Download Texas Regions - Canadian ISD

April 11, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: , Science, Earth Science, Soil Science
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Texas Regions Chapter 2 Texas History Coach Fletcher Organizing The Land Geographers use the term region to mean an area with special features. Listing ALL Includes: 1. Plant Life 2. Landforms 3. Climate 4. Soil 5. Resources Everyday Regions/Names Today, many people use simple everyday names to describe where they are from. Such as: 1. The Panhandle 2. West Texas 3. Coastal Bend 4. East Texas Texas & The U.S. The United States has nine major regions. Texas has four of the nine major regions in the United States. Label Map of 4 regions use your worksheet. 1. Gulf Coastal Plains 2. Central Plains 3. Great Plains 4. Rocky Mountains Gulf Coastal Plains Stretches from Florida to Mexico along the Gulf of Mexico. It is the largest region in Texas. Goes inland about 300 miles. There are five subregions of the Gulf Coastal Plains. Subregions of the Gulf Coastal Plains 1. Piney Woods 2. Gulf Coast Plains 3. South Texas Plains 4. Post Oak Belt 5. Blackland Prairie

The Central Plains(S2) The north central part of Texas lies within the Central Plains region. It is a region of gently rolling prairies, with forest growing in the river valley. There are three subregions: 1. Grand Prairie 2. Cross Timbers 3. Rolling Plains Great Plains(S3) As the Great Plains reach into Texas it becomes very flat. It is about 2,000 to 5,000 feet above sea level. The Great Plains consist of three subregions 1. Edwards Plateau 2. Llano Basin 3. High Plains The Rocky Mountains The land in the farthest west of Texas is filled with mountains, canyons, and dry plateaus. In Texas this region is called the Mountain and Basins subregion. The Big Bend and the Guadalupe Mountain National Park is very popular to visitors. Key Terms 1. Maquiladoras- factories in Mexico that assemble parts made in the U.S. 2. Petrochemical- product made from petroleum or natural gas 3. Butte- A flat topped hill, smaller than a mesa 4. Erosion- The wearing away of the earth’s surface by the movement of water, wind, ice, and gravity Key Terms 5. Basin- A Sunken area in a plateau found between mountain ranges 6. Drought- Dry period in which less than the normal precipitation falls 7. Alluvial soil- Soil that has been deposited from river water

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