Download Evol Guided Reading

April 19, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: , Social Science, Anthropology, Human Evolution
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13.1 The Theory of Evolution 1. Identify two specific observations that led Darwin to conclude that species evolve. a. b. 2. What is the process (often referred to as the ‘mechanism’) of Darwin’s agent of change? c. Define it. 3. Define: Evolution 4. What is ‘adaptation’. Give an example.

5. Write the four parts to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: a. b. c.


Darwin’s Ideas, Updated: Change within a population 6. __________________________causes frequency of certain alleles in a population to increase or decrease. 7. __________________________ and ______________________ provide endless source of variation.

Evol Guided Reading

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8. _______________________ _______________________ is when two populations of the same species do not breed with each other due to geographic separation. Ex: ___________________________________ and ___________________________ Tempo of Evolution 9. ____________________________ and _____________________ _____________________________ are two types of evolution based on how long changes take to occur. 13.2 Evidence of Evolution 10. What are three sources of scientific evidence supporting evolution? _____________________________ ______________________ and _______________________________ Give ONE example: 13.3 Examples of Evolution 11. _____________________________’Key’ lesson learned…this is what dictates direction and amount of evolutionary change. 12. The four factors of Natural Selection are: a. b.

c. d.

13. Antibiotic resistant ___________________________________ is an example of a disease that has evolved through natural selection. 14. Darwin noticed nine species of finches that appeared to have evolved from a single, mainland species. The main differences in these species was in their _________________________________________ because of the ___________________they ate.

Evol Guided Reading Formation of New Species

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15. _____________________________ is the accumulation of differences between groups, and ____________________________________ is the process of formation of a new species through divergence. 16. Look at Fig 14, p. 291. ____________________________________is the first thing I notice that’s different about the frogs when I just look at their pictures. When I read the graph, I notice that the four different frogs have different _____________________________ times, which means that they can’t reproduce together, even if the WERE the same species! *Find out how these affect species. Ask your teacher to review this with the class. Founder Effect, genetic drift and migration Evolutionary History, p. 307-310 17. ______________________________ is a way of organizing and grouping organisms based on their evolutionary history. 18. __________________________________ ______________________________ is when similarities evolve in organisms that are not closely related to each other, often because the organisms live in very similar habitats. 19. _______________________________ characters are similarities that arise through convergent evolution. 20. This is used to study phylogenies of shared characteristics __________________. 21. A backbone is an _______________________________ character of both birds and mammals. 22. Feathers are a ______________________________character because they evolved in one group but not the other. 23. Look at Fig 7, p. 310. Compare and contrast these two representations. Evol Systematics Both Cladistic Tax

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