April 12, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: , Science, Earth Science, Soil Science
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Module I Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle- Precipitation, rainfall variations, measurement, presentation of RF data, Mean precipitation, Abstractions from precipitation- Runoff-Long term runoff, empirical formulae, short term runoff- hydrograph analysis. Flood-Rational and Empirical methods for prediction - Design floods. Ground water- Aquifer types-flow of ground water – Well hydraulics-Types of wells-Other sources of ground water. Module II Irrigation Necessity of irrigation and type of irrigation systems.-Total planning concept-Water requirements of crops-Command area-duty-delta. Consumptive use of water –Irrigation efficiency-Irrigation requirement of crops-Reservoir planning-Site investigation-Zones of storage-Reservoir yield-Reservoir losses and Control-Life of reservoir Module III Diversion head works-Location – Essential components of Weir and Barrage-Weirs on permeable foundations-Blighs and khoslas seepage theories - Design procedure. Dams - Types of dams and their selection-Gravity dam-Analysis and design. Spillways-Different types and suitability. Module IV Irrigation canals - Intake structures, Canal Outlets, Canal regulation works-Canal fallsCanal regulators-Canal escapes-Surplussing arrangements in minor irrigation tanks-Cross drainage works-Types and selection of type of cross drainage works Reference books 1. Ven Te Chow etal, Applied Hydrology, Mc Graw -Hill Book Co, NY 2. K.Subramanya , Engineering Hydrology, Tata Mc Graw - hill publishers, New Delhi 3. Linsly.R.K.etal Water Resources Engineering, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition,1996. 4. Mays.L.W. Water Resources hand book Mc Graw – Hill International Edition, 1996 5. Dr P.N.Modi, Irrigation, Water Resources, and Water power Engineering, Standard Book House 1990

CE 411T : FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Module I (13 hours) Introduction: the finite element method - the element characteristic matrix - element assembly and solution for unknowns - summary of finite element history - basic equations of elasticity - strain-displacement relations - theory of stress and deformation - stressstrain-temperature relations The direct stiffness method: structure stiffness equations - properties of [K] - solution of unknowns - element stiffness equations - assembly of elements - node numbering to exploit matrix sparsity - displacement boundary conditions - gauss elimination solution of equations - conservation of computer storage - computational efficiency - stress computation - support reactions - summary of the finite element procedure Module II (13 hours) Stationary principles, Rayleigh-Ritz and interpolation: principle of stationary potential energy - problems having many d.o.f - potential energy of an elastic body - the Rayleigh-Ritz method - piecewise polynomial field - finite element form of Rayleigh-Ritz method - finite element formulations derived from a functional - interpolation - shape functions for C0 and C1 elements - lagrangian interpolation functions for two and three dimensional elements Displacement based elements for structural mechanics: formulae for element stiffness matrix and load vector - overview of element stiffness matrices - consistent element nodal vector - equilibrium and compatibility in the solution - convergence requirements - patch test - stress calculation - other formulation methods Straight sided triangles and tetrahedral: natural coordinates for lines - triangles and tetrahedral - interpolation fields for plane triangles - linear and quadratic triangle quadratic tetrahedron Module III (13 hours) The isoparametric formulation: introduction - an isoparametric bar element - plane bilinear element - summary of gauss quadrature - quadratic plane elements - direct construction of shape functions for transition elements - hexahedral (solid) isoparametric elements - triangular isoparametric elements - consistent element nodal loads - validity of isoparametric elements - appropriate order of quadrature - element and mesh instabilities remarks on stress computation Coordinate transformation: transformation of vectors - transformation of stress, strain and material properties - transformation of stiffness matrices - transformation of flexibility to stiffness - inclined support - joining dissimilar elements to one another- rigid links - rigid elements Module IV (13 hours) Bending flat plates: plate bending theory - finite elements for plates - triangular discrete Kirchoff element - boundary conditions

Introduction to weighted residual method: some weighted residual methods - galerkin finite element method - integration by parts - axially loaded bar - beam - plane elasticity Topics in structural mechanics: d.o.f within elements - condensation - condensation and recovery algorithm - substructuring - structural symmetry Reference books 1. Desai C.S., Elementary Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall of India 2. Chandrupatla T.R. & Belegundu A.D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice Hall of India 3. Bathe K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall of India 4. Gallaghar R.H., Finite Element Analysis: Fundamentals, Prentice Hall Inc. 5. Rajasekaran S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler Pub. 6. Krishnamoorthy C. S., Finite Element Analysis - Theory and Programming, Tata McGraw Hill 7. Zienkiewics O.C. & Taylor R.L., The Finite Element Method, Vol I & II, McGraw Hill





Module I Introduction: Water systems engineering –scope and approach. Issues and the systems planning approach- water system dynamics- water resource development alternatives – Water syste ms planning objectives- Constraints and Criteria – Economic and Econometric principles Module II Hydrologic input analysis, Demand analysis, System elements & Subsystem planning Stochastic planning and management - Design and management issues. Module III Optimization methods and their application in W.R. systems. Linear programming and Dynamic programming models. Problem formulation for W.R systems – Multi objective planning – Large scale system analysis- Case studies. Module IV Ground water system planning – Conjunctive surface and G.W developmentHierarchical approach- Water quality management planning- Regional planning- Policy issues.

Reference books 1. M. C. Chathurvedi , W.R. Systems – Planning & Management, Tata Mc Garw Hill Publications,New Delhi 2. Louks D P etal W.R System Planning & Analysis, Prentice Hall - 1981. 3. Maass. A. etal – Design Water Resources Systems – Mc. Millan. 1968 4. Goodman. A.S. Principles of Water Resources planning, Prentice – Hall, 1984 Brief Syllabus Water system Engineering, System planning approach - Constraints and Criteria - Stochastic planning and management – Optimisation methods – Linear and Dynamic programming models – Conjunctive GW and SW development – Regional Planning.

CE 397T: DATA STRUCTURES AND ANALYSIS Module I (9 hours) Review of data types – scalar types – primitive types – enumerated types – sub ranges structures types – character strings – arrays – records – sets – tiles – data abstraction – complexity of algorithms – analysis of recursive algorithms Module II (10 hours) Linear data structures – stacks – queues – lists – stack and queue implementation using array – linked list – linked list implementation using pointers Module III (10 hours) Non linear structures – graphs – trees – sets – graph and tree implementation using array linked list – set implementation using bit string linked list Module IV (10 hours) Searching – sequential search – searching arrays and linked lists – binary search – searching arrays and binary search trees – hashing – introduction to hash functions – sorting n2 sorts – bubble sort. Text book Abo A.V., Hopcroff J.E nad Ullman J.D, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison Wesley publications Reference books 1. Sahini S., Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++, McGraw Hill Publications 2. Wirth N., Algorithms + Data Structures = Prgorams, Prentice Hall Publication





Module I (10 hours) Introduction - nature of dynamic loads - stress conditions on soil elements under earthquake loading - dynamic loads imposed by simple crank mechanism - type of machine foundations - special considerations for design of machine foundations - theory of vibration: general definitions - properties of harmonic motion - free vibrations of a mass-spring system - free vibrations with viscous damping - forced vibrations with viscous damping - frequency dependent exciting force - systems under transient forces Raleigh’s method - logarithmic decrement - determination of viscous damping - principle of vibration measuring instruments - systems with two degrees of freedom - special response Module II (10 hours) Criteria for a satisfactory machine foundation - permissible amplitude of vibration for different type of machines - methods of analysis of machine foundations - methods based on linear elastic weightless springs - methods based on linear theory of elasticity (elastic half space theory) - methods based on semi graphical approach - degrees of freedom of a block foundation - definition of soil spring constants - nature of damping - geometric and internal damping - determination of soil constants - methods of determination of soil constants in laboratory and field based on IS code provisions Module III (9 hours) Vertical, sliding, rocking and yawing vibrations of a block foundation - simultaneous rocking, sliding and vertical vibrations of a block foundation - foundation of reciprocating machines - design criteria - calculation of induced forces and moments - multi-cylinder engines - numerical example (IS code method) Module IV (10 hours) Foundations subjected to impact loads - design criteria - analysis of vertical vibrations computation of dynamic forces - design of hammer foundations (IS code method) vibration isolation - active and passive isolation - transmissibility - methods of isolation in machine foundations Note: Use of I.S 2974 Part I and II will be allowed in the university examination Reference books 1. Shamsher Prakash, Soil Dynamics, McGraw Hill 2. Alexander Major, Dynamics in Soil Engineering 3. Sreenivasalu & Varadarajan, Handbook of Machine Foundations, Tata McGraw Hill 4. IS 2974 - Part I and II, Design Considerations for Machine Foundations 5. IS 5249: Method of Test for Determination of Dynamic Properties Of Soils





Role of transportation - Urban travel characteristics - Transportation planning process Travel demand estimation processes - Delineation of study area & traffic zones Collection & checking of Data -Trip Generation Analysis - Trip Distribution Analysis Mode Split Analysis - Route Split Analysis. Module I (12 hours) Urban Transportation Planning Process & Concepts: Role of transportation Transportation problems - Urban travel characteristics - Evolution of transportation planning process - Concept of travel demand - Demand function - Independent variables Travel attributes - Assumptions in demand estimation - Sequential, recursive and simultaneous processes Module II ( 9 hours) Trip Generation Analysis: Definition of study area - Zoning - Types and sources of data - Road side interviews - Home interview surveys - Expansion factors - Accuracy checks Trip generation models - Zonal models - Category analysis - Household models - Trip attractions of work centers. Module III (9 hours) Trip Distribution Analysis: Trip distribution models - Growth factor models - Gravity models - Opportunity models. Module IV ( 9 hours) Mode Split Analysis: Mode split analysis - Mode choice behaviour, Competing modes, Mode split curves, Probabilistic models. Route Split Analysis - Route split analysis: Elements of transportation networks, coding - minimum path trees, all-or-nothing assignment.

References Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Hutchinson B.G., Principles of Urban Transportation System Planning, McGraw Hill Khisty C.J., Transportation Engineering - An Introduction, Prentice Hall Bruton M.J., Introduction to Transportation Planning, Hutchinson Papacostar, Fundamentals of Transportation Planning, Tata McGraw Hill Dicky J.W., Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Tata McGraw Hill





Gantry Girder :Design of gantry girder – welded compound sections Water Tanks & Towers: Design of rectangular pressed steel tanks – Design of suspended bottom tanks – cylindrical tank with hemispherical bottom – design of staging Chimneys: Design of self supporting chimney – Design principles of guyed chimney Plate girder bridges – Plate girders – Loads – Equivalent uniformly distributed loads – Indian railway code of practice – Design of plate girder bridges – Bearings Light gauge members – Light gauge sections – design considerations – allowable stresses – buckling Design of compression members, tension members and laterally supported beams – connections Note: 1. All designs shall be done as per I.S specifications 2. All designs shall be supplemented with detailing 3. Use of SP: 6 (structural sections) and I.S Codes shall be permitted in the examination hall Reference books 1. Ramchandra , Design of Steel Structures Vol I and II, Standard book house 2. P. Dayaratnam, Design of Steel Structures, (Wheeler) 3. M. Raghupathi, Design of Steel Structures, Tata McGraw Hill 4. Lin & Breslar, Design of Steel Structures, John Wiley & Sons





Introduction Introduction to engineering seismology – Seismic waves primary and secondary waves – Raleigh wave - Love wave – Magnitude of earthquake – Intensity Concept of seismic design Approach to earthquake resistant design – General principles of a seismic design – Review of IS 1893:2002 – Building equivalent static analysis – Vertical distribution of seismic forces and horizontal shears – Dynamic analysis – Design spectrums – Seismic weights – Modal combination – Load combinations and permissible stresses – Guide lines for earthquake resistant design – Ductile detailing for seismic design Special structures Design of water tanks – Elevated tower supported tanks - Hydrodynamic pressure in tanks – examples Design of towers – Stack like structures – Chimneys – Design principles of retaining walls – Concept of design of bridges – Design of bearings Reference books 1. IS: 1893-2002, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part I, General Provisions, BIS, New Delhi, p.39 2. IS:1893-1984, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, BIS, New Delhi, p.77 3. IS: 4326-1993, Indian Standard Code of practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings, BIS, New Delhi, 1993 4. SP:22-1982, Explanatory Hand Book on Codes of Earthquake Engineering, BIS, New Delhi, 1982. 5. IS:13920-1993, Indian Standard Ductile Detailing of RCC Structures subjected to seismic forces – Code of practice, 1993, p.16 6. Lecture notes prepared by Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, 2002 7. Short term course notes on Earthquake Resistant Design , by Sudhir K Jain & CVR Murthy, I.I.T Kanpur






General physical characteristics of soils - weathering, soil formation, soil profile, soil as a three phase system, volume and mass relationships. Properties of water in relation to porous media - molecular structure, hydrogen bonding, states of water, ionization and pH, solvent properties, osmotic pressure, solubility of gases, adsorption, vapour pressure, surface tension, capillarity, compressibility. Particle size analysis and specific surface measurement, nature and behavior of clay, soil structure an aggregation. Module II Content and potential of soil water - measurement of soil wetness, water potential, soilmoisture characteristic curve, hysteresis, measurement of soil moisture potential. Flow of water in saturated and unsaturated soils – basic terminology, laws and equations. Movement of solutes and soil salinity - basic processes, equations, soil salinity & alkalinity, salt balance Module III Content and composition of soil air - composition of soil air, soil respiration and aeration requirements, measurement of soil air content and composition, respiration, oxidation – reduction processes. Movement an exchange of gases in the soil – processes. The field water cycle – entry for water into soil, basic infiltration theory & equations, instability of wetting fronts, surface run off and erosion, redistribution of water in soil, drainage, evaporation. Module 1V Soil – water plant relationships – uptake of soil moisture by plants, water balance and energy balance in the field, classical and modern concepts of soil water availability, irrigation and water – use efficiency, remediation of hazardous waste sites . Reference books 1. Daniel Hillel, Environmental Soil Physics, Academic Press, 1998 2. H, Don Scott, Soil Physics - Agricultural and Environmental Applications, Iowa State University Press 3. Daniel Hillel, Introduction to Soil Physics, Academic Press, 1997 4. W.A Jury, W.R, Gardner, W.H.Gardner, John Wiley and Sons, 1991.Soil Physics Brief Syllabus

General Physical characteristics of soil - Properties of water in relation to porous media - Content and composition of soil air- Movement and exchange of gases in the soil - Soil-water-plant relations - Irrigation and water.





Module I (9 hours) Study of damages caused by industrial pollution in India and Kerala (typical problems). Preliminary treatment of industrial waste water – volume reduction – strength reduction – neutralization – equalization and proportioning Module II (10 hours) Characteristics and process of waste water from textile industry – paper industry – dairy – fertilizer – thermal power plants Module III (10 hours) Treatment of waste water from textile industry – paper industry – dairy – fertilizer – thermal power plants Module IV(10 hours) Environmental impact of textile industry – paper industry - dairy - fertilizer – thermal power plant Text books 1. Nemerow, Theory and Practices of Industrial Waste Treatment, Addison Wiley 2. Guruham C.B., Principles of Industrial Waste Engineering 3. Rau J.G and Wooler D.S., Environmental Impact Analysis, Handbook, Mc Graw Hill





Module I (9 hours) Basic concepts – calibration standards – generalized measurement system – experiment planning Analysis of experimental data – causes and types of experimental errors – error analysis – statistical analysis of experimental data Module II (10 hours) Basic electrical measurements and sensing devices – analog and digital instruments Displacement and area measurement – gauge blocks – optical methods – graphical and numerical methods for area measurement Module III (10 hours) Pressure measurements – pressure gauges Flow measurement – laser droppler anemometer – impact pressure in supersonic flow Module IV (10 hours) Force, torque and strain measurements- the unbounded resistance strain gauge Motion and vibration measurement – seismic measurement – data acquisition and processing. Text books 1. Holman J.P, Experimental Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill Publication 2. Docolin E.O, Measurement Systems – Application and Design, McGraw Hill Publication Reference books 1. Nukra B.C & Choudhary, Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publication





Module I Introduction - uncertainty in real world information, design and decision making under uncertainty. Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions – events , probability and random variables , elements of set theory , univariate and bivariate probability distributions, marginal distributions, conditional distributions , independence, derived distributions , mixed distributions, applications . Properties of random variables - moments and expectation for univariate distributions, moment generating functions, measures of central tendency, dispersion, symmetry & skewness, moments and expectation for jointly distributed random variables, sample moments, parameter estimation, applications. Module II Some Discrete Probability Distributions and their Applications - Bernoulli process – binomial, geometric and negative binomial distributions, Poisson process - Poisson, exponential and gamma distributions, hyper geometric distribution, multinomial distribution, multivariate distributions – bivariate normal distribution. Some Continuous Probability Distributions and their Applications – uniform distribution, exponential distribution, gamma distribution , beta distribution , Weibull distribution, normal distribution, lognormal distribution, extreme value distributions, some important distributions of sample statistics – chi-square, the t and F distribution, probability plotting and frequency analysis, applications. Module III Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing – properties of estimators, estimation of confidence intervals, Hypothesis testing, goodness of fit tests , analysis of variance - one way and two way analysis of variance. Methods of regression & correlation analysis simple linear and multiple linear regression, frequency analysis of extreme events – EV distributions, applications. Module IV Simulation Techniques for Design - Monte Carlo simulation, generation of random numbers, variance reduction techniques, applications. Risk and Reliability Analysis – analysis and assessment of reliability, measures of reliability, uncertainty in reliability assessments, first order analysis of uncertainty, temporal reliability, reliability based design, applications.

References 1. C.T Haan, Statistical Methods In Hydrology, Affiliated East West Press, 1994 2. N.T Kottegoda & Ranzo Russo, Statistics, Probability and Reliability For Civil and Environmental Engineers, Mc Graw Hill Inc., 1997 3. Alfredo H-S. Ang and W.H. Tang, Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design, Vol. 1 : Basic Principles and Vol. 2 : Decision, Risk and Reliability : John Wiley & Sons, 1984 4. Paul. L. Meyer Introductory Probability and Statistical Applications, , Oxford IBH Publishing Co Pvt ltd 1971 5. V.T. Chow, D.R. Maidment and Larry. W. Mays, Applied Hydrology : Mc. Graw Hill Inc., 1988 Brief Syllabus Basic concepts of probability – Probability distributions – Properties of random variables – Discrete probability distributions and applications – Continuous probability distributions and their applications – Confidence interval and hypothesis testing – methods of regression and correlation analysis – Simulation techniques for design – Risk and reliability analysis.


Code Level Pre Requisite

CE4E02L 4 CE2C01

(Note : A student cannot register for CE4E02L & CE301A Theory of Elasticity)

Credits – 3 Module I (13 hours) 1.Theories of stress and strain: definition of stress at a point - stress notation symmetry of the stress array and stress on an arbitrarily oriented plane transformation of stress - principal stresses - other properties - differential equation of motion of a deformable body - deformation of a deformable body strain theory - principal strains - strain of a volume element - small displacement theory 2.Stress-strain relations: elastic and inelastic response of a solid - first law of thermodynamics - internal -energy density - complementary internal-energy density - Hooke’s law - anisotropic elasticity - Hooke’s law - isotropic elasticity plane stress and plane strain problems Module II (13 hours) 3.Torsion: torsion of a cylindrical bar of circular cross section - Saint-Venant’s semi-inverse method - linear elastic solution - the prandtl elastic membrane (soapfilm) analogy - narrow rectangular cross section - thin -wall torsion - members with restrained ends - fully plastic torsion Module III (13 hours) 4. Nonsymmetrical bending of straight beams: definition of shear centre in bending - symmetrical and nonsymmetrical bending - bending stresses in beams subjected to nonsymmetrical bending - deflections of straight beams subjected to unsymmetrical bending - changing in direction of neutral axis and increase in stress and deflection in rolled sections due to a very small inclination of plane of loads to a principal plane - fully plastic load for unsymmetrical bending 5. Curved beams: introduction - circumferential stress in a curved beam - radial stresses in curved beams - correction of circumferential stresses in curved beams having I.T, or similar cross sections - deflections of curved beams - statically indeterminate curved beams - closed ring subjected to a concentrated load - fully plastic loads for curved beams Module IV (13 hours) 6. Beams on elastic foundation: general theory - infinite beam subjected to concentrated load - boundary conditions - infinite beam subjected to a distributed load segment - semi-infinite beam subjected to loads at its end - semi-infinite beam with concentrated load near its end - short beams

7. Failure criteria: modes of failure - failure criteria - excessive deflections yield initiation - extensive yield - fracture - progressive fracture (high cycle fatigue for number of cycles N>106), buckling





Module I (10 hours) Soil structure interaction problems: introduction with practical examples Soil models : Single parameter model (Winkler), Two parameter models (FilonenkoBorodich model, Pasternaak model, Hetengi model) – Visco – elastic model, Elastic continuum model. (only outline of salient features and discussion of limitations of the models is expected) – Contact pressure distribution beneath a rigid footing- concentrically and eccentrically loaded cases. Contact pressure distribution beneath flexible footings. Contact pressure distribution below rafts – Parameters affecting contact pressure distribution Method of analysis of contact pressure distribution – Modulus of subgrade reaction approach (Winkler model) – Classical solution of beams on elastic foundation – Solution for beam of infinite length subjected to central concentrated load and central moment – Beams of finite length – Formulation of basic equations for slabs resting on elastic foundation – Application to design of combined footings Module II (9 hours) Sheet pile walls and cofferdams : Types and uses of sheet piles – Design of cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls -Anchors – Types and uses of coffer dams – Single wall coffer dams – Soil pressure on single walled (braced cofferdams) – Design of single wall cofferdams – Cellular stability of cellular cofferdams – Instability due to heave of bottom of excavation – Condition for piping – Conditions for blow in Module III (15 hours) Machine foundations : Basic theory of vibration – Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom with and without damping – Two degrees of freedom with and without damping – Dynamic soil properties – Mass spring model and constants – Elastic half space approach – Determination of dynamic soil constants in laboratory and field based on I.S code provisions. Modes of vibration of block foundation Natural frequency of foundation soil system by Barkan’s approach – Method of analysis – Barkan’s method – Verticals- Translation, sliding, rocking and yawing (I.S code method) Module IV (10 hours) Special foundation : Shell foundations – Structural form and efficiency – Different types of shell foundations – General principles of design of shell foundations – Special features of the foundations for water tanks, silos, chimneys and transmission line towers Foundations for offshore structures – Gravity structures – Jack up type structures – Design considerations





Module I (9 hours) Concept of environment – concept of environmental impact – environmental impact factors and areas of consideration – environmental protection legislation – laws and acts – measurement of environmental impact – measurement of natural / physical environment impacts – measures of social impacts – measures of economic impacts – concepts of significant effect Module II (10 hours) Socio economic impact analysis – types of socioeconomic impacts – examples of types of socioeconomic impacts – outline of basic steps in performing the socioeconomic impact assessment – analysis of pubic services and facilities impacts – fiscal impact analysis – analysis of social impacts – impacts of economic profile of the community – example Module III (10 hours) Air quality impact analysis – typical consideration and factors – air quality modeling – legal aspects –assessment methodology – case examples – water quality impact analysis – water quality – criteria and standards – environmental indicators – field surveys – impact analysis – water quality impact by project type Module IV (10 hours) Energy impact analysis – legal requirements – importance of energy impact analysis – measures of energy – energy impact assessment – energy inventory – energy conservation – energy alternatives – data and data sources Noise impact analysis – legal aspects – analysis of sound – sound propagation – the effect of noise on people – noise scales and rating methods – estimating transportation noise impacts. Reference books 1. Rau & Woolen Impact Analysis Handbook , McGraw Hill 2. Bella G. & Liptak, Environmental Engineering Handbook, Chilten book USA 3. S.K. Dhameja Environmental Engineering and Management, S.K Khataria and sons 4. Kiely Gerald, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill





Module I (9 hours) Failure of Structures Review of the construction theory – performance problems – responsibility and accountability – case studies – learning from failures – causes of distress in structural members – design and material deficiencies – over loading Module II (10 hours) Diagnosis and Assessment of Distress Visual inspection – non destructive tests – ultrasonic pulse velocity method – rebound hammer technique – ASTM classifications – pullout tests – Bremor test – Windsor probe test – crack detection techniques – case studies – single and multistorey buildings – Fibreoptic method for prediction of structural weakness Module III (10 hours) Environmental Problems and Natural Hazards Effect of corrosive, chemical and marine environment – pollution and carbonation problems – durability of RCC structures – damage due to earthquakes and strengthening of buildings – provisions of BIS 1893 and 4326 Module IV (10 hours) Modern Techniques of Retrofitting Structural first aid after a disaster – guniting, jacketing – use of chemicals in repair – application of polymers – ferrocement and fibre concretes as rehabilitation materials – strengthening by prestressing – case studies – bridges – water tanks – cooling towers – heritage buildings – high rise buildings

CE 492T GIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 3 0 0 3 Module I (8 hours) Introduction – definitions of GIS – components of GIS – Geographic data Presentation : maps – mapping process – coordinate systems – transformations – map projection – geo referencing - data acquisition. Module II (13 hours) Geographic data representation, storage, quality and standards : storage : digital representation of data –Data - base structures and data - base management systems – raster data representation – vector data representation – concepts and definitions of data quality – components of data quality – assessment of data quality – managing data errors – geographic data standards. Module III (12 hours) GIS data processing, analysis and modeling : Raster based GIS data processing – vector based GIS data processing – queries – spatial analysis – descriptive statistics – spatial autocorrelation – quadrant counts and nearest neighbour analysis – network analysis – surface modeling – DTM. Module IV (6 hours) GIS applications: (in one of the following areas) Applications of GIS in Environment monitoring – Natural hazard management – Natural resources management urban planning – utility management – Land information – Business development





To familiarize and give hands on training to students in the following areas of Civil Engineering Application software 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Drafting and documentation Surveying – terrain mapping, computation of areas & volumes Structural Analysis and Design Water resources Geotechnical Engineering Road/Railway system Environmental Engineering Estimation and costing Project management

Recommended packages:       

Auto CAD, MicroStation, MS Office, Matlab, Grapher/Sigma plot Moss, AutoCivil, Intergraph ASAP, Staad Water CAD, Flow master Win log, Geoslope, Beurcap InRoads MS – Project

Lab Practicals / Record Test Total

= 75 = 25 = 100 marks





Module I (9 hours) Introduction to optimization problem: Design variables – design constraints – the objective function – the design space – the problem formulation. Single variable optimization problems: classical optimization technique – problems with no constraints, with equality constraints and with inequality constraints. Linear programming. Module II (10 hours) Multi-variable optimization problems: optimization with no constraints, with equality constraints – solution by substitution, constrained variation and lagrange multipliers, with inequality constraints – Kuhn-Tucker condition. Convex programming problems: Non-Linear programming: One dimensional minimization methods – unimodal function – unrestricted search – Dichotomous search – Fibonacci method – Quadratic and cubic interpolation methods – Direct root method. Module III (10 hours) Non-linear programming – Unconstrained optimization techniques: Direct search method and indirect search method Non-linear programming – constrained optimization techniques – direct and indirect methods. Dynamic programming Module IV (10 hours) Geometric programming : Introduction – arithmetic – geometric inequality – formulation of geometric programming – solution methods. Genetic algorithms: Introduction – discrete variable optimization – Coding – fitness function – simple GA operators – reproduction, cross over and mutation. Text book 1. S.S. Rao, “Engineering optimization – theory and practice’, New Age international (P) Ltd., References 1. Kalyanmoy Deb., ‘Optimization for Engineering Design – Algorithms and Examples’, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi. 2. Kirsch U., ‘Optimum Structural Design’, Mc Graw Hill. 3. Stark R.M and Nicholls R.L., ‘Mathematical Foundation for Design’, Mc Graw Hill. 4. Fox R.L., ‘Optimization methods for Engg. Design, Addison – Wesley Pub. 5. Hardley G., ‘ Linear Programming’, Narosa Pub. 6. Rajeev, S and Krishnamoorthy, C.S (1992), ‘Discrete Optimization of Structures Using Genetic Algorithms’ Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 118, No.5, pp 1223-1250.





Individual students will be asked to choose a topic in any field of Civil Engineering, preferably from outside the B.Tech syllabus and give seminar on the topic for about thirty minutes. A committee consisting of at least three faculty members specialized on different fields of engineering will assess the presentation of the seminars and award the marks to the students. Each student will be asked to submit two copies of a write up of the seminar talk – one copy will be returned to the student after duly certifying by the chairman of the assessing committee and the other copy will be kept in the departmental library





The project work will be a design project – experimental project – field surveying or computer oriented on any of the topics of civil engineering interest. It will allotted as a group project consisting of a maximum member of four students. The topic of the project will be different from the mini project The assessment of the project will be done at the end of the semester by a committee consisting of three or four faculty members specialized in various fields of Civil Engineering. The students will present their project work before the committee. The complete project report is not expected at the end this semester. However a three or four page typed report based on the work done will have to be submitted by the students to the assessing committee. The project guides will award the grades to the individual students depending on the group average awarded by the committee.

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