Dental Program & Directory of Preferred Providers 1199SEIU Greater New York

January 15, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: health and fitness, dental care, alumni and reunions
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1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund

Dental Program & Directory of Preferred Providers

Table of Contents Eligibility ......................................................................................5 Choosing a Dentist........................................................................6 Three Ways to Locate a Participating Panel Dentist.......................7 Treatment Pre-certification............................................................8 Annual Maximum Payment ..........................................................8 What Happens If I Have a Dental Emergency? .............................8 Questions Regarding Bills or Claims .............................................9 Introducción en Español .........................................................10 Elegibilidad .................................................................................10 Cómo elegir un dentista ..............................................................11 Tres maneras de encontrar a un dentista que participa en el panel .............................................................................12 Certificación antes del tratamiento..............................................13 Pago máximo anual .....................................................................14 ¿Qué ocurre si tengo una emergencia dental?..............................14 Preguntas sobre facturas o reclamaciones ...................................14 List of DDS Dentists Bronx .....................................................................................17 Brooklyn ................................................................................18 Manhattan..............................................................................20 Queens...................................................................................22 Staten Island ..........................................................................25 NY State Dutchess County ...............................................................26 Nassau County ..................................................................27 Orange County ..................................................................29 Rockland County ...............................................................30 Suffolk County ..................................................................31 Ulster County....................................................................33 Westchester County...........................................................34 New Jersey.............................................................................35 Other states Connecticut .......................................................................44 Florida...............................................................................44 Pennsylvania......................................................................44 Rhode Island .....................................................................44 Puerto Rico........................................................................44

We are pleased to welcome you to our comprehensive dental care program. This booklet gives you a general overview of your benefits along with a list of participating providers.

Eligibility Contact the Member Service Department at 212-541-9150 or 800-556-2271 (outside the New York City area) to verify your eligibility for this dental benefit. Newly eligible members whose benefit coverage became effective after 6/1/02, will have their dental benefit determined by the hours they work. Only employees eligible for full-time benefits (Category I) and their eligible dependents will receive dental benefits. Dental coverage ends on the last day of your employment. Note: If you are currently enrolled in The American Dental Centers or if you are a member who works part-time and has elected Benefit Option 1, you and/or your family members are not eligible to use the preferred panel of DDS dentists or non-participating dentists. Note: Eligible members who live or work north of Westchester County may choose to enroll in the GHI Dental Preferred Plus network. For information, call Member Services at 212-541-9150.


Choosing a Dentist

2 Non-Participating Dentist

Members have two choices:

Members who choose to use non-panel dentists will be responsible for paying the difference between the Fund’s allowance and your dentist’s charge.

1 Preferred Panel of Dental Providers When receiving your dental care from a participating dentist, there is coverage in full with no co-payment for diagnostic, preventive or basic services (that is, fillings, extractions, x-rays and cleanings). Some major services require co-payments. DDS is a Preferred Panel of Providers with a network of over 500 participating dentists in the tri-state area that accept full or partial assignment for covered services up to the limits of the plan. This means there may be some limited out-of-pocket cost when you or your eligible spouse or dependent children visit one of the participating dentists. Participating dentists include independent neighborhood dentists in a private or group practice. This means a Preferred Dental Provider may be a single dentist practicing alone or a number of dentists practicing as a group. A claim form is not required when you use a participating DDS dentist. Participating dentists will bill DDS directly.

Services Covered at No Charge and Covered Services With a Co-Payment Diagnostic, Preventive and Basic Dental Work – NO co-payment is required for this care when you use a DDS Dentist. Some of the services in this category are: oral exam, X-rays, preventive care (cleaning), restorative fillings, root canals, perio scaling, extractions, denture repairs

Members who use non-participating dentists should obtain a dental claim form from the Fund office, or by calling DDS Inc. (800-2555681) prior to seeing a dentist. You or your dentist can send in a completed claim form to DDS for processing: DDS Inc. 1640 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554 Remember, it is likely you will have large out-of-pocket expenses.

Three Ways to Locate a Participating Panel Dentist ■ Review and select a participating dentist from this directory. ■ Call DDS at 800-255-5681. Identify yourself as a member of the 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund and ask for a dentist near your home or worksite. You will be given the dentist’s name, address and telephone number in order to make an appointment. ■ View the Greater New York directory on the 1199SEIU NBF website at or the DDS website at (Use the name of the Fund when accessing the DDS website.) When scheduling your appointment, confirm that the dentist is a participating DDS provider and identify yourself as an 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund member.

Major Restorative, Prosthetics (i.e. denture, crowns) and Orthodontics – A set co-payment for major restorative work or orthodontics for eligible dependent children under the age of 19 is required when you use a DDS dentist. Procedures include: crowns, dentures, bridges, periodontal care, orthodontics 6


Treatment Pre-certification

Questions Regarding Bills or Claims

All services above $300 and all orthodontic services for eligible dependent children under the age of 19 must be pre-certified by DDS’s dental consultant. This protects you from unnecessary or inappropriate treatment. You should not begin treatment until your dentist receives the necessary prior authorization.

Contact DDS directly at 800-255-5681 to determine the status of a claim, or if you have a question regarding how a bill/claim was settled.

To have your dental treatment pre-certified, you or the dentist must submit the x-ray of treatment area and description of treatment plan. Send this information to: DDS Inc. 1640 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554 After securing approval, your dental work can begin. If the treatment plan is not approved, you may appeal this decision.* * If you wish to appeal a pre-certification or reimbursement decision, you may write us at: 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund Appeals Department PO Box 646 New York, NY 10108-0646

Annual Maximum Payment The total annual benefit is limited to $1,200 per eligible person/per calendar year. The orthodontic lifetime maximum is $1,000 for each eligible dependent child under age 19.

What Happens If I Have a Dental Emergency?

This document is not the official Summary Plan Description (SPD) of the 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund. Please consult the SPD for a full description of your Fund benefits. In case of any conflict between this document and the SPD, the terms of the SPD shall govern.

Promptly call DDS at 800-255-5681 and they will ensure that you are under a dentist’s care within 24 hours. If their office is closed, it is advised that you visit the nearest dentist or contact your DDS participating dentist and you will be reimbursed for the emergency services up to the limits of the plan.



Tenemos el placer de darle la bienvenida a nuestro amplio programa de cuidado dental. Este folleto le brinda una reseña completa de sus beneficios junto con un listado de proveedores participantes.

Cómo elegir un dentista Los miembros tienen dos opciones: 1. Panel preferido de proveedores dentales Cuando recibe la atención dental de un dentista participante, se aplica la cobertura total sin pagos parciales por servicios básicos, preventivos o de diagnóstico (o sea, empastes, extracciones, radiografías y limpiezas). Existen algunos pagos parciales fijos por los servicios principales.

Elegibilidad Comuníquese con el Departamento de Servicios para Miembros de la 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund al 212-541-9150 (ó 800-556-2271 fuera de la zona de la ciudad de Nueva York) para verificar si es elegible a recibir este beneficio dental. Para miembros nuevos elegibles, cuya cobertura de beneficios comienza efectividad a partir del 1o de junio de 2002, su beneficio dental será determinado por las horas trabajadas. Solamente los empleados elegibles para recibir beneficios a tiempo completo (Categoría I) y sus dependientes elegibles recibirán beneficios dentales. La cobertura dental termina el último día de su empleo. Si usted está actualmente inscrito en The American Dental Centers o si es un miembro que trabaja a tiempo parcial y ha elegido la Opción 1 de Beneficios, usted y los miembros de su familia no son elegibles para usar el panel preferido de dentistas DDS o dentistas no participantes. Miembros elegibles que viven o trabajan al norte del condado de Westchester pueden elegir inscribirse en la red de “GHI Dental Preferred Plus”. Para más información favor de comunicarse al Departamento de Servicio al Miembro al 212-541-9150.

DDS es un Panel Preferido de Proveedores con una red de más de 500 dentistas participantes en el área de los tres estados que aceptan una asignación completa o parcial de los servicios cubiertos hasta los límites del plan. Esto quiere decir que podrían existir algunos costos en efectivo limitados cuando usted o su cónyuge o hijos dependientes elegibles visitan uno de los dentistas participantes. Los dentistas participantes son dentistas independientes de los barrios que tienen prácticas privadas o en grupo. Esto quiere decir que un Proveedor Dental Preferido puede ser un solo dentista con una práctica individual o un número de dentistas que participan en grupo. No se requiere un formulario de reclamación cuando usted usa un dentista DDS participante. Los dentistas participantes facturarán directamente a DDS.

Servicios cubiertos sin costo y servicios cubiertos con un pago parcial Trabajos dentales básicos, preventivos y de diagnóstico – NO se requiere un pago parcial para este tipo de atención cuando usted usa un Dentista de DDS. Algunos de los servicios en esta categoría son: exámenes orales, radiografías, atención preventiva (limpiezas), empastes de restauración, tratamientos de endodoncia, raspaje periodóntico, extracciones, reparaciones de dentaduras



Restauraciones mayores, prótesis (dentaduras, coronas) y ortodoncia – Se requiere un pago parcial fijo por trabajo de restauraciones mayores u ortodoncia para niños dependientes elegibles menores de 19 años cuando usa un dentista de DDS. Procedimientos incluidos son como ejemplo: coronas, dentaduras, puentes, atención periodóntica, ortodoncia

2. Dentistas no participantes Los miembros que eligen usar dentistas que no pertenecen al panel son responsables por el pago de la diferencia entre el monto permitido por el Fondo y el costo del dentista. Los miembros que usan dentistas no participantes deberán obtener un formulario de reclamación dental de la oficina del Fondo, o deben llamar a DDS Inc. (800-255-5681) antes de ver a un dentista. Usted o su dentista puede enviar un formulario de reclamación completado a DDS para su procesamiento. (Vea el panel de atrás) Recuerde, es posible que tenga gastos en efectivo importantes.

Tres maneras de encontrar a un dentista que participa en el panel ■ Evaluar y seleccionar un dentista participante de este directorio. ■ Llamar a DDS al 800-255-5681. Identifíquese como miembro de la 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund y pida un dentista cerca de su casa o lugar de trabajo. Se le indicará el nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del dentista para poder solicitar una cita.

Certificación antes del tratamiento Todos los servicios por encima de $300 y todos los servicios de ortodoncia para niños dependientes elegibles menores de 19 años deben recibir la certificación del asesor dental de DDS antes del tratamiento. Esto le protege contra tratamiento inapropiado o innecesario. No comience el tratamiento hasta el dentista recibido la autorización necesaria antes del tratamiento. Para que su tratamiento dental sea aprobado antes del tratamiento, usted o el dentista deben presentar la radiografía del lugar del tratamiento y descripción del plan de tratamiento. Envíe esta información a: DDS Inc. 1640 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554 Cuando se otorgue la aprobación, puede comenzar el trabajo dental. Si no se aprueba el plan del tratamiento, puede apelar esta decisión.* * Si usted desea apelar una certificación previa al tratamiento o decisión de reembolso, puede escribirnos a la siguiente dirección: 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund Appeals Department PO Box 646 New York, NY 10108-0646

■ Ver el directorio de 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund en el sitio web de 1199SEIU National Benefit Fund en o el sitio web de DDS en (Use el nombre del Fondo cuando ingresa al sitio web de DDS.) Cuando solicita una cita, confirme que el dentista es un proveedor participante en DDS e identifíquese como miembro de 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund. 12


Pago máximo anual El beneficio total anual se limita a $1200 por persona elegible/por año calendario. El máximo vitalicio para la ortodoncia es $1000 por cada niño dependiente elegible menor de 19 años de edad.

¿Qué ocurre si tengo una emergencia dental? Llame inmediatamente a DDS al 800-255-5681 y allí se ocuparán de que reciba la atención de un dentista en 24 horas. Si la oficina está cerrada, se le sugiere que visite al dentista más cercano o que se comunique con su dentista participante en DDS y se le devolverá el costo de los servicios de emergencia según los límites del plan.

Preguntas sobre facturas o reclamaciones Llame a DDS directamente al 800-255-5681 para determinar la situación de su reclamación o si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la decisión sobre una factura o reclamación.

List of Preferred Panel of DDS Dentists

Este documento no es la Descripción Resumida del Plan (Summary Plan Description, SPD) oficial de 1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund. Por favor, consulte el SPD para obtener una descripción completa de sus beneficios del Fondo. En caso de conflicto entre este documento y el SPD, regirán los términos del SPD.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers Bronx Dentistry-General Executive Dental Associates 339 East Fordham Road Bronx NY 10458 718-933-8400 Grant, Kantor, Chumsky, 1581 Westchester Ave Bronx NY 10472 718-378-5030 Kantor/Grant 2202 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10457 718-365-6389 or 230 East 161 Street Bronx NY 10451 718-992-8200 Robert Bogan 5606 Broadway Bronx NY 10463 718-549-5544 J. Fensterstock 55 East Mosholu Parkway Bronx NY 10467 718-652-7370 Andrew Gold 505 Claremont Parkway Bronx NY 10457 718-299-3600 Eric Goldfarb 466 East Fordham Road Bronx NY 10458 718-365-4300 Peter Gross 2967 Morgan Ave. Bronx NY 10469 718-655-1972 Kirshenbaum & Peruso LLP64 Metropolitan Oval Bronx NY 10462 718-892-5095

Kirti Tewari 3754 White Plains Road Bronx NY 10467 718-547-7570 Lawrence White 1645 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10451 718-299-7012


Pediatric Dentistry Kantor/Grant 2202 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10457 718-365-6389 or 230 East 161 Street Bronx NY 10451 718-992-8200

Eric Goldfarb 466 East Fordham Road Bronx NY 10458 718-365-4300

Eric Goldfarb 466 East Fordham Road Bronx NY 10458 718-365-4300

Oral Surgery


Kantor/Grant 230 East 161st Street Bronx NY 10451 718-992-8200

Kantor/Grant 230 East 161 Street Bronx NY 10451 718-992-8200 or 2202 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10457 212-365-6390

Bartley Labiner 1940 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10457 718-583-6347

Orthodontics Nazita Aminpour 665 Thwaites Place Bronx NY 718-655-6486 Sanford Schimmel 3800 Independence Ave. Riverdale NY 10463 718-548-4768 Scott E. Weiss 1423 Overing Street Bronx NY 10461 718-597-3584 Allen Zell 665 Thwaites Place Lobby C Bronx NY 10467 718-655-6486

Bertrom Bildner 3201 Grand Concourse Bronx NY 10468 718-367-6557 J. Fensterstock 55 East Mosholu Parkway Bronx NY 10467 718-652-7370 Eric Goldfarb 466 East Fordham Road Bronx NY 10458 718-365-4300 Howard Silverbrand 2136 Matthews Ave. Bronx NY 10462 718-409-1610

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.


1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

Brooklyn Dentistry-General F & A Superior Dental, 3705 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn NY 11235 718-934-0409 Kantor/Grant 820 Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn NY 11226 718-693-9811 Kings Plaza Dental 5412 Kings Plaza Mall Brooklyn NY 11234 718-258-0011 Daniel Bernstein 1997 Ocean Ave. Brooklyn NY 11230 718-339-6000 Feb Blechman 3234 Nostrand Ave. Brooklyn NY 11229 718-336-6065 Howard Bogan 229 Smith Street Brooklyn NY 11231 718-852-7794 or 866 Dekalb Ave. Brooklyn NY 11221 718-443-0100 Malka Carmazi 2035 Ralph Ave. Brooklyn NY 11234 718-763-4522 Century Medical & Dental 260 Avenue X Brooklyn NY 11223 718-336-8855 Pat Nay Chu 215 Rockaway Avenue Brooklyn NY 11233 718-498-1600

Brooklyn Steven Chu 3371 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11208 718-827-7812

Gary Hershkovitz 7 Bay 28th Street Brooklyn NY 11214 718-372-5246

Raisa Rozenberg 88 West End Avenue Brooklyn NY 11235 718-769-4978

C. Clark 5404 4th Ave. Brooklyn NY 11220 718-439-2876

Steven Kaufman 2120 Ocean Ave. Brooklyn NY 11229 718-339-8400

Preston Schaffer 1901 Emmons Avenue. Brooklyn NY 11235 718-646-6600

Paul Cohen 447 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11201 718-875-3200

Nathan Korn 2201 Ralph Ave. & Avenue I Brooklyn NY 11234 718-531-5151

Virenda Shah 190 Cozine Ave. Brooklyn NY 11207 718-649-1398

Ronald Deutsch 2016 Avenue M Brooklyn NY 11210 718-253-2300

Alexander Lebedev 1098 Liberty Ave. Brooklyn NY 11208 718-348-1339

Walter Silverstein 2250 86th Street Brooklyn NY 11214 718-372-2800

Antoine Farha 461 77th Street Brooklyn NY 11209 718-833-6895

Joseph Lichter 1122 Avenue P Brooklyn NY 11229 718-339-7878

Narcisa Stanescu 1-37 12th Street Brooklyn NY 11215 718-788-7676

Semyon Gerzon 260 Avenue X Brooklyn NY 11223 718-336-8855

Laurence Liguori 5016 3rd Ave. Brooklyn NY 11220 718-439-8558


J. Gindea Glenwod Dental Associates 1569 Ralph Ave. Brooklyn NY 11236 718-251-7167

Ronald Malen 142 Joralemon Street Brooklyn NY 11201 718-624-1970

William Griefer 5118 14th Avenue Brooklyn NY 11219 718-851-7200 Hanson Place Dental 4 Metro Tech Center (Lobby) Brooklyn NY 11201 718-403-0700

Nazir Morbi 1469 Nostrand Avenue Brooklyn NY 11226 718-282-7171 Reskallah & Elbasty 745 Flushing Ave. Brooklyn NY 11206 718-387-7423

Justin Cohen 2201 Ralph Avenue Brooklyn NY 11234 718-209-1409 Hanson Place Dental 4 Metro Tech Center (Lobby) Brooklyn NY 11201 718-403-0700

Hanson Place Dental 4 Metro Tech Center (Lobby) Brooklyn NY 11201 718-403-0700

Philip Spector Corey L. Goldstein 2078 East 65th Street Brooklyn NY 11234 718-763-2080

Avi Karlovsky 2374 Ralph Ave. Brooklyn NY 11234 718-531-4353

Isabel T. Whitehill-Grayson 539 East 18th St. Brooklyn NY 11226 718-284-5656

Pediatric Dentistry Orthodontics Daniel Bernstein 1997 Ocean Ave. Brooklyn NY 11230 718-339-6000 Steven Chu 3371 Fulton Street Brooklyn NY 11208 718-827-7812 Oleg Drut 79 Avenue U Brooklyn NY 11223 718-373-6707 Irwin Goldschein 4901 Fort Hamilton Pkwy Brooklyn NY 11219 718-438-3701 Morton Haber 2016 Avenue M Brooklyn NY 11210 718-253-2300

Oral Surgery Yuly Gertsberg 1302 Kings Hwy 6th Fl Brooklyn NY 11229 718-998-2929

Hanson Place Dental 4 Metro Tech Center (Lobby) Brooklyn NY 11201 718-403-0700

Jerome Rosenberg 1008 Gates Ave Brooklyn NY 11221 718-452-1307

Kings Plaza Dental 5412 Kings Plaza Mall Brooklyn NY 11234 718-258-0011

Periodontics Dental Specialty Assoc 447 Fulton Avenue Brooklyn NY 11201 718-875-3200 Kings Plaza Dental 5412 Kings Plaza Mall Brooklyn NY 11234 718-258-0011 Thierry Abitbol 2016 Avenue M Brooklyn NY 11210 718-253-2300 Ali Askari 142 Joralemon St., #12c Brooklyn NY 11201 718-625-1348 Hanson Place Dental 4 Metro Tech Center (Lobby) Brooklyn NY 11201 718-403-0700

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

Manhattan Dentistry-General Concerned Dental 30 East 40th St, Ste 297 New York NY 10016 212-696-4979 Kantor/Grant 157 Sherman Ave. New York NY 10034 212-942-3400 Kirshenbaum & Peruso, 1916 Third Avenue New York NY 10029 212-348-1177 Park Avenue Dental Associates 45 East 33rd Street Ste # 205 New York NY 10016 212-594-7171 Atlas & Zwaney 222 West 14th Street New York NY 10014 212-243-1023 Ajay Baman 600 West 142nd Street, #6 New York NY 10031 212-281-3188 Joel Bryk 733 Amsterdam Avenue New York NY 10025 212-749-2400 Christopher Clark 247 West 145th Street New York NY 10039 212-281-9300 Paul Cohen 225 Broadway (mezzanine) New York NY 10007 212-732-7400

Manhattan Paul J Ganjian Next Generation Dental 40 West 72nd Street New York NY 10023 212-362-3360 Massumeh Gilak 205 East 69th Street New York NY 10021 212-772-1965 Michael Gitlin 84 Stanton Street New York NY 10002 212-979-0990 Libia R. Jimenez 600 West 146th Street New York NY 10031 212-368-9532 Lyvan Kim 199 Canal Street New York NY 10013 212-274-9022 Jeffrey Krantz 645 East 11th Street New York NY 10009 212-979-6300 Garry Levingart 220 Central Park South #1F New York NY 10019 212-581-0707

Arman Roksar 2112 Broadway Suite 310 New York NY 10023 212-580-1164 Norman Schneider 201 East 104th Street New York NY 10029 212-348-5492 2nd Avenue Dental 1976 Second Avenue New York NY 10029 212-996-6269 David Seidman 59 East 54th Street New York NY 10022 212-223-0911

Endodontics Kamran Foroughi 225 Broadway Mezzanine Level New York NY 10007 212-374-9500 Scott Schechter 45 John St., Suite 311 New York NY 10038 212-619-7899 William J. Scheuerman 45 John Street, Suite 311 New York NY 10038 212-619-7899

Oral Surgery

Farhad Shaikh-bahai 317 Madison Ave, #906 New York NY 10017 212-808-0709

Concerned Dental 30 East 40th St., Ste 297 New York NY 10016 212-696-4979

Elena Stoudenikina 186 East 123rd Street, 1st floor New York NY 10035 212-996-6884

Kantor/Grant 157 Sherman Ave. New York NY 10034 212-942-3400

Gregory & Galina Sverdlov 348 Fort Washington Avenue New York NY 10033 212-927-1117

Richard Mikaelian 133 East 58th Street Ste #403 New York NY 10022 212-752-1898 Alex Mikhailov 100 West 32nd St Second Fl New York NY 10001 212-239-0800

Mike Marshall 225 Broadway Mezzanine Level New York NY 10007 212-374-9500

Orthodontics Morton Haber 30 East 40th St, Ground Fl 105 New York NY 10016 800-365-8714

Howard Kaufman 225 Broadway Mezzanine Level New York NY 10007 212-374-9500 Next Generation Dental 5 West 71st Street New York NY 10023 212-362-3360 Sanford Schimmel 45 East 33rd Street New York NY 10016 212-594-7171 Ronald Schwalb 30 E. 40th St. Ste# 1102 New York NY 10016 212-682-8826 Ronald Topal 2112 Broadway New York NY 10023 212-874-0030

Pediatric Dentistry Next Generation Dental 5 West 71st Street New York NY 10023 212-362-3360 Mehrzad Simoni 225 Broadway Mezzanine Level New York NY 10007 212-374-9500

Periodontics Concerned Dental 30 East 40th St, Ste 297 New York NY 10016 212-696-4979 Ali Askari 317 Madison Ave, #906 New York NY 10017 212-973-1126 Paul J Ganjian Next Generation Dental 5 West 71st Street New York NY 10023 212-362-3360 Howard Marshall 119 West 57th Street Ste 500 New York NY 10019 212-977-7210 Alex Mikhailov 100 West 32nd St Second Fl New York NY 10001 212-239-0800 2nd Avenue Dental 1976 Second Avenue New York NY 10029 212-996-6269 Eman Tahawi 225 Broadway Mezzanine Level New York NY 10007 212-374-9500 Neal Vallins 800 5th Avenue, Ste. 305 New York NY 10021 212-371-6887

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

Queens Dentistry-General Avelino Agulto 41-21 75th Street Jackson Heights, NY 11373 718-672-0553 Boulevard Dental 101-49 Woodhaven Blvd. Ozone Park NY 11416 718-848-7722 Concerned Dental 119-01 Liberty Ave. Richmond Hill NY 11419 718-843-1616 or 133-40 131 Street So. Ozone Park NY 11420 718-529-3800 De La Cruz & Minkowitz 89-10 35th Ave. Jackson Hts NY 11372 718-426-3705 Dental Solutions 97-45 Queens Blvd Rego Park NY 11373 718-275-4702 Hollis Multi Specialty Dental Group 190-02 Jamaica Avenue Hollis NY 11423 718-454-7418 Kantor/Grant 66-26 Metropolitan Ave. Middle Village NY 11379 718-821-6464

Queens R.V. Dental P.C. 11-03 36th Ave. L.I.C. NY 11106 718-777-8144 or 48-19 Skillman Ave. L.I.C. NY 11104 718-429-7599

Daniel Gross 114-01 201 Street St. Albans NY 11412 718-464-2138

Andrew Mantel 150-09 89th Street Howard Beach NY 11414 718-641-1333

David Jacoel 225-15 Linden Blvd Cambria NY 11411 718-341-2300

Gregory Mark 65-09 99th Street Forest Hills NY 11374 718-275-9792

Howard Bogan 142-10 Roosevelt Ave. Ste #10A Flushing NY 11354 718-961-0100

Faramarz Khalili 105-04 Crossbay Blvd Ozone Park NY 11417 718-843-4444

John Mathew 149-27 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica NY 11435 718-658-5585

Dr. Esposito 60-83 Myrtle Ave. Ridgewood NY 11385 718-497-2700

Rakesh Khilwani 183-11 Hillside Avenue Jamaica Estates NY 11432 718-523-7910

Alex Mikhailov 90-15 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst NY 11373 718-760-1616

Robert M. Flint 73-38 Bell Blvd. Bayside NY 11364 718-468-1900 Robert Friedman 175-67 Hillside Ave. Jamaica NY 11432 718-297-3303 James Gelfand Astoria Modern Fmly Dntl 31-56 Steinway Street Astoria NY 11103 718-721-4700 Jeffrey Goldstein 25-37 Broadway Astoria NY 11106 718-786-2631 Robert Grillo 84-04 155th Avenue Howard Beach NY 11414 718-641-7117

Howard Kirschner 338 Beach 54th Street Rockaway NY 11692 718-634-2123 Steven Kollander 60-83 Myrtle Ave. Ridgewood NY 11385 718-497-2700 Naushir Lalani 1847 Mott Avenue Far Rockaway NY 11691 718-868-8782 or 216 Beach 20th Street Far Rockaway NY 11691 718-327-8435 Alexander Lebedev 93-30 Queens Blvd. Rego Park NY 11374 718-897-5900

Gary Minkowitz 69-17 Grand Ave. Maspeth NY 11378 718-898-6050 Barry Mitchel 84-10 153rd Avenue Ste. LM Howard Beach NY 11414 718-848-4777 Irina Pinsky 115-25 Metropolitan Ave Kew Gardens NY 11418 718-441-2660

Seth Wolfson Jackson Heights Dental, P.C. 79-20 37th Avenue Jackson Hts NY 11372 718-458-0229

Oral Surgery


Alex Mikhailov 90-15 Queens Blvd Elmhurst NY 11373 718-760-1616

Kenneth Burnstein 142-20 Franklin Ave Ste #lC Flushing NY 11355 718-939-7381 Alexander Lebedev 93-30 Queens Blvd Rego Park NY 11374 718-897-5900 Kenneth Liao 30-06 34th Street Astoria NY 11103 718-278-5858 Barry Weintraub 221-01 69th Ave. Bayside NY 11364 718-631-2468 Benjamin Ziegler 140-14 Jewel Ave. Flushing NY 11367 718-575-2648

Hollis Multi Specialty Dental Group 190-02 Jamaica Avenue Hollis NY 11423 718-454-7418

Shahab Soleymani 41-05 30th Avenue Astoria NY 11103 718-932-6212

Orthodontics Nazita Aminpour 105-04 Crossbay Blvd, 2nd Floor Ozone Park NY 11417 718-843-4444 Harvey Choit 94-24 63rd Drive Rego Park NY 11374 718-275-4545 or 25-37 Broadway Astoria NY 11106 718-786-2631

Dr. Girish J. Shah 41-25 Kissena Blvd.#126 Flushing NY 11354 718-539-5459

Dental Solutions 97-45 Queens Blvd Rego Park NY 11373 718-275-4702

J. Weintraub 221-01 69th Avenue Bayside NY 11364 718-631-2468

Francis Eng 141-05 Northern Blvd. Flushing NY 11354 718-445-6556

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

Queens Scott Friedman 18-15 Francis Lewis Blvd Whitestone NY 11357 718-767-7276 Philip Spector & Corey L. Goldstein 159-05 92nd Street Howard Beach NY 11414 718-848-6944 Myron Gurman 52-31 Little Neck Parkway Little Neck NY 11362 718-224-0040 David Jacoel 225-15 Linden Blvd Cambria NY 11411 718-341-2300 Edo Lavi 105-04 Crossbay Blvd Ozone Park NY 11417 718-843-4444 Sheldon Rintel 66-12 102nd St. Forest Hills NY 11374 718-275-6767 Drs. Schreiber & Khan 55-36 69th Place Maspeth NY 11378 718-533-6200 Dr. Girish J. Shah 41-25 Kissena Blvd. Flushing NY 11354 718-539-5459

Pediatric Dentistry

Staten Island Periodontics


Concerned Dental 119-01 Liberty Ave. Richmond Hill NY 11419 718-843-1616

Eldridge Dental Care 1432 Forest Avenue Staten Island NY 10302 718-442-9254

Richard Boguslaw 206-07 Hillside Ave. Hollis Hills NY 11427 718-468-7373

Steven Brenman 1311 Bay Street Staten Island NY 10305 718-447-4510

Scott Friedman 18-15 Francis Lewis Blvd Whitestone NY 11357 718-767-7276

Carl Giorlando 1924 Victory Blvd Staten Island NY 10314 718-442-4646

Kantor/Grant 66-26 Metropolitan Ave. Middle Village NY 11379 718-821-6464

Steven Glassman 1146 Hylan Blvd. Staten Island NY 10305 718-273-5558

Drs. Stanislaus & Michelotti 1003 Richmond Avenue Staten Island NY 10314 718-720-5588

Joel Greenberg 6134 188th Street Fresh Meadows NY 11365 718-454-7334

Jeffrey Goldstein 2691 Hylan Boulevard Staten Island NY 10306 718-987-3365

Harry Weisenfeld 321 Richmond Hill Rd. Staten Island NY 10314 718-494-0100

Marcia Greene 174 Targee Street Staten Island NY 10304 718-273-8686

Muhammad Younas 1785 Forest Ave. Staten Island NY 10303 718-876-0006

Daniel Gross 114-01 201st Street St. Albans NY 11412 718-464-2138 Marianna Jovanovich 190-02 Jamaica Avenue Hollis NY 11423 718-454-7418

Talaat N. Hanna Hanna Pearl Dental 275 Van Name Avenue Staten Island NY 10303 718-720-7250

Alex Mikhailov 90-15 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst NY 11373 718-760-1616

Andrew Hechtman 2627C Hylan Blvd Staten Island NY 10306 718-984-5552

Alex Mikhailov 90-15 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst NY 11373 718-760-1616

Island Family Dental 4032 Richmond Ave. Staten Island NY 10312 718-948-6500

Jeffrey Leon 631 College Ave. Staten Island NY 10302 718-447-0607 Dean Nevid Richmond Hill Dental 255 Richmond Hill Road Staten Island NY 10314 718-494-2010 Waguih Sidhom 5 Keegans Lane Staten Island NY 10308 718-984-6181


Orthodontics Scott Brustein 3767 Hylan Blvd Staten Island NY 10308 718-966-2720 Joseph Lamendela 1235 Richmond Ave. Staten Island NY 10314 718-761-8856 Michael Messana 7521 Amboy Road Staten Island NY 10307 718-984-1720 Joseph Tucker 1086 Forest Avenue Staten Island NY 10310 718-720-7346

Periodontics Barry Greenfield 165 Westwood Ave. Staten Island NY 10314 718-948-0559 or 1877 Richmond Ave. Staten Island NY 10312 718-477-7500

Bernard Goldman 165 Westwood Ave Staten Island NY 10314 718-761-1200

Oral Surgery Ralph Costagliola 71 Todt Hill Road Staten Island NY 10314 718-815-3221

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

NY State – Dutchess County

NY State – Nassau County




William Peruso 1989 Route 52, Apt A Hopewell Junction NY 12533 845-896-5070

Nicholas Violino 1001 Main Street Fishkill NY 12524 914-896-8880

Floral Park Dental Care 25 South Tyson Avenue Floral Park NY 11001 516-437-5566

Stephen Wilantewicz 282 New Hackensack Road Wappinger Falls NY 12590 914-462-1118

Front Plaza Dental Group 175 Fulton Ave. #604 Hempstead NY 11550 516-538-1100 or 1941 Front Street East Meadow NY 11554 516-794-0050

Inderjit Vig 135 Clove Branch Rd. Hopewell Junction NY 12533 845-226-4474 Stephen Wilantewicz 282 New Hackensack Road Wappinger Falls NY 12590 914-462-1118

Preferred Dental Care 2047 Hempstead Tpke. East Meadow NY 11554 516-542-1400 Reginald Borgella 120 Woodfield Rd West Hempstead NY 11552 516-489-3679

Oral Surgery Randall Wiston Westchester Oral Surgery 400 Westgate Bus Ctr, Ste 204 Fishkill NY 12524 845-897-3788

Andrew Fine 301 Mill Road Hewlett NY 11557 516-374-2293 Michael Gitlin 4250 Hempstead Tpke. Ste #4 Bethpage NY 11714 516-579-8950 Bruce Goldman 648 Franklin Avenue Garden City NY 11530 516-294-0202 A. Goren Freeport NY 11520 516-868-5450

Donald Hills 136 Woodbury Road Woodbury NY 11797 516-367-9396

Sergey Sandler 4250 G. Jerusalem Ave. Massapequa NY 11758 516-541-7300

I. Kashinsky 31 Merrick Avenue Ste 220-230 Merrick NY 11566 516-546-6118

Dr. Silon 71 Lincoln Ave. Rockville Centre NY 11570 516-764-7222

Levittown Dental Center 2900 Hempstead Tpke Ste 111 Levittown NY 11756 516-579-0330

Greg Yen 390 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook NY 11563 516-599-3131

Maureen Martins 65 Wheeler Avenue Valley Stream NY 11580 516-825-0178 Gerard H. Menzies 2570 North Jerusalem Rd North Hempstead NY 11710 516-783-7151 M. Navab 935 Northern Blvd. Ste #100 Great Neck NY 11021 516-487-7962 Stewart Perlow 130 Horace Harding Expwy Great Neck NY 11020 516-487-8850 Lawrence Phillips 645 Park Avenue Uniondale NY 11553 516-485-2782

Endodontics William Brownstein 1201 Northern Blvd. Ste#101 Manhasset NY 11030 516-627-9393 Jack Casale 380 North Broadway, Ste. 301 Jericho NY 11753 516-822-5757 Albert Granger 1103 Stewart Ave. Ste#220 Garden City NY 11530 516-222-1822 Brad Levine 14 Maple Street Pt Washington NY 11050 516-767-9300 K. Liao 1229 Broadway Hewlett NY 11557 516-374-0685

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

NY State – Nassau County Oral Surgery Goldberg, Pezzollo & Rastegar 601 Franklin Avenue, Ste 210 Garden City NY 11530 516-741-4415 or 23 Bond Street Great Neck NY 11021 516-482-0329 Mitchell Brookstone 1228 Wantagh Avenue Wantagh NY 11793 516-826-1666

Orthodontics Nazita Aminpour 51 Arleigh Road Great Neck NY 11021 516-482-7620

NY State – Orange County

Corey Goldstein 14 Maple Street Pt Washington NY 11050 516-767-9344 Michael Lobel 2035 Lakeville Rd. Ste #203 New Hyde Park NY 11040 516-775-9393 Sheldon Rintel 5454 Merrick Road Massapequa NY 11758 516-795-5500 or 3601 Hempstead Tpke. #420 Levittown NY 11756 516-735-2233

H. Choit 390 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook NY 11563 516-599-3131

Drs. Schreiber & Khan 28 Merrick Ave. Merrick NY 11566 516-378-1033 or 146 Newbridge Road Hicksville NY 11801 516-932-6200

Richard Friedman 136 Woodbury Road Woodbury NY 11797 516-367-4003

Philip Spector 495 South Oyster Bay Rd Plainview NY 11803 516-933-7820

David Friedman 435 Nassau Blvd W. Hempstead NY 11552 516-486-0473

Joseph Vitagliano 25 Carmans Rd Massapequa NY 11758 516-798-6786



Paul Crane 403 Merrick Ave. East Meadow NY 11554 516-564-8499

Drs. Goldstein & Freud 1401 Rte. 300 Newburgh NY 12550 845-564-9300

Barry Greenfield 14 Maple Street Pt Washington NY 11050 516-767-1880

Frederick Mourad 165 Liberty Street Newburgh NY 12550 845-561-3290

Oceanside Family Dental 3377 Long Beach Road Oceanside NY 11572 516-766-0732

Jose D. Perez 3074 Route 9W, Suite 200 New Windsor NY 12553 845-561-5568

Henry Sachs 1181 Old Country Road #2 Plainview NY 11803 516-932-3050 Richard Smook 400 South Oyster Bay Rd Ste#308 Hicksville NY 11801 516-935-6044

Orthodontics Morton Haber 2 Lake Street Monroe NY 10950 845-735-4245

Periodontics Drs. Goldstein & Freud 1401 Rte. 300 Newburgh NY 12550 845-564-9300

Joseph Friedman 435 Nassau Blvd. W. Hempstead NY 11552 516-486-0473

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

NY State – Rockland County Dentistry-General North Rockland Dental 196 Ramapo Road Garnerville NY 10923 845-429-5322 Spring Valley Dental Care 37 Kennedy Drive Spring Valley NY 10977 845-352-0714 Ajay Baman 2 Strawtown Road West Nyack NY 10994 845-348-8725 Jeffrey Goldstein 719 W. Nyack Road West Nyack NY 10994 845-358-6888 Sonia Hanna 372 Rt. 59 Hub Shopping Central NY 10960 845-353-1880 Aruna Sapra 51 New Main Street Haverstraw NY 10927 845-429-2461 Sarwat Shenouda 32 South Main Street Pearl River NY 10965 845-735-0141

NY State – Suffolk County Dentistry-General

Gopalakrishna K. Vastare Frontline Dental Care 206 East Route 59 Nanuet NY 10954 845-623-4435

Cinquemani & Leibowitz 2535 Middle Country Rd Centereach NY 11720 631-467-4440

Oral Surgery

Wisdom Tooth Of Commack 6040 Jericho Tpke Commack NY 11725 631-462-0300

North Rockland Dental 196 Ramapo Road Garnerville NY 10923 845-429-5322

Orthodontics Morton Haber 48 East Central Avenue Pearl River NY 10965 845-735-4245 Edward Henick 7 Hemion Road Suffern NY 10901 845-369-7888 Harris Hurwitz 11 N. Airmont Rd Suffern NY 10901 845-357-1108

P. Baracks 2148 Route 112 Medford NY 11763 631-758-7370 Charles Billera 2019 Route 112 Coram NY 11727 631-736-4922 Vincent Capone 837 Deer Park Avenue North Babylon NY 11703 631-587-4545 Parinda S. Dave 357 Broadway, Suite 3 Amityville NY 11701 631-842-6473 Joseph S. Goldberg 789 Deer Park Avenue North Babylon NY 11703 631-321-1235

Robert Siegel One Old Middletown Road Pearl River NY 10965 845-735-2929

Glenn D. Goldfarb 73 Rumford Road Kings Park NY 11754 631-265-5444

Anneli Stanton 329 Route 202 Pomona NY 10970 845-354-4249

George Kane 280 K Middle Country Road Selden NY 11784 631-732-9000

Michael Kantrowitz 600 No. Wellwood Ave. No. Lindenhurst NY 11757 631-225-1900 S.E. Karim 263 Wicks Road Brentwood NY 11717 631-434-8155

Lee Montes 684 Nesconset Hwy. Smithtown NY 11787 631-366-4324 Alyse Pasqua 1 Horizon Drive Huntington NY 11743 631-271-9819

R.T. Kroepel 2360 Oaklawn Ave. Southold NY 11971 631-765-2860

William Peppiatt A & I Dental, PC 1723 Great Neck Road Copiague NY 11726 631-598-3331

J. Richard Lawrence 206 Clay Pitts Road East Northport NY 11731 631-266-5061

William Peruso 109 Carleton Ave. Central Islip NY 11722 631-348-2500

Dr. Lizewski Depot Lane/ Village Commons Cutchogue NY 11935 631-734-6290

Frederick Schrank 763 Montauk Highway West Islip NY 11795 631-587-0953

Andrew Markowitz A & I Dental 1723 Great Neck Road Copiague NY 11726 631-598-3331 Drs. Markowizt & Peppiatt A & B Dental, Inc. 499 William Floyd Pkwy Shirley NY 11967 631-281-1440 Parag Mathur 1644 Deer Park Avenue Deer Park NY 11729 631-586-7100 Sheldon Milo 652 Suffolk Avenue Brentwood NY 11717 631-231-9314

Dr. Girish J. Shah 1 East Roe Blvd. Patchogue NY 11772 631-475-3900 Eyal Waldman 168 North Ocean Avenue Patchogue NY 11772 631-289-7179 Robert D. Wendt Brentwood & Bayshore Dental 1554a Brentwood Rd Bayshore NY 11706 631-666-4114 or 652 Suffolk Avenue Brentwood NY 11717 631-231-9314

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

NY State – Suffolk County

NY State – Ulster County

Roderick Woodhead 215 Islip Avenue Islip NY 11751 631-277-7741

Miles Gorenkoff 264 Union Avenue Holbrook NY 11741 631-588-5600


Michael Nathans 1251 Deer Park Ave. North Babylon NY 11703 631-242-7711

Robert G. Wendt 7 High Street, Ste 301 Huntington NY 11743 631-427-0018

Richard Haimes 1991 Union Blvd. Bayshore NY 11706 631-665-3131

Sheldon Rintel 111 Smithtown By-Pass, Ste. 217 Hauppauge NY 11788 631-724-3505 or 1149 Old Country Rd. Riverhead NY 11901 631-369-1500

J. Nicols 714 Montauk Highway West Islip NY 11717 631-587-9766

Bruce Rosenzweig 1150 Portion Rd. Ste #13 Holtsville NY 11742 631-698-2424


Gerald Schwartz 554 Larkfield Road East NY 11768 631-368-1675

Oral Surgery

Harvey Choit 496 Smithtown By Pass Smithtown NY 11787 631-724-7788 Walter Feldman 150 Islip Ave. Ste #3 Islip NY 11751 631-581-6565 Scott Friedman 500 Portion Road Lake Ronkonkoma NY 11779 631-588-1199 or 1990 Deer Park Ave. Deer Park NY 11729 631-586-7654



Joel Greenberg 158 East Main Street Huntington NY 11743 631-423-4550

Stephen Kleinman 186 Broadway Port Ewen NY 12466 845-331-9150

Mayer C. Sinensky 600D North Wellwood Avenue N. Lindenhurst NY 11757 631-225-1900

Robert Tallering 433 Route 9W Highland NY 12528 914-691-6969

Dr. Girish J. Shah 1 East Roe Blvd. Patchogue NY 11772 631-475-3900 Joseph Vitagliano 1145 Montauk Hwy. West Islip NY 11795 631-661-3025

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

NY State – Westchester County Dentistry-General D & D Dental P.C. 66 Beekman Avenue Sleepy Hollow NY 10591 914-366-6109 Kirshenbaum & Peruso 169 Park Ave. Yonkers NY 10703 914-965-3864 Park Mall Dental Center 1045 Park Street, Suite B Peekskill NY 10566 914-788-5332 Pelham Family Dental Arts 87 Wolf’s Lane Pelham NY 10803 914-738-3606

James Min 10 Fiske Place Ste #501 Mt. Vernon NY 10550 914-699-2300 Nathan Newman 3 Depot Plaza Bedford Hills NY 10507 914-666-6845 Aaron Polinsky 300 Martine Ave White Plains NY 10601 914-684-2244 Sanford Shaev 105 Stevens Ave. Ste #606 Mt. Vernon NY 10550 914-699-6191

S.E. Dental 698 Yonkers Ave. Yonkers NY 10704 914-965-2600

Premila Shah 101 Westchester Avenue, #4 Port Chester NY 10573 914-937-2473

Bogdan Butrymowicz 717 North Broadway Yonkers NY 10701 914-963-3777

Mitchel Stein Route 202 & Lovell St Somers NY 10589 914-248-8725

Swati Desai 436a S. Broadway Yonkers NY 10705 914-968-3330

Josie/Dario Yapor 199 North Avenue Ste. #2 New Rochelle NY 10801 914-633-5601

Robert Hwang 280 N. Central Ave. #482 Hartsdale NY 10530 914-682-0338

Yonkers Dental Surgery 12 Warburton Avenue Yonkers NY 10701 914-969-2727

Ross Krasnov 100 Main Street White Plains NY 10601 914-997-9000 Eric Marshall 21 North Main Steet Port Chester NY 10573 914-939-3278

Endodontics Marc David Adelstein 87 Wolf’s Lane Pelham NY 10803 914-738-3606

New Jersey Oral Surgery

Atlantic County

Bergen County

Oral Surgery

Yonkers Dental Surgery 12 Warburton Ave Yonkers NY 10701 914-969-2727



Gary Deguzman Eastern Dental Of Northfield 1634 New Rd (rt. 9) Northfield NJ 08225 609-677-1589

D.M.D. Associates 35-08 Morlot Ave. Fairlawn NJ 07410 201-797-7476

Barbieri & Colameo & Berardo 16 Johnson Ave. Hackensack NJ 07601 201-342-7353 or 605 Broad Ave. Ste #101 Ridgefield NJ 07657 201-941-9494

Randall Wiston Westchester Oral Surgery 1940 Commerce St. Ste#308 Yorktown Hgts NY 10598 914-245-6642

Orthodontics Richard Graham 90 Bryant Ave. White Plains NY 10605 914-946-9098 Ellen Honig 10 Nosband Rd. White Plains NY 10605 914-761-4500 Allen Zell 1730 Central Park Ave. Yonkers NY 10710 914-337-6303

Pediatric Dentistry Gallerial Mall Dental, P.C. 100 Main Street White Plains NY 10601 914-997-9000

Periodontics Galleria Mall Dental, P.C. 100 Main Street White Plains NY 10601 914-997-9000 David L. Sandak 10 Old Mamaroneck Rd White Plains NY 10605 914-997-1111

Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Of Northfield 1634 New Rd (rt. 9) Northfield NJ 08225 609-677-1589

Oral Surgery Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Of Northfield 1634 New Rd (rt. 9) Northfield NJ 08225 609-677-1589

Orthodontics Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 1634 New Rd (rt. 9) Northfield NJ 08225 609-677-1597

Periodontics Aaron Prestup Eastern Perio Assoc Of Northfield 1634 New Rd (rt. 9) Northfield NJ 08225 609-677-1589

Valerie Dounsk 103 River Road Edgewater NJ 07020 201-840-0045 Mario A. Frangiskou 460 Anderson Avenue Cliffside NJ 07010 201-943-8066 J. Frankel 639 Teaneck Road Teaneck NJ 07666 201-836-9595

Drs. Di Lascio & Devlin 422 Stuyvesant Ave. Lyndhurst NJ 07071 201-935-4577 Michael A. Costello 949 Spring Valley Road Maywood NJ 07607 201-712-5556


Larisa Ilyutovich 301 Bridge Plaza North, 2nd Fort Lee NJ 07024 201-346-4660

Natalie Capon 580 Sylvan Ave., Ste 1-M Englewood NJ 07632 201-569-9055

Donald Jenne 433 Essex Street Hackensack NJ 07601 201-488-0104

Oleg Drut 385 Prospect Avenue Hackensack NJ 07601 201-996-0770

Vladmir Meskin 45 Route 46 East Ridgefield NJ 07660 201-440-2100

Pediatric Dentistry

Safinaz Morcos 32 Anderson Street Hackensack NJ 07601 201-457-1010 Leonard Shaw 214 Engle Street Englewood NJ 07631 201-567-4141

Dmitry Shtilman 45 Route 46 East Ridgefield NJ 07660 201-440-2100

Periodontics Robin Klein 646 Teaneck Rd Teaneck NJ 07666 201-836-8444

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

New Jersey

New Jersey

Burlington County



Aaron Prestup Eastern Perio Assoc Of Burlington 202 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 856-303-0600

Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Of Burlington 202 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 609-303-0600

Essex County Richard Rosenthal Eastern Dental Of Burlington 202 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 609-303-0600

Oral Surgery Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Of Burlington 202 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 609-303-0600 Michael Kovall Eastern Dental Of Burlington 202 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 609-303-0600

Orthodontics Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 202 Route 130 North Cinnaminson NJ 08077 856-303-0600

Dentistry-General All City Dental 644 Mt. Prospect Ave. Newark NJ 07104 973-481-3900 Forozan Ghaffari 700 Passaic Avenue West, NJ 07006 973-227-8188 Babak Haghighi 112 Eisenhower Parkway Livingston NJ 07039 973-422-9399 Dennis Jackson 157 North Day Street Orange NJ 07050 973-677-1000 William Koeller 175 Franklin Ave. Nutley NJ 07110 973-667-3456 Dmitry Kucher 349 E Northfield Rd Ste 207 Livingston NJ 07039 973-535-4300 Peter Liloia 392 Washington Ave. Belleville NJ 07109 973-759-4115

Dina Page 185 Central Avenue, Ste 607 East Orange NJ 07018 973-677-2447 Jeffrey M Perricci 123 Van Buren St. Newark NJ 07105 973-491-9411 Morris Silver 860 Grove Street Irvington NJ 07111 973-373-0499 Gerard Stratthaus 1187 Clinton Ave. Irvington NJ 07111 973-375-0400 Kinda Hanna Yacoub 399 Hoover Ave. Bloomfield NJ 07003 973-566-6161 Hudson County

Dentistry-General Baldwin Ave Dental Center 8 Baldwin Ave, 2B Jersey City NJ 07304 201-432-6000 Dr. Nasir General Dentistry 701 Frank Rogers Blvd, Ste 5 Harrison NJ 07029 973-483-5902 Hudson Dental Esthetics 5300 Bergenline Ave. Ste #8 West New York NJ 07093 201-865-7750

Newport Centre Dental 30-152a Mall Drive West Jersey City NJ 07310 201-626-2500 Pourang Bral 530 Montgomery Street Jersey City NJ 07302 201-200-1448 Sofia Carram 6412 Park Avenue West New York NJ 07093 201-868-9007 Sammy Goldstein 707 Summit Avenue Union City NJ 07087 201-863-0816 Susan Grossman 4207 Bergenline Ave. Union City NJ 07087 201-866-7998 Jeffrey M Perricci 1169 Kennedy Blvd Bayonne NJ 07002 201-339-3977 or 594 Kearny Ave. Kearney NJ 07032 201-991-1733 Chandradeo M. Sawh 1696 John F. Kennedy Blvd Jersey City NJ 07305 201-200-0031 Mark Spierer 217 Kearney Ave. Kearney NJ 07032 201-991-2856 June Weiss 7216 Bergenline Ave. North Bergen NJ 07047 201-868-1100

Steven Winik 22 Glenwood Ave. Jersey City NJ 07306 201-333-0883

Oral Surgery Drs. Barbieri & Colameo & Berardo 7322 Bergenline Ave. North Bergen NJ 07047 201-867-0404

Hunterdon County

Dentistry-General Robert Barchi 27 Cedar Rd. Whitehouse Stn NJ 08889 908-439-2342 Mercer County

Dentistry-General Orthodontics Michael Messana 2738 Kennedy Blvd Jersey City NJ 07308 201-653-4474 or 817 Avenue C Bayonne NJ 07002 201-653-4474

Periodontics Hudson Dental Esthetics 5300 Bergenline Ave. Ste #8 West New York NJ 07093 201-865-7750 Ronald Gerhard 834 Ave. C Bayonne NJ 07002 201-858-4928 Nima Mirmadjiessi 1169 Kennedy Blvd Bayonne NJ 07002 201-339-3977 or 594 Kearny Ave. Kearny NJ 07032 201-991-1733

Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Assoc. Of Hamilton 2103 WhitehorseMercerville Rd. Hamilton Twnship NJ 08619 609-587-0600 or Eastern Dental Of Ewing 1330 Parkway Ave. Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-0801 Alan Levine Eastern Dental Assoc. Of Hamilton 2103 WhitehorseMercerville Rd. Hamilton Twnship NJ 08619 609-587-0600 Michael Slomovitz Eastern Dental Of Ewing 1330 Parkway Ave. Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-0801

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

New Jersey

New Jersey

Oral Surgery

Pediatric Dentistry

Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Assoc. Of Hamilton 2103 WhitehorseMercerville Rd. Hamilton Twnship NJ 08619 609-587-0600 or Eastern Dental Of Ewing 1330 Parkway Ave. Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-0801

Gregory Gagliardi Eastern Dental Of Ewing 1330 Parkway Ave. Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-0801

Michael Kovall Eastern Dental Assoc. Of Hamilton 2103 WhitehorseMercerville Rd. Hamilton Twnship NJ 08619 609-587-0600 or 1330 Parkway Ave. Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-0801

Orthodontics Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 1330 Parkway Ave Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-6207 or 2103 WhitehorseMercerville Rd Hamilton Twnship NJ 08619 609-586-0600

Periodontics Aaron Prestup Eastern PerioAssoc. Of Ewing 1330 Parkway Ave. Ewing NJ 08628 609-883-6548 or 2103 WhitehorseMercerville Rd. Hamilton Twnship NJ 08619 609-587-8132 Middlesex County

Dentistry-General ANP, P.C. 3250 Route 27 Kendall Park NJ 08824 732-940-8800 Jason C. Chang 1100 Stelton Road Piscataway NJ 08854 732-777-0660 Drs. Chen & Small Nu-Dimensions Dental Center 871 St. Georges Ave. Woodbrigde NJ 07095 732-634-5200

Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Of Old Bridge 960 Route 9 South South Amboy NJ 08879 732-727-3399 or Eastern Dental Of Woodbridge 1030 St. George Avenue Avenel NJ 07004 732-750-3600

United Dental Group 876 Green Street Iselin NJ 08830 732-636-0838

Hugo Quinones 485 New Brunswick Ave Perth Amboy NJ 00861 732-442-0117

Robert Weinflash Eastern Dental Of Woodbridge 1030 St. George Avenue Avenel NJ 07004 732-750-3600

Drs. Regenye & Huberman 619 Amboy Ave. Edison NJ 08837 732-738-6555

Nadeem Haseeb 66 Plainsboro Rd. Ste#1181 Plainsboro NJ 08536 609-799-5577

Oral Surgery

Vito Menza 776 Amboy Ave. Edison NJ 08839 732-738-1551 Alan Morgenstern Eastern Dental Of Old Bridge 960 Route 9 South South Amboy NJ 08879 732-727-3399 David Moss 269 High Street Perth Amboy NJ 08861 732-442-3233 Alla Pavlushkin 2515 Route 516 Old Bridge NJ 08857 732-607-0909 Perrine Dental Associates 400 Perrine Road Suite 410 Old Bridge NJ 08857 732-727-7600

Orthodontics Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Of Old Bridge 960 Route 9 South South Amboy NJ 08879 732-727-3399 or Eastern Dental Of Woodbridge 1030 St. George Avenue Avenel NJ 07004 732-750-3600 George Flugrad 276 High Street Perth Amboy NJ 08861 732-442-1860 Michael Kovall Eastern Dental Of Old Bridge 960 Route 9 South South Amboy NJ 08879 732-727-3399 or Eastern Dental Of Woodbridge 1030 St. George Avenue Avenel NJ 07004 732-750-3600

Peter Clemente 121 Metlars Lane Piscataway NJ 08854 732-985-1666 or 374 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick NJ 08901 732-545-0093 or 123 E. Maple Ave. Bound Brook NJ 08805 732-469-1483 Vito Menza 776 Amboy Ave. Edison NJ 08839 732-738-1551 Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 1030 St. Georges Ave Avenel NJ 07001 732-750-3830 or 960 Route 9 South South Amboy NJ 08879 732-727-3336

Periodontics Jason C. Chang 1100 Stelton Road Piscataway NJ 08854 732-777-0660 Aaron Prestup Eastern Perio Assoc Of Old Bridge 960 Route 9 South South Amboy NJ 08879 732-727-3399 or Eastern Perio Assoc Of Woodbridge 1030 St. Georges Ave. Avenel NJ 08628 732-750-3600 Monmouth County

Dentistry-General Alan & Hanna Bressler 668 Westwood Avenue Long Branch NJ 07740 732-229-8253 Lawrence Collins 1100 Wickapecko Drive Ocean NJ 07712 732-775-1110 Gerald Gildenberg 2164 Hwy. 35 Bld. B, Ste#D Sea Girt NJ 08750 732-282-1400 Mark Grainer 100 Campus Drive, Ste. 202 Morganville NJ 07751 732-972-2300

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

New Jersey Henry Nardea 121 Hwy 36 Ste #100 West Long Branch NJ 07764 732-222-8516 Saara Nieminen-Cisneros 319 Main Street, Suite B-2 Keansburg NJ 07734 732-495-8600 Howard Silver 2300 Rte 33 & Brighton Ave. Neptune NJ 07753 732-774-0077 Marc Weber 326 Broad Street Red Bank NJ 07701 732-224-9339 Lonnie Zaslow 1032 Route 34 Matawan NJ 07747 732-566-0130

Oral Surgery Drs. Elbaum & Krost 501 Iron Bridge Road Ste #14 Freehold NJ 07728 732-431-3400 Robert Feldman 227 Maple Ave. Red Bank NJ 07701 732-842-6990 or 1125 State Highway 35 Ocean NJ 07712 732-531-8700 or 1 Bethany Road, Ste 51 Hazlet NJ 07730 732-264-6114

New Jersey Paul Galante 2701 Highway 70 Manasquan NJ 08736 732-528-8131 Andrew Maron 2701 Highway 70 Manasquan NJ 08736 732-528-8131

Morris County

Dentistry-General Morris Plains Dental 453 Speedwell Avenue Morris Plains NJ 07950 973-455-1033

Oral Surgery Orthodontics Michael B. Fitzpatrick 251 Monmouth Road Oakhurst NJ 07755 732-663-0770

Roy Bedrock 453 Speedwell Avenue Morris Plains NJ 07950 973-455-1033


Joel Storm 224 Taylor Mills Rd., Ste. 102 Manalapan NJ 07726 732-462-9500

Morris Plains Dental 453 Speedwell Avenue Morris Plains NJ 07950 973-455-1033


Ocean County

Ronald Gerhard 225 Highway 35 Red Bank NJ 07701 732-530-7071


Bruce Kern 7 South Main Street Marlboro NJ 07728 732-780-5111 Marc Weber 326 Broad Street Red Bank NJ 07701 732-224-9339

Toms River Family Dental 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566 Peter Bies 933 W. Lacey Rd. Forked River NJ 08731 609-693-7171 Crestwood Family Dental 70 Lacey Road, Ste. 6 Whiting NJ 08759 732-350-7999 Daniel DeCesare 1091 River Ave, Ste. 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043

Jeffrey Demilt 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566

Chetan Parikh 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566

Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Of Ocean/Monmouth 2770 Hooper Ave, Unit #4 Brick NJ 08723 732-477-9200 or 1228 Route 37 West Toms River NJ 08755 732-286-7020

Edward Poller 1091 River Ave., Suite 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043 or 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566

Paul Gottdenker Eastern Dental Of Toms River 1228 Route 37 West Toms River NJ 08755 732-286-7020

Glen Prager 1091 River Ave., Suite 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043 or 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566

Naomi Hillel 1091 River Ave, Ste. 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043

Tod Prager 1091 River Ave., Suite 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043

Allan Kaplan 1091 River Ave, Ste. 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043

Navneet Rai 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566

Gerardo Linarducci 1091 River Ave, Ste. 8 Lakewood NJ 08711 732-905-5043 or 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566

Mitchell Rubenstein Eastern Dental Of Ocean/Monmouth 2770 Hooper Ave, Unit #4 Brick NJ 08723 732-477-9200

Dr. Miller 78-D Maple Ave. New Egypt NJ 08755 609-758-8200 or 10 Leesville Road Jackson NJ 08527 732-928-2939

Michael Szporn 2224 Highway 37 East Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-5566 Joseph Venditto 475 Route 70, Ste. 102 Lakewood NJ 08701 732-905-7706

Endodontics David Zuroff Dental Specialties Of Toms River 2224 Highway 37 East, Suite 1 Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-8300 Shore Family Dental Assoc 1358 Hooper Avenue, M6 Toms River NJ 08753 732-914-2224

Oral Surgery Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Of Ocean/Monmouth 2770 Hooper Ave, Unit #4 Brick NJ 08723 732-477-9200 or 1228 Route 37 West Toms River NJ 08755 732-286-7020 Michael Kovall Eastern Dental Of Ocean/Monmouth 2770 Hooper Ave, Unit #4 Brick NJ 08723 732-477-9200

Orthodontics Daniel DeCesare 70 Lacey Road, Ste. 6 Whiting NJ 08759 732-350-7999 Gerardo Linarducci 70 Lacey Rd, Ste. 6 Whiting NJ 08759 732-350-7999

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers

New Jersey Edward Poller 70 Lacey Rd, Ste 6 Whiting NJ 08759 732-350-7999 Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 2770 Hooper Ave, Unit #4 Brick NJ 08723 732-477-0352 or 1228 Route 37 West Toms River NJ 08755 732-286-0464

Periodontics Jean Bichara Dental Specialties Of Toms River 2224 Highway 37 East, Suite 1 Toms River NJ 08753 732-270-8300 Aaron Prestup Eastern Perio Assoc Of Ocean/Monmouth 2770 Hooper Ave, Unit #4 Brick NJ 08723 732-477-9200 or Eastern Perio Assoc Of Toms River 1228 Route 37 West Toms River NJ 08755 732-286-7020 Michael Strassberg 1358 Hooper Ave., M6 Toms River NJ 08753 732-914-2224

New Jersey Passaic County

Oral Surgery

Somerset County


Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Of Passaic/ Essex 251 Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07011 973-478-9300


Broadway Dental Center 15 Broadway Passaic NJ 07055 973-777-1202 Dental Plaza 503 Paulison Ave. Passaic NJ 07055 973-471-4500 Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Of Passaic/ Essex 251 Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07011 973-478-9300 Wai Kee Fung 1373 Broad St, Ste 311 Clifton NJ 07013 973-458-9899 Jerry Gross 136 Washington Street Paterson NJ 07505 973-279-2311 Jyoti Sheth 524-B Lippincott Drive Marlton NJ 08053 856-596-3200 Alexander Tolstunov 213 Dayton Ave. Clifton NJ 07011 973-478-1807

Michael Kovall Eastern Dental Of Passaic/ Essex 251 Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07011 973-478-9300

Drs. Chen & Small Manville Dental Group 7 Washington Ave. Manville NJ 08835 908-722-6500 Sussex County Richard Golembioski 5 Route 94 Ste#a Vernon NJ 07462 973-827-0234

Orthodontics Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 251 Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07011 973-478-9300

Periodontics Keith Abrams 1100 Clifton Ave. Clifton NJ 07013 973-773-3741 David Mangot 1033 Clifton Ave. Clifton NJ 07013 973-773-0040 Aaron Prestup Eastern Dental Of Passaic/ Essex 251 Clifton Ave Clifton NJ 07011 973-478-9300

Union County

Dentistry-General Amalgamated Dental Center 1379 Morris Avenue Union NJ 07083 908-687-5489 Rony Elyahousadeh Associated Dental Group 444 Morris Avenue Elizabeth NJ 07208 908-353-6655 or 1806 Springfield Avenue New Providence NJ 07974 908-464-7007

Rokhsareh Graffari 315 Elmora Ave. Suite 104 Elizabeth NJ 07208 908-965-1212 Joseph Lavarone Eastern Dental Ctr. Of Union 2115 Route 22 West Union NJ 07083 908-964-5406

Oral Surgery Walter Bilotta Eastern Dental Ctr. Of Union 2115 Route 22 West Union NJ 07083 908-964-5406 Michael Kovall Eastern Dental Ctr. Of Union 2115 Route 22 West Union NJ 07083 908-964-5406

Orthodontics Amalgamated Dental Center 1379 Morris Avenue Union NJ 07083 908-687-5489 Robert Segall Eastern Orthodontic Assoc. 2115 Route 22 West Union NJ 07083 908-964-4343

Periodontics Amalgamated Dental Center 1379 Morris Avenue Union NJ 07083 908-687-5489 Aaron Prestup Eastern Perio Assoc Of Union 2115 Route 22 West Union NJ 07083 908-964-5406

Drs. Regenye & Huberman 113 Crescent Ave. Plainfield NJ 07060 908-757-4122

Aaron Feiler Eastern Dental Ctr. Of Union 2115 Route 22 West Union NJ 07083 908-964-5406

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.



1199SEIU Greater NY Benefit Fund – Preferred Dental Choice Providers








Advanced Maxillo Facial 111 Highridge Road 1st Floor Stamford CT 06905 203-323-0056

Steven Mautner 56-09 North West 29th Street Margate FL 33063 954-978-8866

Manuel M. Cunanan 3411 West Shore Road Warwick RI 02886 401-737-7715

Town Centre Dental 100 Gray Rock Place Stamford CT 06901 203-348-0300

Marisol Ruiz 7301 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton FL 33433 561-395-0550

Bruce Soloff 44 Strawberry Hill Ave #11 Stamford CT 06902 203-323-8110

Oral Surgery Walter Bloes 1171 East Putnam Ave. Ste #1D Old Greenwich CT 06878 203-698-1414

Pediatric Dentistry Town Centre Dental 100 Gray Rock Place Stamford CT 06901 203-348-0300

Periodontics Town Centre Dental 100 Gray Rock Place Stamford CT 06901 203-348-0300

Orthodontics Larry Kawa 20423 State Rd. 7 Ste #F18 Boca Raton FL 33498 561-852-7070

PENNSYLVANIA Dentistry-General Jeffrey Manzo 1814 Red Barn Village Clarks-Summit PA 18411 570-587-0306

PUERTO RICO Dentistry-General Jose Antonio Aguirre North Main Ave. B1Q10 #5 Bayamon PR 00961 787-787-7540 Ana Delatorre Alvarez C/13#A-20 URB Royal Town Bayamon PR 00956 787-799-1170 Irma L. Alvarez Bayamon PR 00960 787-798-6456

Irwin Ufberg 10 West Northhampton St. Ste#1000 Wilkes-Barre PA 18701 570-824-4609

Oral Surgery Thomas E. Helfst 400 Stroud Building, Rt. 611 Stroudsburg PA 18360 570-420-8180

For help finding a Preferred Dental Provider, call Member Service at (212) 541-9150 or DDS at (800) 255-5681. Para recibir asistencia y encontrar a un Dentista preferido, llame a Servicios para Miembros al (212) 541-9150 o DDS al (800) 255-5681.





1199SEIU Greater New York Benefit Fund 330 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 (212) 541-9150 • Outside NYC (800) 556-2271

DDS Inc. 1640 Hempstead Turnpike East Meadow, NY 11554 (800) 255-5681

July 2006

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