HP Designjet T2500 eMFP

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HP Designjet T2500 eMFP “How to Demo” Guide

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 The Demos .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Equipment .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Demo Samples ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Preparing for a demo ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Configuration checklist .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Demo 1 – Designjet T2500 eMFP Overview ........................................................................................................... 9 Demo 2 – Media Handling ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Demo 3 – Roll Protection ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Demo 4 – Paper mismatch options ...................................................................................................................... 13 Demo 5 – Replacing an Ink Cartridge ................................................................................................................... 14 Demo 6 – Replacing a Printhead .......................................................................................................................... 14 Demo 7 – Printing using Economode with the eMFP driver ................................................................................. 16 Demo 8 – Printing from a USB Flash drive ........................................................................................................... 19 Demo 9 – Walkup Copying .................................................................................................................................... 20 Demo 10 – Scan to File ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Demo 11 – Embedded Web Server ....................................................................................................................... 28 Demo 12 – Print from HP Designjet ePrint & Share using the eMFP touch screen .............................................. 34 Demo 13 – Printing from HP Designjet ePrint & Share website .......................................................................... 37 Demo 14 – Print by email ..................................................................................................................................... 38 Demo 15 – Demonstrate Accessories .................................................................................................................. 39

Introduction A demo is a key part of the sales process for any large format eMFP. A good demo incorporates key functionalities and features, key selling points, reasons to upgrade and competitive strengths, all tailored to the specific customer’s business needs. This guide provides full details of how to demo the HP Designjet T2500 eMFP - the equipment you need, what to do and what to say. This guide is split into several separate demos, each covering a specific topic. You can run the demos as documented, or adapt to suit your needs. The demos use printable files available with this demo guide. For a full and complete demo of the eMFP you should combine this demo guide with the following technical white paper How to explain HP Designjet ePrint & Share which gives information for the setup and use of HP Designjet ePrint & Share While specifications are subject to change, reasonable effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this document on the date it was prepared. This document is intended for HP and HP Reseller Internal Use Only.

The Demos 1 – Designjet T2500 eMFP Overview 2 – Media handling 3 – Roll Protection 4 – Paper mismatch options 5 – Replacing an Ink Cartridge 6 – Replacing a Printhead 7 – Printing using Economode with the eMFP printer driver 8 – Printing from a USB Flash Drive 9 – Walkup Copying 10 – Scan to File 11 – Embedded Web Server 12 – Printing from HP Designjet ePrint & Share using the eMFP touch screen 13 – Printing from HP Designjet ePrint & Share website 14 – Printing through email 15 – Demonstrate Accessories

Equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

HP Designjet T2500 PostScript eMFP Demo files from the USB flash drive or your own sample files TIFF, JPEG, HP-GL/2, RTL, PDF or PostScript. 3 inch Core Adapter Accessory 36 inch Roll Feed Spindle Accessory 1 x PC or Laptop computer 2 network connections. You can either use DHCP if available, or set up your own private network with static IP addresses one for the eMFP and one for the computer. 7. Internet connection 8. HP/GL-2 eMFP drivers installed on the computer 9. 1 x 36” roll of Plain paper 1 x 36” roll of Glossy paper 10. An HP Designjet ePrint & Share account with files available to print you can create an account on www.hp.com/go/eprintandshare

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Demo Samples The demo USB Stick contains printable samples which can be used for the demos. All these samples should be printed on HP Super Heavyweight Coated Paper to ensure long life. The files can be printed through the EWS without having to install a driver. The following table shows the recommended media and settings for optimal results for each sample. You should refer to this as well as the specific instructions in each demo. Sample AEC_Plan_01.pdf


Recommended media and copy settings  Recommended media: HP Bright White Inkjet Paper or HP Coated Paper  Content type: Lines  Original paper type: White paper  Scan quality: Fast  Scan quality: Standard 200dpi

    

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Recommended media: HP Heavyweight Coated Paper, or HP Super Heavyweight Coated Paper Content type: Mixed Original paper type: White paper Scan quality: Normal Scan quality: High (300dpi)

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    

Recommended media: HP Heavyweight Coated Paper, or HP Super Heavyweight Coated Paper Content type: Mixed Original paper type: White paper Print quality: Normal Scan quality: High (300dpi)

Preparing for a demo Adequate preparation is one of the most critical steps you can take for a successful product demonstration. Plan ahead to ensure that the eMFP is installed properly and ready for printing. If you are expected to print your customer’s file or print on their media, make sure you get these ahead of time to test thoroughly. Use the following points as a checklist to prepare for your demo.  Ensure the eMFP and software have been installed and set up by trained personnel according to the setup instructions.  Make sure there is adequate room around the eMFP to demonstrate its features  Acquire or pre-print samples on a wide variety of media types to demonstrate the eMFP versatility. The more the better.  Make sure you have enough ink installed in the eMFP.  Make sure you have the media you intend to print on. It is recommended to use full-width media for maximum impact.  If you will be printing on media supplied by the customer, acquire this ahead of time and test files on the target media.  If you will be printing a customer’s file, get this ahead of time and test the file on the target media.  Ensure you have datasheets and any other supporting documentation you wish to present.  Clean up the immediate area to give a nice presentation to your customers.

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Configuration checklist Please refer to the setup guide and user guide for full instructions on installing and using the eMFP series. Use the following list to check that everything is configured correctly if you did not install the product yourself prior to the demo. T2500 eMFP Network folders setup on the separate PC: 1. Create a user account on the computer called Demo with the password HP. 2. Create a folder on the computer that the scanner can access through the network called My Scans. 3. Change the sharing options of the folder so that it is shared with the user called Demo, and assign full control of the folder to that user. 4. Note the following details from the computer. a.

Server name the network name of the computer __________________________


Folder name My Scans


User name Demo


User password HP


Domain name the domain in which the user name exists. If the Demo user does not belong to any domain, leave this field empty ___________________________________________

T2500 eMFP Network folders setup using the printer EWS: 1. 2.

Open the printers Embedded Web Server from your PC using the printers IP address Select the Setup tab and then Scan to network and add folder details, now enter the information from 4a to 4e above and select Apply.


You should now see the following screen with your network folders created.

1. Now in the Setup tab select the Internet connection option and tick the box Enable access to internet and if you use a Web Proxy to access the internet tick this box also and enter the address of your Proxy Server and click Apply.

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2. Now select the HP ePrint connection option and check that the eMFP is configured for ePrint connectivity by selecting Enabled. If not already set up use the eMFP touch screen to enable, go to Connectivity > HP ePrint Center connectivity menu and Enable.

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T2500 eMFP Other EWS settings: 

Add some print jobs to the print queue

Add some print jobs to the stored jobs queue

Add some costs to the accounting page

Enable the ePrint center connectivity and note the printer code

HP Designjet ePrint & Share account 

Add the printer to your HP Designjet ePrint & Share account

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Using the eMFP touch screen select the following options 1.


> Setup > Printing preferences > Print quality > Economode = On


> changes



> Setup > Printing preferences > Paper options > Roll protection = Protect Roll 2



> Setup > Job management options > Paper mismatch action = Put job on hold



> Setup > Job management options > Queue = On

> Setup > Printing preferences > Paper options > Roll switching options = Minimize roll

Using HP Designjet ePrint & Share Add some files to your online print history from the Architectural project ready to print from the eMFP touch screen. Add the Designjet eMFP to your account as a remote eMFP for printing from Designjet ePrint & Share. Using the output stacking tray Add some prints to the output stacking tray for showing later Computer 

Microsoft® Windows XP with Service Pack 3 o

Intel Pentium family or AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family (1 GHz)




2 GB available hard disk space

Microsoft® Windows Vista/7 o

32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor (1 GHz)




2 GB available hard disk space

Operating system o

Microsoft® Windows XP (32-bit) with Service Pack 3


Microsoft® Windows Vista (32- or 64-bit) with Service Pack 2


Microsoft® Windows 7 (32- or 64-bit) with latest Windows updates


Microsoft® .NET Framework

Browser o

Microsoft® Internet Explorer 8, 9, or 10


Google Chrome 5.x or later


Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or later


Safari 5.x or later

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Demo 1 – Designjet T2500 eMFP Overview In this demo you should discuss the T2500 eMFP value propositions and the key selling points to show these value propositions. In subsequent demos within this document we will show these key selling points. What to say Notes 1.

VP1: Innovative user experience


VP2: Print, scan and copy with a single device


VP3: Print from virtually anywhere

KSP1: Eliminate the output clutter get flat, collated prints thanks to the integrated output stacking tray. KSP2: Gain full control monitor media rolls, view eMFP status on the touchscreen, and track jobs during printing. KSP3: Load two paper rolls effortlessly even when seated with front loading and automatic roll alignment. KSP4: Save space with a compact, integrated 36-inch multifunction eMFP that prints, scans and copies. KSP1: Speed up your workflow, easily scan and email sketches and handannotated drawings directly to your partners. KSP2: Instantly share and manage content, scan to your network folder, FTP, USB drive or directly to the cloud. KSP3: Help cut downtime, print multiple jobs on a variety of media types and sizes with two rolls and smart switching. KSP4: Create A1/D-size prints in 21 seconds, Original HP inks deliver dark blacks and true neutral grays. KSP1: Use your Apple® or Android™ smartphone or tablet to print from virtually anywhere. KSP2: Access and print projects from the cloud when you're out of the office, using HP Designjet ePrint & Share. KSP3: Automatically save copies of your work to the cloud when you print and scan with HP Designjet ePrint & Share. KSP4: Print and scan without drivers using a USB stick and directly email projects to your T2500 eMFP

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Show the customer the output stacker, front loading rolls and touchscreen

Show the customer the integrated scanner

Show the customer the USB port for printing and scanning

Demo 2 – Media Handling




To enable the Printing paper info option to track the amount of media left

This feature enables you to track how much media is left on your roll and to automate media loading.

on your roll, from the main menu of the touch screen select the icon and then the icon > Setup > Printing preferences > Paper options > Printing paper info > On. The eMFP will now track media usage for you. 2.

Load your media onto the spindle(s) as follows a. Place the media on a flat surface in front of you with the paper coming over the top of the roll b. Feed the end of the spindle through the media roll from the right until fully inserted into the roll c. Place the media on the ground with the open spindle end uppermost d. Place the blue end cap onto the spindle and firmly push down until on top of the media e. Move the latch into the locked position

3. a. b. c.

Load one 36” roll of HP Plain paper on roll 1 and one 36” roll of HP Glossy paper on roll 2

Hold the spindle by its ends and not in the middle, to avoid touching the paper and perhaps leaving marks on it.

From the touch screen, press , then Roll 1 or Roll 2 icon select Load Open the roll cover when asked by the touch screen Load the spindle into the eMFP, with the blue hub on the right.

If the Printing paper info option is enabled, the touch screen will ask you to specify the length of the roll. Load both media rolls

Front uploading for the T2500 is the same as with the T1500 or T920

d. e.

f. g. h.

Insert the edge of the paper into the eMFP Roll the paper into the eMFP until you feel resistance and the paper flexes slightly. When the eMFP detects the paper, it feeds it in and automatically aligns and de-skews the media roll. (no need for manual adjustments) If the leading edge of the paper has a barcode, the eMFP reads and then cuts off the barcode, which falls into the basket. If the leading edge of the paper has no barcode, the touch screen prompts you to select the paper category and type. The eMFP checks the alignment and measures the width, then the touch screen prompts you to close the roll cover.

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Step 4.


a. From the eMFPs touch screen select the

Icon, then Roll 1 or Roll

2 icon then Unload b. Notice that the eMFP will now print a barcode on the leading edge of the media before unloading, this contains the information about the media type and remaining media length.

Show the barcode to your customer and explain the benefits of having this information printed on the media


Re load the media according to the earlier instructions

Point out that this time the eMFP reads the barcode so you do not have to re-enter paper information, which means faster loading.


Showing the output stacking tray

Show the customer how previously printed jobs have been automatically stacked to make it easier to claim your prints

By default, the eMFP cuts the paper after every print job. The resulting printed sheets of paper are neatly stacked on top of the previously printed sheets by the output stacking tray. To empty the output stacking tray, stand in front of the eMFP, open the output stacking tray cover, and pull the stack of printed sheets up and out of the output stacking tray. There are several output options available 

Print to the basket or Print to the output stacking tray

Show these options in the driver and explain them.

Hold for Manual printing with output stacking tray open (for glossy or delicate media)

Also available from the EWS submit job options

Page Order (first page or last page on top)

Collate (print multiple sets in order 123, 123, 123)

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Demo 3 – Roll Protection Step


If you choose to protect a roll, jobs will be printed on it only if the job explicitly specifies the roll number or the paper type loaded. This may be useful, for example, in the following cases.  To stop people from accidentally printing unimportant jobs on expensive paper.  To avoid printing on a particular roll when printing from AutoCAD without interacting with the HP eMFP driver. 1.


To protect a roll, go to the touch screen and press then then Setup > Printing preferences > Paper options > Roll protection > the roll you wish to protect > Yes There are two concepts to help you when working with multiple rolls. The roll that is currently loaded will be printed on by default unless the eMFP has some reason to switch rolls. To change the roll manually, select the then then Paper > Move Paper > Select Roll. A protected roll is protected from use unless the roll number or its paper type is specifically requested.

Show this process to the customer and protect roll 2 Show this option and change between roll 1 and 2 several times (this shows how the roll switching works and the time involved)


Print any file from the EWS WITHOUT selecting a roll number or media type, to show the roll protection option working (the print should print on roll 1 because roll 2 is protected) Discuss why this is happening and why the eMFP is changing from roll 2 to roll 1

Open the EWS of your eMFP select Submit Job, add the file make sure that no roll number or media is selected and press Print


NOTE: If you protect a roll, then later unload the current roll and load a new one, the new roll remains protected. You are protecting the roll number, not one specific roll of paper. That roll number will remain protected until you cancel the protection. TIP: If you print without specifying a roll number or paper type, you will not be able to print on any protected roll.

The illustration below shows the T2500 eMFP touch screen with roll 2 active and protected

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Demo 4 – Paper mismatch options Step


If the paper currently loaded in the eMFP is not suitable for a particular job, the eMFP can either put the job on hold until some suitable paper is loaded, or it can ignore the problem and print the job on the unsuitable paper. There are several ways in which the loaded paper may be considered unsuitable:  The paper type is not as specified for the job  The paper source (roll 1, roll 2 or sheet) is not as specified for the job  1.

The paper size is smaller than specified for the job

You can set the eMFPs behavior in such cases from the touch screen. Select then then Setup > Job management options > Paper mismatch action = Print anyway if you want such jobs to print on whatever paper is loaded. This is the default option when printing from a software application or from the Embedded Web Server; but it does not work when printing from a USB flash drive.

Show this option in the touch screen

Select then then Setup > Job management options > Paper mismatch action = Put job on hold if you want such jobs to be put on hold. The eMFP will send an alert whenever a job is put on hold to the job owner. 2.

When a job is put on hold for paper, it is kept in the eMFP queue until some suitable paper is loaded (in which case, all jobs waiting for that paper type can be printed). Meanwhile, other jobs with different requirements can continue printing.


Send a print job to the eMFP using the eMFP driver or EWS but select a media type NOT on the eMFP, the job will be placed on hold instead of printing (show this to the customer on the touch screen)

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Emphasize the benefits of this feature “no printing on the wrong media” saves costs

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Demo 5 – Replacing an Ink Cartridge Step 1.



From time to time you may need to change an empty ink cartridge or a partially empty ink cartridge, for instance if you want to print a large job and you are not sure if you have enough ink available. The first step is to check the amount of ink remaining for each of the six colors. To view the ink levels of your ink cartridges, press

on the touch

screen, then this will give you a graphical representation of the ink level remaining in each cartridge. If one or more cartridges looks low you can interrogate the individual cartridge by selecting it here, this will give you all of the information for that ink cartridge including warranty and milliliters of ink remaining. You can also get this information from the printers EWS or the HP Utility software. 3.

To replace an ink cartridge From the touch screen, press

, then

, then Replace ink cartridges. when prompted open the ink cartridge cover, remove the empty or partially empty cartridge and replace with a new or partially full cartridge to use up remaining ink, close the cover and the eMFP is ready to use.

Show the smart chip of the ink cartridge which gives the information received from the touch screen or the EWS

Demo 6 – Replacing a Printhead




The eMFP automatically checks (and services the printhead if needed) after each print to maintain health, follow the steps below to get more information on your printhead.

When replacing a printhead 32ml per color and 40ml Mk ink are required for safe PHA initialization


Show the information from the touch screen a. From the touch screen, press b. The information available includes:  Status  Color  Product name  Product number  Serial number  Ink Fired  Warranty status  Install Date


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You can also get most of this information without leaving your computer by using the printers EWS or the HP Utility.

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Step 3.

Notes Remove the printhead and show it to the customer ensuring that you point out the nozzle plate and smart chip

To replace a printhead when needed, from the touch screen press

then a)

, then Replace printhead. The eMFP moves the carriage into the correct position.

b) When the carriage has stopped moving, the front-panel display asks you to open the window. c)

Raise the blue printhead cover.

d) Pull the blue cover back towards you, raising the black piece to which it is attached. e)

Leave the black piece approximately vertical.


Grasp the printhead by the blue pieces on each side.

g) Lift the printhead out of the carriage.


Re-insert the same printhead into the eMFP a)

Explain that this is a very simple process and that all alignments and calibrations are done by the eMFP fully automatically

Insert the printhead slowly and vertically, straight down.

b) Check that the printhead is correctly aligned with its ink connectors. c)

Lower the black piece over the printhead.

d) Close the blue cover. e)

When the printhead has been inserted correctly and is accepted by the eMFP, the eMFP beeps.


Close the window.

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g) The front-panel display confirms that the printhead is correctly inserted. The eMFP starts checking and preparing the printhead.

Demo 7 – Printing using Economode with the eMFP driver





Print an A1/D size plot (in Fast mode, with Economode on) using the eMFP driver, to roll 1 (plain paper) and show the real print preview option

Economode uses a lower rendering resolution and consumes less ink. It therefore increases printing speed, but reduces print quality

Use the following file AEC_Plan_01.pdf from the demo USB drive and open in a CAD or Viewer application


From the application you are using select File > Print and select the eMFP you will use for the demo.


Now select Properties which will open the eMFP driver dialogue box.


Make changes as illustrated below

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Use the HP-GL/2 driver

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When you have made the changes above select OK to print


You will now see a preview of how the file will look when printed on your chosen eMFP with the media that is loaded.

See below image

You can make changes here before printing 5.

Select Print and the job will be printed without unforseen errors.

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Point out not only the speed of printing which is 21 seconds/page on A1/D size, but also the quality of Economode and the use of less ink

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Demo 8 – Printing from a USB Flash drive




Insert a USB flash drive containing one or more TIFF, JPEG, HP-GL/2, RTL, PDF or PostScript files into the product's front USB port.

To print PDF or PostScript files, the PostScript eMFP or PostScript upgrade is required.

At the touch screen, Press the icon.

The use of USB flash drives with your product may be disabled in the Embedded Web Server (Setup > Security > Disable USB drives.

icon and then press the

Select the file to be printed.

Files that cannot be printed are indicated with You can press folders to browse their contents. 2.


The default print settings are displayed. If you want to change them, press Settings. The following settings are available: Size allows you to resize the print in two different ways: to a percentage of its original size, or to fit a particular paper size. The default is 100% (its original size). Color allows you to choose color, grayscale or black-and-white printing. Print quality allows you to set the print quality to Best, Normal or Fast. Roll allows you to specify printing on roll 1 or roll 2, or you can choose Save paper, which automatically chooses the narrowest roll on which the print will fit. Manual mode select to print with the output stacking tray open or closed Paper margins select the print margins to be used Paper output allows you to direct output to the output stacking tray (the default) or the basket. Collate allows you to turn collation on or off. Page order allows you to choose first page on top, or last page on top Rotation allows you to rotate the print by any multiple of 90°, or you can choose Automatic, which rotates the print automatically if that will save paper. Printer margins allows you to change the default printer margins.

3. To display a preview of the printed job on the touch screen, press . When the preview is displayed, you can press it to zoom in on it. Press it again to zoom out. Then press the 4.

Change these settings as appropriate for your image to be printed on the media loaded.

You can pan and zoom an image.


When you are satisfied with the print settings, press Print. If two rolls are loaded, you can choose to print on either roll, or you can let the eMFP choose automatically. After printing, you can choose to print another file or go to the job queue.

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Demo 9 – Walkup Copying Step



Load the sheet with the pre-printed AEC_Render_05.pdf file, printed side facing upwards. Align the center of the sheet approximately with the center of the scanner. Use the standard size markings to help you.

You should print the AEC_Render_05.pdf file beforehand onto HP Bright White Inkjet Paper or HP Coated Paper


Push the sheet into the insertion slot until you feel it contact the rollers. The scanner will automatically grab the sheet and move it into position for

By default, if the original is skewed in the scanner (not loaded straight), the scanner will try to correct the skew automatically.

scanning. You can press the button to eject the sheet if you feel that it has loaded badly and you want to try again.


At the touch screen, go to the home screen and press the Copy icon


Some of the default copy settings are displayed. Press Settings to see the  complete list of settings, and check in particular that the Paper type  settings correspond to the paper type that you intend to scan.      


 Size allows you to resize the print in two different ways: to a percentage of its original size, or to fit a particular paper size. The default is 100% (its original size). Copy quality allows you to set the print quality to Best, Normal or Fast. Copy color allows you to choose color or grayscale printing. Roll allows you to specify printing on roll 1 or roll 2, or you can choose Save paper, which automatically chooses the narrowest roll on which the print will fit. Content type allows you to optimize the scan for a line drawing, a photographic image, or a mixed image. Original type allows you to specify the paper type on which the original image has been printed. To optimize scan quality, ensure that this setting is correct.

When you are satisfied with the copy settings, press anywhere on the screen to return to the previous page, then press Start.

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 Resize if you wish  Select Normal  Select color  Select the roll with plain paper loaded  Select line drawing  Select an appropriate match to optimize your scan quality If two rolls are loaded, you can choose to print

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Notes on either roll, or you can let the printer choose automatically.


When the scan is complete, press to eject the scanned sheet from the scanner. After printing, you can choose to make another copy or go to the job queue.

While the scanned image is being printed, you can perform another operation you don't need to wait for the end of the print.

Demo 10 – Scan to File Step



With scan to file we can select either a network or FTP folder, USB key or online library in HP Designjet ePrint & Share. Scan to network or FTP folder will not work until they have been set up in the computer and printer. First show how to setup the network and FTP folders in the computer.

Demonstrate using the configuration checklist and the folder you have already created


Scan to network folder  Create a folder on a computer that the scanner can access through the network.

You can create up to 29 shared folders.

Create a user account on the same computer for the printer.

Change the sharing options of the folder so that it is shared with the 'scanner user', and assign full control of the folder to that user.

Create a share name for the folder.

Scan to FTP requires less steps to set up on the computer

Scan to FTP folder  Create a folder on an FTP server. 


Ensure that you know the server name, user name, and password for the FTP server.

Now setup the printer  In the printer's Embedded Web Server, select the Setup tab and then Scan to network

On the Scan to Network page, click Add folder details, and fill in the various fields.

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Protocol FTP or CIFS (Windows).

Folder type public or private. When you select a private folder, you must enter a password in the touch screen.

Alias name is displayed in the touch screen when you are choosing the scan destination. It may be different from the network or FTP folder name.

Server name the network name of the remote computer.

Folder name the share name of the folder.

User name the name of the 'scanner user'.

User password the password of the 'scanner user'.

Domain name the name of the domain in which the user name exists. If the scanner user does not belong to any domain, leave this field empty.

The server and folder names are used to connect to the shared folder by building a network folder path as follows: \\server name\folder name For an FTP folder, enter the server name, folder name, user name, and password. Leave the user domain empty.


Click Add to save the configuration, The printer automatically checks that it can access the network folder. You can check at any later time that the shared folder remains accessible by clicking Verify in the Embedded Web Server.


Load the sheet with the pre-printed AEC_Plan_08.pdf file, printed side facing upwards. Align the center of the sheet approximately with the center of the scanner. Use the standard size markings to help you.


Push the sheet into the insertion slot until you feel it contact the rollers. The scanner will automatically grab the sheet and move it into position for

You should print the AEC_Plan_08.pdf file beforehand onto HP Heavyweight Coated Paper

scanning. You can press the button to eject the sheet if you feel that it has loaded badly and you want to try again.

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At the touch screen, go to the home screen and press the Scan icon


Then select where you would like to store the scanned image.   

The network folder option will not work unless the network folder or FTP has been correctly set up and identified in the Embedded Web Server or HP Utility

In a network folder or FTP folder In a USB flash drive Your Online Library in HP Designjet ePrint & Share

Select the network folder Icon (the one you created in the configuration checklist)

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Some of the default scan settings are displayed. Press Settings to see the complete list of settings, and check in particular that the Paper type setting corresponds to the paper type that you intend to scan.        

Format allows you to specify the format of the file in which the scanned image will be saved: TIFF, JPEG or (with the T2500 eMFP PS only) PDF. Compression allows you to specify the level of compression: maximum, high (the default level), medium, or low. This option is available if the format is JPEG or PDF. Resolution allows you to specify the scan resolution: Standard (200 dpi), High (300 dpi), or Max (600 dpi). Color allows you to choose color, grayscale or black and white scanning. Content type allows you to optimize the scan for a line drawing, a photographic image, or a mixed image. Original type allows you to specify the paper type on which the original image has been printed. To optimize scan quality, ensure that this setting is correct. Background removal allows you to remove unwanted background color. You can specify the strength of this setting, from 0 to 10. Blueprints invert is useful when the blueprint you intend to scan is a blueprint with a dark background and light lines (instead of a blueprint with light background and dark lines). This option is available only if the Original type is set to Blueprints.

Default settings can be changed from the touch screen.  Select TIFF  Select High 300dpi  Select color  Select Mixed Image  Select an appropriate match to optimize your scan quality  Try different options from 0 – 10 to show the results from cleaning


When you are satisfied with the scan settings, press anywhere on the screen to return to the previous page, then press Start. The filename of the scanned image is generated automatically however you can change the name at this point; it is guaranteed not to overwrite an existing file.

Note you can setup multiple scan to network folder or scan to FTP folders.


If you are scanning to a USB flash drive follow the above procedure but select the USB Drive destination icon instead, wait until the scanned image has been saved, then press the USB icon on the touch screen and press Eject. Remove the USB flash drive when prompted by the touch screen.

Scan a file to the USB drive to show this functionality

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To scan your document directly to HP Designjet ePrint & Share from the Touch screen select the Scan icon and then the HP Designjet ePrint & Share icon

Only the T2500 eMFP can scan files to the cloud and share files with other users from the touchscreen

To access your online library, sign in to HP Designjet ePrint & Share using your registered email address and password.

Press in the fields and a keyboard will be displayed so that you can enter the details of your account.

After you've signed in, the default scan settings are displayed as in step 5 above, make any changes and then press start.

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If you have not already done so, feed the document into the scanner as shown, centered and facing up.

When the scan is complete, the scan results are displayed. You can share files immediately as you scan or later through the HP Designjet ePrint & Share website.

You can press the File name to change it. Press the Save file button to continue and then release the original from the scanner. In the next screen, you can choose to share the scan with any of your contacts in the listing by selecting a check box next to their name or you can add new contacts. Press the Share button when ready. If you don’t wish to share with any contacts simply press the Share button without making a selection.

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After adding one document to the scan queue, you can press the Make Another Scan icon to scan another document. Alternatively, press the Sign Out icon to return to the home screen, or the Scan Queue icon to go to the scan job queue.

The scanned document will be available from the Scanned history in your online library, and you can later print it or share it with other people. Press scanner.

to eject the scanned sheet if not already done from the

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Demo 11 – Embedded Web Server Step


The Embedded Web Server enables you to manage your eMFP remotely using an ordinary Web browser running on any computer. To access the Embedded Web Server directly, you must have a TCP/IP connection to your eMFP. The following browsers are known to be compatible with the Embedded Web Server:  Internet Explorer 6 and later, for Windows  Safari 2 and later, for Mac OS X 10.4  Firefox 1.5 and later


To access the Embedded Web Server on any computer, open your Web browser and give the IP address of your eMFP. e.g.


 Main Tab: Select the Main tab of the printers EWS and show the following options available:  Supplies information o Show how you can remotely see the status of ink cartridges, printheads and loaded media


 Job Queue o Show here how all jobs are in this queue and can be manipulated for printing (prioritized, reprinted, deleted and previewed)

Have some print jobs in the queue ready for this demo and practice beforehand


 Stored jobs in eMFP o Show some jobs stored in the eMFP permanently (the benefit is jobs can be printed when needed regularly without resending to the eMFP over your network)

Store some jobs in the eMFP ready for this demo

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Open your web browser and type in the printers IP address (you can get this address from the printers touch screen)

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 Submit job o Here you can show the customer how we can print jobs directly from a supported file without the need for an eMFP driver or an application to open it (saving time and costs for applications) we can also switch on the nesting feature to help save media. o Open the printers embedded web server and select the Setup Tab > EMFP Settings and make the following changes under job management: o Queue = ON o Nest = Optimized o Start Printing = After Processing


1. 2.

Remember all jobs in the queue will have the same properties that you set in (3) for scaling and print quality so if you want to send jobs with different print speeds and sizes add them separately.

Select Submit Job from the Main tab. Select the Add Files button and browse to several supported files and add them to the print queue. Practice before any demo

1 2


If you correctly set-up nesting jobs that can be nested will now be nested… saving media



Change the print settings for these jobs as required • Size • Number of copies • Print quality Show how the print settings for these jobs can be changed and explain the options (resize the jobs to an A3 size or equivalent) 4.

Select print.

Show the customer how the eMFP is awaiting any more prints by waiting 1 minute before starting the nesting process (fully automatic nesting is built into this eMFP) 6.

 Usage and Accounting o Show the Usage option which shows all ink and media usage of the eMFP o Show the accounting page which can be used to cross charge customers or departments for print usage. The information on media and ink usage/costs can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or sent from the eMFP to an email account (with or without user information)

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Show some examples of exported spreadsheets and emails from the eMFP

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 HP Professional Pantone Emulation You can use the Embedded Web Server to print a swatch book showing emulations of PANTONE colors as made by your eMFP, together with a measure of the color difference (ΔE) between each emulation and the original PANTONE spot color.


The Embedded Web Server is a tool which enables one to one management of a device such as an HP Designjet eMFP, however without any security being implemented this tool can also be damaging as many features can be configured using just a web browser and an IP connection to the eMFP. To alleviate this problem HP have implemented security options to our compatible HP Designjets as follows.


 Security: Select the Setup tab of the printers EWS and show the following options available for security:  Access Control o Access control is enabled by setting the Admin account password, Users will then have to provide the Admin password in order to perform any of the following restricted operations: Cancel, delete or preview a job in the job queue Delete a stored job Clear accounting information Change the eMFP settings on the Device Setup page Update the eMFPs firmware Change the eMFPs date and time Change security settings View protected eMFP information pages Setup scan to network path folder

This option is only available with a PostScript eMFP

o Once the administrator user account has been set, the administrator can also set the Guest account password, if the guest user account is set, a username and password are required for ALL Web server operations: users identified as guests have access to restricted operations, whilst users identified as administrators have access to all operations. 10.

 Control Panel Access Lock o The control panel access lock is a feature intended for IT administrators that allow them to lock the devices touch screen using the printers Embedded Web Server, preventing unauthorized users from accessing it and changing the eMFPs settings. Administrators can specify the level of access as follows: Unlock Minimum Lock Moderate Lock Intermediate Lock Maximum Lock

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Set the Admin password to HP and then try and delete a job in the print queue (without logging in)

Set the Guest password to PH and then try and access the EWS (without logging in)

Log into the printers EWS and set Control Panel access Lock to Maximum. Show the customer the touch screen and what can be accessed now the lock is in place.

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Maximum Lock - This option denies access to all options. You can only retrieve your prints Intermediate Lock - This option denies access to the paper and ink supplies handling options, maintenance options and demo prints, on top of the Moderate Lock. Only viewing eMFP and supplies information is allowed. Moderate Lock - This option denies access to all eMFP settings, the job queue, information and service prints and the eMFP log, on top of the Minimum Lock. Minimum Lock - This option denies access to the Resets options, Enable/Disable connectivity options and the Service menu.

These are the options available.


 Mass Storage o This option is used to disable the ability to connect a USB Flash Drive in the touch screen and print directly. o It can also be used to disable firmware updates using a USB Flash Drive in the touch screen.

Select the option to disable Mass Storage and then show the touch screen message when a USB Drive is inserted.


 Internet Connection This eMFP allows Internet connectivity. With this option enabled you can enjoy some online features such as automatic firmware upgrade or the HP Designjet ePrint & Share environment to run from the eMFPs touch screen.

With internet connectivity enabled your eMFP will automatically check for the latest firmware and download it ready for you to install.


o Enable access to internet tick this checkbox to enable the Internet access of the eMFP. o Proxy configuration tick this checkbox for using a web proxy for the Internet connection.

Remember to unlock the touch screen again

Download/Upload speed configuration You can limit your Download and Upload speed limit for all the file transfer connections by checking this checkbox.

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If checked, you must set the Download/Upload speed limit (in kB/s) considering that the minimum speed limit required is 100kB/s.


 HP ePrint Connection The HP ePrint connection page allows you to change and view the cloud configuration. o ePrint center status information o Enable, disable or remove ePrint center connectivity o EMFP code o EMFP email address for printing via email o ePrint center job priority  Print directly  Place on hold

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Demo 12 – Print from HP Designjet ePrint & Share using the eMFP touch screen


HP Designjet ePrint & Share allows you to print files on any Web-connected eMFP, when you want. You don't need a computer: you can use the eMFPs touch screen. At the touch screen, go to the home screen and press the Print icon


Now press the HP Designjet ePrint & Share icon.


To access your online print history, sign in to HP Designjet ePrint & Share using your registered username and password

Press in the fields and a keyboard will be displayed so that you can enter the details of your account.

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After signing in, select a print history category.

Select All.

Select a file from the history by pressing the file name.

5. The default print settings are displayed, and you can change them by pressing the Settings button.

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When you're ready to print, press the Print button. After sending one file to print, you can press the Add More icon to select another file from the history. Alternatively, press the Sign Out icon to return to the home screen, or the Job Queue icon to go to the job queue.

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Demo 13 – Printing from HP Designjet ePrint & Share website Step


In this demo we will print directly from the HP Designjet ePrint & Share website to the eMFP using the internet

Make sure that you have the eMFP setup as a remote eMFP in your HP Designjet ePrint & Share account


Go to www.hp.com/go/eprintandshare and log in to your account


To view and print a file, select the category to filter your list of saved files (printed, scanned, shared with me, or all). You will see a list of your files ordered by time. The file can be identified by the name, the date and time of printing, the eMFP that was used, and the thumbnail.


Select the file, and a file preview is shown in the right panel. If the file contains multiple pages, you can navigate through the pages using the arrows. You can also click the preview to enlarge it, and zoom in to see details.


Press the Print button


A print-preview dialog appears, in which you can check and modify some settings and select your local or remote eMFP.


Press the Print button again to send your document to print.

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Select your remote Designjet eMFP

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Demo 14 – Print by email Step


After you have enabled Web Services, you can print to your printer by email.

You should have configured the printer and have the email address ready


Send the file you want to print by email to the email address of your printer as an attachment. In this way, you can print from anywhere with an Internet connection, without needing any printer driver.


There are a few limitations that you should bear in mind:  The attached files to be printed must be in PDF, JPEG, or TIFF formats.


The maximum file size is 10 MB, but your email server may have a lower limit.

Files are printed in the original document size (at 100% scale), in normal quality, in color, and normally in portrait orientation (some printers may offer autorotation).

Show the customer the print file coming into the print queue and being processed.

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Demo 15 – Demonstrate Accessories Step


There are several accessories available for the T2500 eMFP including  3 inch Core Adapter- with this adaptor you can use paper rolls with 3-inch cores, provided that the diameter of the roll is within the printer specifications, show how the core adaptor work with the spindle  36 inch Roll Feed Spindle – with extra spindles you can save time by having media pre-loaded and ready for loading into the printer

If available demonstrate the use of these accessories and their benefit

© 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. This document was created in July 2013 based on tests performed by HP. While specifications are subject to change, reasonable effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this document on the date it was prepared. Distribution of this document to end-users or to any other third parties is forbidden. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. HP Confidential – for HP and HP Reseller Internal Use Only July 2013

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