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CURRICULUM VITAE Eva van Roekel, MSc. PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Eva van Roekel, MSc. Address: Aurikelstraat 86, 1032 AX, Amsterdam Telephone: +31 6 44205383 (mobile) E-mail:
[email protected] and
[email protected] Date of birth: November 6th, 1981, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands Nationality: Dutch
RESEARCH/WORK EXPERIENCE Department of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Position: PhD researcher Period: January 2009 - present Specification: Ethnographic research on defendants and witness’ embodied experiences of the trials on crimes against humanity at federal courts in Argentina. In collaboration with the academic research institute IDES, Buenos Aires. Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Position: Lecturer/tutor Periods: February 2015 – August 2015 Specification: Student supervision of a Master research project: Human Rights and Transitional Justice in Latin America. Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Position: Lecturer/tutor Periods: March, 31st 2015 Specification: Qualitative interview seminar: An ethnographic toolkit Department of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Position: Lecturer/tutor Periods: November 2007 – October 2008 and November 2012 – July 2014 Specification: Student supervision of a three-stage bachelor research project: fieldwork design, data gathering and thesis writing. Department of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Position: Lecturer/tutor Periods: April 2014 – July 2014 Specification: Introduction in Latin American and Caribbean Culture and Society
ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT Documentary project ‘De België-route’ Position: Director/audio, together with Floor de Bie (director/camera) and Interakt (producer) Period: February 2014 – present Specification: Direction, audio and research for documentary on laws, borders and love in Europe. See website: 1/2
[email protected] / +31 6 44205383
Public day care De Kruimel Position: Freelance researcher and writer Period: February 2014 – May 2014. Specification: Research, concept design and text for book publication on a public day care in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Provincial Council for Health Brabant Position: Freelance researcher Period: February 2014 – May 2014 Specification: Research, analysis and advise for book publication on innovative health projects. Dutch Film Festival in Thailand Position: Co-producer Period: May 2012 – November 2013 Specification: Contribution to the conceptual framework and content development for the symposium on ‘Women, Commodified sexuality and Prostitution’ and the Dutch documentary ‘Meet the Fokkens’. See website: University Museum Utrecht Position: Member of the interdisciplinary research project on Conflicts & Human Rights Period: March 2012 – March 2013 Specification: Contribution to the conceptual framework and content development for the educational art exposition for children‘Peace of cake? during the 300 years celebration of the Peace of Utrecht, Utrecht. See website: Dutch National Youth Council (NJR) Position: Project manager Period: January 2008 – January 2009 Specification: Project design and implementation, and management and coordination of a team of volunteers to educate young convicted adolescents on debating skills and institutional participation in juvenile justice systems and promote youth participation in Dutch health care in general, Utrecht. Reinaerde Position: Period: Specification:
La Chispa Position: Period: Specification:
Provea Position: Period: Specification:
Care worker July 2007 – January 2009 Care work at a semi supportive apartment living project with drop-in supervision in a health care institution for adolescents and adults with mental and physical disabilities, Utrecht’
Editor and writer October 2006 – December 2010 Associate at the editorial team of a Dutch magazine about Latin America and the Caribbean for writing articles, columns, reviews and final editing, Utrecht. See website:
Trainee at a Venezuelan human rights organization February 2006 – June 2006 Data selection and analysis on housing issues in Venezuela for the annual report, Caracas.
[email protected] / +31 6 44205383
Cello - Health Position: Period: Specification:
Care worker September 2003 – August 2005 Care work at a small-scale residential nursing accommodation in a health care institution for youth and adults with mental and physical disabilities, Rosmalen.
EDUCATION Master of Science Institution: Period: Master thesis:
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Utrecht University, Utrecht. September 2006 – August 2007 (cum laude) “It ain’t no game: social capital, stigma and teenage parenthood in a popular neighborhood of Caracas” (field research).
Bachelor of Arts Institution: Period: Bachelor thesis:
Language and Cultural Studies (specialization Latin American Studies) Utrecht University, Utrecht. September 2003 – August 2006 “Opening your eyes: political conflict and the changing position of the Venezuelan middle class” (field research).
Bachelor of Arts Institution: Period:
Modern Languages and Cultures (exchange year) Metropolitan University, Caracas. September 2002 – August 2003
Secondary education Institution: Period:
Pre-university education (Athenaeum) Sint Janslyceum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch/ September 1994 – August 2001 (cum laude)
ADDITIONAL COURSES Hendrik Müller Fund Institution: Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW) Period: June 2012 Specification: Intensive academic summer seminar on “Emotional Rationality” Vista Visuals Institution: Period: Specification:
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam August 2009 Ethnographic film course for social science researchers
European Enhancement Doctorate (EDEN) Institution: University of Graz, Austria Period: July 2009 Specification: Intensive PhD study program on Peace and Conflict Studies Research School for Resource Studies and Development (Ceres) Institution: Utrecht University Period: March 2009 Specification: Intensive PhD Training Program on quantitative and qualitative methodology and theory in social science.
[email protected] / +31 6 44205383
PUBLICATIONS Van Roekel, Eva (under review). Interpretation of dreams and humor in affective fieldwork on state violence in Argentina. Risky Anthropology, Kees Koonings, Dirk Kruijt and Dennis Rodgers, eds. Van Roekel, Eva (2015). Sentimientos y derecho: Un enfoque corpóreo de la justica durante los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad en Argentina. Revista de Derechos Humanos Año III, N° 6A. Ediciones Infojus, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos. Van Roekel Cordiviola, Eva (2014) The Watermelon. Special issue: “Doing Things with Stories”. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, 5 (2): 7-18. Van Roekel, Eva (2013). Accessing emotions through humour in the contemporary Argentinean transitional justice trajectory. The Unfamiliar 3 (1): 24-33. Van Roekel, Eva (2009). Het verkopen van woorden: De stap naar effectieve medezeggenschap in justitiële jeugdinrichtingen. Tijdschrift voor de Rechten van het Kind (3): 19-22.
AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTIONS Nelly, 2009, length 9’’ The short film is about the life of a middle class woman and contemporary Venezuelan history, in association with Rovers Film. Selected for: Teatro Cinematico, organized by International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2011, Rotterdam. VERS short film festival, organized by Association for New Film and Television makers, 2009, Amsterdam (with honorable mention). Artibosch, art and performance festival, 2009, ‘s-Hertogenbosch. See Nelly at: Servicio2, 2009, length 55’’ The documentary is about two women with a psychiatric background at a public hospital in Caracas, in association with Rovers Film. Selected for: International Film Festival 2010, Breda. DerHumALC, International Film Festival on Human Rights, 2010, Buenos Aires. Mujeres en Foco, International Women Film Festival, 2010, Buenos Aires. Beeld voor Beeld, Dutch-Colombian Film Festival on Human Rights, 2010, Bogotá. La Jaula, Festival on Human Rights and Confinement, 2010, Buenos Aires. Canal 23, Argentine national channel for culture and news, 12-2011 and 12-2012. Holland Doc, Dutch national documentary channel, 04-2012. See Servicio 2 at: CONFERENCE PAPERS Van Roekel, Eva (2015) Trauma, truth and therapy: an anthropological inquiry into psychoanalysis and victimhood in Argentina. Paper presented at international conference, ‘ASA2015 Symbiotic anthropologies: theoretical commensalities and methodological mutualisms’. Chaired panel: ‘Anthropology and psychotherapy;, Exeter University, 13-16 April 2015. Van Roekel, Eva (2014) Intimate encounters with military officials on trial: understanding military subjectivities and the ethics of fieldwork in post transitional justice Argentina. Paper presented at the international conference, ‘EASA2014: Collaboration, Intimacy and Revolution’. Chaired panel: ‘The massacre and its intimacy: violence among neighbors’, Tallinn University, Tallinn, 31 July - 3 August 2014. 4/2
[email protected] / +31 6 44205383
Van Roekel, Eva (2014) Dreams and humor as alternative hermeneutic resources in anthropological fieldwork on violence. Paper presented at the conference ‘Anthropologists at Work’. Utrecht University, Utrecht, 3 July 2014. Van Roekel-Cordiviola, Eva (2014) The Watermelon. Short fictional story presented at the international conference ‘ASA14: Decennial: Anthropology and Enlightment’. Chaired panel: ‘Anthropology of storytelling’, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 19-22 June 2014. Van Roekel, Eva (2013) La risa de Ariadna. Sobre humor y la experiencia de justicia en los juicios de lesa humanidad en Argentina. Paper presented at the 5th international conference ‘Irony and Violence in Latin American Contemporary Culture’. Chaired panel: ‘Ironía y humor en la postdictadura’, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 24-26 October 2013. Van Roekel, Eva (2013) Phenomenal Justice. Paper presented at the international seminar Memory, Truth, and Justice in Argentina, organized by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April, 18th 2013. Van Roekel, Eva (2012) Embodied justice. Emotion work and inter-subjectivities at the human rights trials in postdictatorial Argentina. Paper presented at the CEDLA-NALACS international conference. Chaired panel: ‘Unravelling the narratives of Latin American jurisprudence.’ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 13-‐13 December 2012. Van Roekel, Eva (2011) Don’t worry, the ESMA was much worse. On humor, legal justice and violence. Paper presented at the 110th American Anthropology Association (AAA) Annual Meeting. Chaired panel: ‘Legacies of Authoritarian Regimes: Local practices of memory, justice and security.’ Móntreal, Canada, November, 16-‐20 2011. AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Nieboer Masterthesis Award 2007 Issued by the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Utrecht University, March 2008. Nominee for Servicio2 as best short documentary 2010 Selected by International Film Festival ‘Mujeres en Foco’, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2010. AMIDILA, Erasmus Mundus Programme Doctorate exchange to Universidad Nacional de Misones, Argentina, issued by the University of Bologna, 2015. ADDITIONAL SKILLS Managerial Representative of Cultural Anthropology in PhD Council of the Graduate School, Utrecht University (2013) Computing
Microsoft Office & Apple applications (Word/Excel/PPP), AV editing program FinalCut Pro, MAXQDA
Dutch (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), French (basic).
Founder and committee member of a cultural podium for storytelling and knowledge exchange. March 2013 – present. See website:
[email protected] / +31 6 44205383
[email protected] / +31 6 44205383