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April 8, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: , Social Science, Anthropology, Human Evolution
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Audrey Clare Lesson Plans BIO CPE Week 4/22 - 26 Standards: Ch. 14 Topics (Evolution) 5.3.12.E.1 New traits may result from new combinations of existing genes or from mutations of genes in reproductive cells within a population. 5.3.12.E.2 Molecular evidence (e.g., DNA, protein structures, etc.) substantiates the anatomical evidence for evolution and provides additional detail about the sequence in which various lines of descent branched. 5.3.12.E.3 The principles of evolution (including natural selection and common descent) provide a scientific explanation for the history of life on Earth as evidenced in the fossil record and in the similarities that exist within the diversity of existing organisms. 5.3.12.E.4 Evolution occurs as a result of a combination of the following factors: 1. Ability of a species to reproduce; 2. Genetic variability of offspring due to mutation and recombination of genes; 3. Finite supply of the resources required for life. Natural selection, due to environmental pressure, of those organisms better able to survive and leave offspring Common Core RW1 (9-10): Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions (Review prompts, concept checks) RW4 (9-10): Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9 –10 topics RW5 (9-10): Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships between key terms (concept checks; outline quiz) WHSST 4 (9-10): Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (concept checks; review prompts; outline quiz) WHSST 9 (9-10): Draw evidence from info. Texts to support analysis, reflection, and research (concept checks; review prompts; outline quiz)

Lesson CH. 14.2: Evidence for Evolution Objectives: SWBAT …

Student Assignments Evidence of Evolution Packet

Provide and explain multiple pieces of evidence to support the theory of Evolution (Fossil Record; Geographic Distribution; Similar (homologous) structures; Embryonic Development; Molecular similarities in amino acids and DNA) Materials: net books; embryo cut outs; station materials Procedure: 1. Online Activity 14.2 and Embryo envelopes; 2. Debrief and notes PBS’s Evolution: Great Transformations (Episode 2)

Video Questions

Objectives: SWBAT … Explain and give examples of how fossil evidence and structural similarities support the theory of evolution. Materials: Video Procedure: Video with question and discussion 14.4: Microevolution and the Gene Pool Objectives: SWBAT … 

Identify sources of genetic variation in gene pool.

Explain and give examples of how the gene pool and populations can be affected by genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation.

Read 14.4 and 14.5 & Complete concept questions

Materials: Outline/notes quiz; PPT; online activity 14.4 Procedure: 1. Outline/notes quiz; 2. Notes/discussion with online activity 14.4 (gene pool) as demonstration

CH. 14 Review and Practice Objective: SWBAT review and practice concepts in Evolution. Materials: Self quiz, station questions, answer keys Procedure: 1. Writing prompt and peer grading; 2. Self quiz; 3. Station questions

Review questions

Concept check questions

Ch. 15: 1: Macroevolution and speciation Objectives: SWBAT … 

Describe the biological species concept

Distinguish b/w micro and macroevolution

List types of reproductive barriers b/w species.

Explain how geographic isolation and adaptive radiation contribute to species diversity.

Summarize models for the tempo. Of speciation

Materials: PPT Procedure: 1. Notes/ discussion; 2. Self quiz Ch. 15.3: Evolution in the rock record Objectives: SWBAT …  Review geologic time scale and methods used to determine the ages of fossils.  Describe and give examples of how geologic events affect evolution. Materials: PPT; student worksheets Procedure: 1. Self quiz (review prompt on macroevolution); 2. PPT w/ discussion Evolution Test – next week Week April 22-26 PERIOD

Mon. A


Tues B Ch. 14.4: Mircoevolution and the gene pool (Lecture/notes with discussion) Due: Notes/Outline 14.1-14.3

Wed C Review & Practice Ch. 15.1 Macro evolution Due: Concept Check questions 14.4-14.5

Concept Check questions

Thurs D Ch. 15.3: Evolution in the Rock Record

Fri A

Lab: Video clip with questions (TBD) or review for test Due: Concept check 15.115.3


EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION Lab: “Great Transformations”



Ch. 15.3: Evolution in the Rock Record

– dvd with questions Lab: Video clip with questions (TBD) or review for test Due: Concept check 15.115.3

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