Download Chapter 20 Transformational Change Multiple Choice Questions

January 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: , Business, Management
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Chapter 20 Transformational Change Multiple Choice Questions 1. Organizations undertake transformational change when a. there are sharp changes in economic conditions that change competition within an industry b. there are changes in executive leadership c. there are changes in products that require new strategies d. the organization faces a threat to survival e. all of the above 2. Organization culture does not include which of the following? a. basic assumptions on how organizational problems should be solved b. norms guiding how members behave c. values that identify what is important in the organization d. products and services supplied to customers e. visible symbols or artifacts 3. Which of the three approaches to diagnosing culture is the most difficult to interpret? a. the competing values approach b. the deep assumptions approach c. the behavioral approach d. none of the above e. A and C 4. The competing values approach views culture as a. a resolution of value dilemmas b. a search for the right set of values c. a fight among functional groups for the best culture d. a simple clarification of what’s most important 5. According to the text, which of the following is not an effective guideline for changing corporate culture? a. formulate a clear strategic vision


b. model culture change at the highest levels c. makes changes in structure and processes to support the change d. change organizational membership by socializing newcomers and terminating deviants e. keep top management from being part of the process 6. The key roles of leadership in transformational change are a. envisioning, energizing, and enabling b. diagnosis, change, and enabling c. envisioning, change, and refreezing d. enabling, creating, and energizing e. energizing, change, and enabling 7. Which of the following is not a step in integrated strategic change? a. analyzing the current strategy and organization b. designing and implementing the strategic change plan c. mapping the demand system d. choosing a desired strategy and organization e. none of the above 8. What assumption(s) underlie(s) the integrated strategic change process? a. external and internal analyses should be carried out independently b. strategic and organizational change issues should be considered equal c. senior management is in the best position to plan and implement strategic change d. organizational issues should be treated separately from strategic issues e. B and C 9. Organization design interventions aimed at transformational change are focused on a. b. c. d. e.

work design management and information systems human resources practices organization structure all of the above

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of organization design interventions? a. deliberate and sequential b. highly interactive c. continually revised


d. highly participative

True/False Questions 11. Cultural change is usually a short term process implemented by top management. 12. The “group culture” is an “ideal” organization culture. 13. Integrated strategic change attempts to balance organization change and human resource issues with strategic and marketplace issues. 14. An organization culture that values inquiry and discovery is better suited to implement organization learning interventions. 15. Transformational changes are often driven by key senior executives. 16. Transformations in organizations are often generated by significant environmental shocks. 17. Transformational change is always developmental in nature. 18. Research supports the idea that organization designs with “alignment” between strategy and design are more effective.

Essay Questions 19. Under what conditions are transformational changes necessary? 20. How would an OD practitioner attempt to change an organization’s culture? 21. How does integrated strategic change differ from traditional strategic planning and traditional planned organization change?


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