care nurse practitioner, flight nurse specialist, FPB lecturer, and director of the Flight Nursing Summer Camp. For 10 years, she worked as a staff nurse in neonatal, pediatric and emergency care at various institutions including Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital and Cleveland Clinic. Additionally, Mrs. Nieman managed the mobile ICU system that served Greater Cleveland and was responsible for its reputation for competent clinical care. Then in 1993, Mrs. Nieman began working as an advanced practice nurse for the Cleveland Clinic’s Critical Care Transport. In 1998, she dedicated herself as a flight nurse specialist to MetroLife Flight. Mrs. Nieman’s passion for critical care nursing was a driving force behind the establishment of the National Flight Nurse Academy at FPB in 2002. While attending FPB for her master’s degree, Mrs. Nieman played an essential role in the development of this academy, which partners with Cleveland Clinic’s Critical Care Transport and MetroLife Flight. Describing the program in 2007, Mrs. Nieman said, “The focus of this intense training is to bring critical care from the bedside to the roadside. It is absolutely imperative that nurses be able to provide care in unstructured environments in response to any and all emergencies and natural or technological disasters. In a sense, what we’re doing is preparing emergency response teams and the public for the realities of life in the 21st century.”
In 2005, Mrs. Nieman was honored with The Barbara A. Hess Award from the Association of Air Medical Services. The award recognizes individuals who make significant contributions to the enhancement, development and promotion of emergency medicine through research and education. Mrs. Nieman’s papers, “Out of Hospital Intubation of Pediatric Patients” and “Intubated Pediatric Patients Requiring Air Transport,” were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Air Medicine Journal, respectively. Above everything else, Mrs. Nieman was a passionate and dedicated nurse. Dean May Wykle remembers that Mrs. Nieman was grateful for the opportunity to be a nurse, and she was always striving to improve herself and to help others around her. FPB colleague John Clochesy, PhD ’93, RN, FAAN, FCCM, Independence Foundation Professor of Nursing Education, director of Student Services and the Learning Resource Center, honored her memory by saying, “Carolyn was proud to be an alumna of FPB and was very involved in the education of future alums.” He added that “Carolyn was a tremendous clinician who cared about the students. She would see what needed to be done, organize it, and make it happen.” For example, Mrs. Nieman was part of a team that devised a way to improve on the Broselow Tape method, which is traditionally used in emergency medical situations involving children requiring resuscitation. Friends and loved ones have said that they are better individuals for having known her, and they will remember her for sense of humor, laughter, joy of life and caring nature. “Carolyn is a tremendous person and cannot be replaced,” said Chris Manacci, MSN ’03, ACNP, CFRN, director of the Flight Nursing subspecialty program at FPB and an acute care nurse practitioner in the Emergency Services and Critical Care Department at Cleveland Clinic. “I as well of the rest of the nursing world will miss her deeply.” She will never be forgotten, especially by the patients whose lives she touched, and her friends and family who loved her dearly. This is the legacy she leaves: devotion to family and service to others. Mrs. Nieman is survived by her husband, Kevin, her son and daughter, Kyle and Courtney, her mother, Barbara, and her sisters and brothers-in-law, Christina and Scott and Jeaninne and Brian.
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teaching at home. He went on to attend Marshall University and The Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law. As a lawyer, he helped the Cleveland law firm Baker Hostetler become one of the largest in the nation. Throughout his lifetime, he donated millions of dollars to various institutions, particularly institutions of higher education. He endowed fifteen faculty chairs, including several at the Case Western Reserve University School of Law and FPB. Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, long-time friend of the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing and a strong supporter of nurses, died on August 20, 2008. She was the first female and first African American to serve as prosecutor in Cuyahoga County, the first African American woman to serve as a judge for the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas, and the first African American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Ohio. She was a graduate of both the Flora Stone Mather College and the Case Western Reserve University School of Law.
Elizabeth Ann Goodwin, BSN ’62, died on February 15, 2008, at the age of 68. Betty, as she was fondly known by many, was destined to be a nurse. Growing up, she enjoyed taking care of children, family pets and even stray animals, and she worked as a candy striper and a babysitter. She attended Flora Stone Mather College before obtaining her BSN from FPB. After graduation, she pursued her interest in pediatrics, working at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. After a few years, she received an esteemed fellowship for work on birth defects at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Three years later, Miss Goodwin moved back to Cleveland to work for the local school system, then for MetroHealth Hospital, before returning to Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital. Even after she was diagnosed with lupus, Miss Goodwin continued her passion of caring for others. In 1980, she received news that her father was ill, and she decided to give up hospital nursing and return home to Columbus, Ohio, to become his caretaker. In addition to caring for her father, Miss Goodwin gave back to her childhood community through volunteer work at the Columbus Zoo, volunteer tutoring for disadvantaged children, and as a member of the Columbus Lupus hotline. Miss Goodwin always believed that education was essential, especially in her field. She established The Elizabeth A. Goodwin Endowment Fund at FPB to assist families who cannot afford the costs of higher education. Miss Goodwin was a very giving individual, and she said of her endowment fund: “As a scholarship recipient myself, it enables me to give back.” Miss Goodwin will be remembered through this permanent fund and as a talented nurse who embodied the spirit of the profession.
Rachel Louise McDonald, sister of FPB assistant professor Patricia McDonald, PhD ’95, died July 6, 2008, at the age of 58. She was a special education teacher in the Zanesville City Schools for 13 years before her medical retirement. She served as secretary for the Ohio District Council Young People’s Union. Mary Elizabeth (McGee) Pestak, mother of FPB Clinical Instructor Laurine Gajkowski, ND ’82, died on May 24, 2008. A lifelong resident of the Greater Cleveland area, she died at the age of 90, after a long and beautiful life. This memorial section lists deceased alumni and friends of the Francis Payne Bolton School of Nursing for whom we received death notices between February 1 and August 31, 2008. The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing Case Western Reserve University 39
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