January 17, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: careers, nursing
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DEMETRIUS JAMES PORCHE, DNS, PhD, APRN, FNP, CS, FAANP, FAAN Virginia Henderson Fellow, Sigma Theta Tau Charter Fellow in Society of Luther Christman Fellows: Contributions to Nursing by Men


931 Independence Street New Orleans, LA 70117 (504) 948-0470


Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Dean’s Suite, 4th Floor School of Nursing 1900 Gravier St. New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 568-4106 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]


June 1999




April 2007

JOINT APPOINTMENT: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine Community Health Sciences Department


Tenured July 2001


Dean and Professor (April 2007) Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing




2005 to 2009

Capella University School of Business and Technology

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Organization and Management: Leadership Specialization Dissertation: “Emergent Leadership During a Natural Disaster: A Narrative Analysis of an Acute Health Care Organization’s Leadership”

1996 – May 1999

Concordia University Wisconsin

Post-Masters Certificate as Family Nurse Practitioner

1991 – 1995

Louisiana State University Medical Center

Doctor of Nursing Science Dissertation: Relationship of Cognitive Health Behavior Model and Emotional State to Anal and Oral Practices of Homosexual Males in New Orleans Clinical Area: Public/Community Health Nursing Functional Area: Clinical Consultation; Epidemiology


Tulane School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine

Non-degree Seeking Student

1988 – 1989

Louisiana State University Medical Center

Masters of Nursing Thesis: Sexual Behavior Changes of Homosexual Males in Response to AIDS Clinical Area: Public/Community Health Nursing Functional Area: Staff Development

1982 – 1987

Nicholls State University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Chiron Mentorship Program Sigma Theta Tau International, Mentoring Trish Kereztes and Mary Weisel to help develop a formalized structure for a non-profit nurse educator’s organization in northern Indiana.

2005 – 2006

Chiron Mentorship Program Sigma Theta Tau International. Serving as a mentor for Dr. Jennifer Couvillon. Mentored the development of a Doctor of Nursing Practice curriculum and Developed her scholarship in distance education technology.

2005 – 2007

Omada Board Mentoring Program Sigma Theta Tau International. Focuses on preparing nurses to serve on national and international boards. Mentored on the American Public Health Association (APHA) Board. Lead and completed a project to develop a men’s health specialty Interest group, first meeting 2006.

2002 – 2003

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Leadership for Academic Nursing Fellowship, funded by Helene Fuld Health Trust. Focuses on preparing the next generation of academic nursing leaders for Schools of Nursing

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Certification for American Cancer Society’s Fresh Start Tobacco Cessation Program


Certificate for BLS Healthcare Provider


MBTI Certification Myers-Briggs Certification Program


Certificate of Achievement – Six Sigma Green Belt – Healthcare Villanova University

2010 to 2011

Professional Legal Nurse Consultant Jurex

1999 to 2014

Family Nurse Practitioner American Nurses Credentialing Center

1995 to 2015

Clinical Specialist in Community Health Nursing American Nurses Credentialing Center

1995 to Present

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN): Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Practitioner (Title change due to Nurse Practice Act change) Louisiana State Board of Nursing

1990 to 1995

Advanced Practitioner of Nursing: Primary Nurse Associate Louisiana State Board of Nursing

1990 to 1995

Advanced Practitioner of Nursing: Clinical Nurse Specialist Louisiana State Board of Nursing

1988 to 2003

Certified Critical Care Nurse (CCRN) American Association of Critical Care Nurses

1987 to Present

Registered Nurse (RN) Louisiana State Board of Nursing


Award/Scholarship/Special Recognition


LSUHSC-SON Alumni of the Year awarded by the Alumni Association of Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center- School of Nursing


FAANP (Fellows of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners) Selected to FAANP program of the AANP which recognizes practitioners (NP’s) who have made outstanding contributions to healthcare through clinical practice, research, education, and/or health policy.


FAAN (Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing) Selected as a member of the American Academy of Nursing. The Academy was established in 1966 by the House of Delegates of the American Nurses Association to recognize significant contributions of individuals to the nursing profession.

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LSUHSC Executive Research Council – Outstanding Service


Volunteer of the Year Award. Recognized for unprecedented leadership as Chairperson of the state-wide continuing education committee. Lead the revision of all policies and procedures for 2007 ANCC compliance and lead ANCC accreditation process. Volunteer services generated about $20,000 in 2006. Louisiana State Nurses Association


American Assembly for Men in Nursing Member of the Year. Recognized for visionary leadership to expand the organization’s mission to include men’s health.


Certificate of Appreciation Southern Regional Education Board Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing. Significant contributions to Nurse Educator Consortium Electronic Campus.


St. Charles General Hospital Professorship. Awarded professorship title and funds to develop intramural research programs.


Ortho Biotech HIV Anemia Case Study Award. Competitive award for case study research in the management of anemia in HIV. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care


ANAC Recognition for Outstanding Service, Dedication and Leadership as President of New Orleans Nurses In AIDS Care. Recognition for outstanding leadership at the local chapter level and hosting the national conference. Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.


Mentor of the Year. Recognized at the state level for his strong mentorship of community members and non-profit organizational boards/members, future academicians and nurse researchers. Louisiana State Nurses Association


“Another Nichols Success Story” Recognized for outstanding academic and professional career achievements and community mobilization and organization efforts. Nicholls State University Alumni Association


Pfizer Award for Excellence in Research, Education, Patient Care and Community Outreach. Excellence award for leadership in developing intramural and extramural research programs and developing academic-community partnerships with local hospitals and public health agencies. Development of men’s health screening programs such as HIV testing, blood pressure, cholesterol monitoring and PSA. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center


Certificate of Appreciation for leadership and consultation providing to Public Health Nursing. Louisiana Office of Public Health/Department of Health & Hospitals


Honorary Member for years of service as state-wide consultant. Louisiana Association of Student Nurses


Tireless Dedication for assisting in promoting organizational capacity building, developing community level interventions, program evaluation, and securing funding for minority community based organizations. Brotherhood, Inc.

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Special Recognition for leadership, mentoring, and serving as the state-wide consultant. Louisiana Association of Student Nurses


Appreciation for Serving as Awards Committee Recognition New Orleans District Nurses Association


Certificate of Appreciation – Nursing Continuing Education for serving as a peer reviewer for continuing education applications at both the provider and approval level. Louisiana State Nurses Association


Outstanding Faculty Support for Student Activities. Recognition for leadership and mentoring provided to student organizations on campus and at the state level. Nicholls State University


Certificate of Appreciation for service as state-wide consultant and mentor. Louisiana Association of Student Nurses


New Orleans Great 100 Nurses. Nominated and recognized for outstanding leadership in nursing and the community.


Founding President Award. Award for developing the chapter and five years of service and leadership of the local chapter. New Orleans Nurses in AIDS Care

1994 – 1995

Certificate of Appreciation. Community service on the HIV prevention planning community advisory board. HIV Prevention Community Planning


Presidential Commendation. Community development activity for leadership provided in the development of school based health programs and promotion of high school career activities/fairs. Lafourche Parish


Certificate of Appreciation. Dedication to the development of blood-borne disease prevention. Tulane Medical Center


Environmental Health and Safety Award. Dedication to the development of occupational safety programs that prevent the transmission of HIV/HBV. Tulane University Medical Center


Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges


Dean’s Award for the College of Life Sciences & Technology. Academic and leadership achievements as a student in the college.


Outstanding Baccalaureate Nursing Student. Academic and leadership achievements as a student in the nursing program.


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Position or Professional Service

CURRICULUM VITA 2013-present

LSU Health Network Nurse Managed Clinic

Family Nurse Practitioner


Health Care for Homeless

Family Nurse Practitioner

1997 – 2002

St. Claude Medical Center

Consultative Director Infection Control and Employee Health

1994 – 1997

United Medical Center

Critical Care Nurse

1994 – 1996

Nursing Knowledge, Inc

Nursing Faculty – Immune System Defects and Oncology

1993 – 1995

Med Force, Inc

Critical Care Agency Nurse

1989 – 1993

Tulane University Medical Center and Tulane University School of Medicine

Infection Control Educator/Coordinator and Blood-Borne Disease Coordinator/CNS

1990 - 1991

Regional Medical Affiliates

Critical Care Agency Nurse

1990 – 1992

Delta Regional AIDS Education and Training

Nursing Faculty

1987 – 1991

Terrebonne General Medical Center

Critical Care Nurse

1989 – 1989

Hospice of Southern Louisiana

Hospice Nurse

1987 – 1989

Nursing Care Inc.

Home Health Nurse


Legal Consultation: Served as an expert witness in regards to Dr. Porche opinion of medical treatment given to a patient at a Louisiana State Correctional institution.


Legal Consultation: Served as an expert witness in regards to the plantiffs potential qualifications to be admitted to a nursing school.


Legal Consultation: Served as an expert witness reviewing a Civil Action suit regarding the care rendered in an emergency situation regarding an incarcerated prisoner by providing an expert opinion as a Family Nurse Practitioner.


University Consultation: Kennesaw State University – Development of a Doctor of Nursing Science Program.


University Consultation: University of Massachusetts – Worcester for CCNE accreditation consultation.


Surgical Medical Mission to Antigua, Guatemala. Provided volunteer primary care and surgical health care services.

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Primary Care Provider as Nurse Practitioner in Baja, Mexico. Provided volunteer primary care services.



Position or Professional Service


Family Planning Council, Inc. Male Training Center for Family Planning and Reproductive Health

Expert advisory committee member for the national Male Training Center for Family Planning and Reproductive Health.


Tulane University

Reappointment to Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine as Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences.

2006 to 2009

Office of Population Affairs Department of Health and Human Services Family Planning Male Training Center

Consultant with John Stewart, health economist at UNC Chapel Hill to determine cost measures for male family planning services.

2006 to 2009

Office of Population Affairs Department of Health and Human Services Male Family Planning Initiative

Expert Consultant on male family planning services for Title X. Men’s health expert on male family planning national initiatives to the Office of Population Affairs Male Family Planning Training Centers.


New Orleans Rape Crisis Network

Men’s Health Expert on male sexual assault. Develops policies, procedures, and clinical practice guidelines on male sexual assault. Provides advocacy and guidance on local and state sexual assault policy and laws. Changed stated policy on male sexual assault examination kits and chain of evidence policy that has been adopted in Mississippi and Texas with current consideration in Arkansas.


Memorial Medical Center

Consultant to development research culture, integrate evidence based practice into clinical practice and prepare for Magnet Hospital Recognition. Member of Research Council. Developing academic research partnership with Memorial Medical Center.

2004 to 2005

Veterans Administration Medical Center

Consultant for development of evidence based practice and preparation for Magnet Hospital Recognition. Member of Research Committee. Developed LSUHSC academic research partnership with VAMC.

2004 to 2007

East Jefferson Medical Center

Research Consultant for integration of evidence based practice. Member of Research Committee. Developed an academic research partnership with EJMC. Co-authored evidence based practice model.

2004 to Present

Louisiana Office of Public Health

Provides consultation on community program planning and development. Advises on development of academiccommunity partnerships. Currently consulting on Public

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CURRICULUM VITA Health Nursing Practice competencies. 2004 to 2005

Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program

Consultant on Male Sexual Assault policies, procedures and curriculum. Developed male curriculum that has been implemented nationally into Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) curriculums. Analyzes male sexual assault data and report’s findings to District Attorney’s office and Rape Crisis Network quarterly.

2003 to 2004

Dr. Jonathan Calkwood

Consulting on the development of a community based nonprofit organization for multiple sclerosis and development of a state-wide needs assessment of providers and patients.


New Orleans Mayor’s Office

City-wide Homeless Needs Assessment. Conducts city wide needs assessment.

2003 to 2007

Great Expectations, Mayors Office SISTA Project

Program Evaluation and Planning SISTA HIV Prevention Project for African American women

2003 to 2005

Louisiana Office of Public Health Public Health Nursing and Chronic Disease Section

State-wide Perinatal Smoking Cessation Program Evaluation Consultation

1999 to 2005

Brotherhood, Inc.

Consultant for HIV prevention program intervention development and evaluation for African American men.


St. Stephens Parish Church

Community Assessment and Program Planner. Conducted needs assessment of community.


International Council of Nurses

HIV/AIDS Consultant on HIV policies.

1997 to 2003

Louisiana Association of Student Nurses

State-wide consultant of the Louisiana State Nurses Association to the Louisiana Association of Student Nurses


Dean and Professor Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing

December 1, 2006 to April 2007

Acting Dean Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing

2004 – 2006

Associate Dean for Nursing Research and Evaluation & Director of the Office of Nursing Research & Evaluation Director of the Doctor of Nursing Science Program Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing

2002 – 2004

Associate Dean for Nursing Research and Evaluation Louisiana State University Health Science Center School of Nursing

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Acting, Associate Dean for Nursing Research and Evaluation Louisiana State University Health Science Center School of Nursing

1996 – 1999

Director of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Nicholls State University


LSUHSC-SON recognized as Nightingale School of the Year from entry presentation by Louisiana State Nurses Association (LSNA)


BSN to DNP Nurse Anesthesia program started


LSUHSC-SON recognized as Stellar School Chapter by National Student Nurses Association (NSNA)


Post-Masters DNP program started


Hosted Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) 26 th Annual Conference in New Orleans


Opened LSU Health SON/Healthcare Network Nurse Managed Clinics


ANCC four year accreditation as provider of Continuing Nursing Education


Louisiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing stated as affiliate center of Joanna Briggs Institute


CCNE 10 year accreditation of BSN, MN, MSN programs


LSBN approval of RN Refresher Program


Initiated Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and LSUHSC-SON Emergent Nurse Leader program


Appointed 3 Endowed Professorships


Initiated MSN in Nursing Education degree


Tucker H. Couvillon Professorship established


Secured additional ALAMAR Foundation Endowed Tucker H. Couvillon III Professorship Funds ($25,000)


Secured ALMAR Foundation Endowed Tucker H. Couvillon III Professorship for neuro-degenerative diseases ($60,000)

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Established the Myrtis J. Snowden Endowed Professorship for Collegiate And Public Health Nursing (generating funds)

Dissertation/Thesis: Dissertation Chair (Major Professor): Dr. Demetrius Porche Year




Toussaint Battley III LSUHSC

“The Effect of Short Message Service Reminders on Appointment Attendance in Primary Care” a Scholarly Inquiry Project (SIP) requirement for a DNP degree


Todd Michael Tartavoulle LSUHSC

“A Predictive Model of the Effects of Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Six Minute Walk Distance, and Social Support on Health Related Quality of Life In An Adult Pulmonary Hypertension Population”


Todd Michael Keller LSUHSC

“The Effect of a Standard, High and Low Language Intensity Colorectal Cancer Screening Education Fact Sheet on Level Of Functional Health Literacy on the Stage of Readiness to Participation on Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Older Adult Population in Three South Louisiana Parishes”


Kay S. Whitten LSUHSC

“Parent Perception of Resiliency Strengths and Resources In Families of Adolescents with Mild, Moderate and Severe Levels of Depression”


Denise Maria Linton LSUHSC

“Pap Smear Intention Among Rural Southeast Louisiana Women”


Martha Jane Fayland LSUHSC

“Mapping the Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis of Evidence Based Practice Literature in English Language Nursing Journals”


Cheryl Broadus Robinson LSUHSC

“A Multilevel Analysis of Competence at Adolescence of a Group of Internationally Adopted children from the Former U.S.S.R.”


Linda Manfrin-Ledet LSUHSC

“Relationship of Intimate Partner Violence, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Risk Behaviors, and Powerlessness In African American Women of Childbearing Age”


Susan Karen Steele LSUHSC

“The Relationship of Attitude, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Perceived Threat on the Mammography Behavior of Women in Three Rural Southeast Louisiana Parishes”


Betty Jane Sylvest LSUHSC

“Relationship of Family Cohesion, Family Flexibility, Family Type, and Duration of Caregiving as Perceived by the Family Caregiver of Elderly Stroke Patients”


Judith Lavon Young Bradford LSUHSC

“Adolescent Health Status and Relationship to Health Services”

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Deborah White Wilson LSUHSC

“From their own voice: The Lived Experience of African American Registered Nurses”

Dissertation Committee Member: Year




Mary Elkins Tulane School of Tropical Medicine

“Effect of the American Nurses Credentialing Center Magnet Credential on Hospital Adherence Rates to a National Quality Healthcare Measure”


Mary C. Maher-Griffiths LSUHSC

“A Research Case Study: the Neonatal Nurses Role In the Interception of Medication Errors”


Dana Clawson Roe LSUHSC

“The Relationship Between Pre- Licensure Baccalaureate Nursing Student’s Stress and Their Perceptions of Clinical Nurse Educator Caring”


Debra Kincade Walker LSUHSC

“How Competency is Operationalized for Registered Nurses in the Adult Medical Surgical Acute Care Setting”


Meliss Vessier-Batchen LSUHSC

“Life After Death: A Comparison of Coping and Symptoms of Complicated Grief in Survivors of Homicide and Suicide Decedents”


Sharon Young Buras LSUHSC

“Comparison of Conflict Styles of Adults with Self Reported Major Depression or Alcohol Dependence Symptoms”


Ethel Delores Smith LSUHSC

“PTSD Symptoms of Substance Abusers Who Have Been Sexually Abused and Substance Abusers Descriptive, and Comparative Study”

RESEARCH/GRANTS: Research Projects Non-Funded: 2007-2009

Emergent Crisis Leadership-Principal Investigator. Capella University

2007- 2010

Public Health Nursing Research Agenda – Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. Co-Investigator. Updating 2001 ACHNE national public health nursing research priorities.


Public Health Nursing Research Priorities. Principle Investigator. Established research priorities for American Public Health Association Public Health Nursing Section.


Public Health Nursing Research Agenda – Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. Co-Investigator. Reviewed extant literature to determine areas for public health nursing research funding and research priorities.

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Predictors of Success in the BSN Program. Principal Investigator. Identified basic science courses and GPA that predicted success on NCLEX-RN.


Risk Behaviors of Women Who Have Sex with Women in New Orleans. Principal Investigator. Identified demographic, behavioral, social and sexual risk behaviors of African American women in New Orleans.


Reasons RN Return to School. Co-Investigator – proposal development, data collection and data analysis. Examined primary reasons Diploma and Associate degree nurses pursued a BSN.

1994 - 1995

Doctoral Dissertation: Relationship of Cognitive Health Behavior Model and Emotional State to Anal and Oral Practices of Homosexual Males. Principal/Student Investigator. Self-efficacy identified as a significant determinant of safer sex practices in men.


Three Year Retrospective Study of Universal Precautions Compliance. Principal Investigator with Co-investigator Dr. Ronald L. Nicholls. Supported by Tulane University Medical Center. Identified significant non-compliance issues with Universal Precautions.


Masters Thesis: Sexual Behavior Changes of Homosexual Males in Response to AIDS. Principal/Student Investigator. Identified recidivism as a major issue in the gay male community. Identified some areas of sexual behavior changes in response to AIDS.

Research Projects/Grants – Funded: Date

Title/Topic/Funding Source/Amount


Region VI Title X Family Planning – Office of Population Affairs – Awarded $460,000. Co-Investigator. Conducted Family Planning training in Region VI (Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico). Provided 20 consultations throughout Region VI on the integration of men’s health services into public health family planning clinics. Educated over 250 participants in male family planning services with continuing education credit. Developed DVD/CD-ROM on male genital examination adopted nationally to train physicians and advanced practice nurses.


New Orleans UJIMA Project (HIV Prevention Case Management in African American Male Intravenous Drug Users) – SAMHSA Grant – Awarded $2,500,000 (for 5 years). Co-Investigator and Project Evaluator. Provided HIV prevention education, case management services, substance abuse counseling, and HIV testing to over 100 incarcerated men on release and over 500 men in general population. 18% of the men tested were HIV infected and provided immediate HIV medical treatment. 60% of men have maintained behavior changes to include sobriety, decreased criminal activity, and chemical dependency.


SLAC Capacity Building Assistance Program (Capacity Building for Minority Community Based Organizations) – Office of Minority Health – Awarded $1,200,000 (for 3 years). Principal Investigator for 2 years and Co-Investigator in year 3. Project Evaluator for entire project. Twelve minority community based organizations were provided seed funding for HIV prevention projects, capacity building training, and fiscal training, grant development, organizational assessments, and board leadership development. Through this initiative 22 “new” public health programs were developed of which 5 faith based HIV prevention initiatives in New Orleans. The 12 organizations generated a total of $2.1 million in extramural funding resulting from this capacity building program.


Advanced Nurse Anesthesia Program – HRSA Grant – Awarded $919,000. Co-Investigator/Director and Project Evaluator. Funded development of nurse anesthesia program with an annual admission of 50 students.

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Making a Difference - Orleans Parish African American Male HIV/AIDS Prevention Initiative (99092) - Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to Brotherhood, Inc. – $233,000. Principal-Investigator. Developed HIV prevention community outreach program. Program enrolled over 500 men during 3 year period, distributed over 800,000 condoms, 75,000 bleach kits, and provided HIV testing for over 300 African American men with an HIV infection rate ranging from 3% to 22% depending on venue of population outreach. Provided early entry into HIV treatment resulting from testing.


The Men of Color AIDS Prevention Project - MOCAPP (99091) - Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to Brotherhood, Inc. - $77,000. Co-Investigator and Project Evaluator. Developed a train-the-trainer curriculum that has been adopted in Jackson and Biloxi, Mississippi, Texas, and Oakland, California. Trained over 300 community members and leaders in HIV prevention and men’s health.


Educational Enhancement of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program through the Utilization of New Media Technology - Funded by LEQSF - $58,000. Principal Investigator. Developed a nursing multi-media laboratory.

Grants Approved but Not-Funded: 2000

Advanced Public Health Distance Education – HRSA Grant Submitted – Not funded. Principal Investigator.


Doctoral Distance Education Grant – Louisiana Board of Regents – Not funded. Co Investigator– grant writing and implementation.


Community-based Nursing Faculty Development and Internship Program: A Collaborative Model Between Service and Nursing Education - Helene Fuld Health Trust - Letter of Intent accepted - Proposal not funded. Co-Investigator – grant writing.

PUBLICATIONS: CD-ROM/DVD Porche, D. (2006). Male reproductive health: Interview, exam and treatment of common genital disorders. MPRES, Inc and Plum Moving Media.

Books Porche, D. (2011). Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning Publications. Porche, D. (2004). Community and Public Health Nursing Practice: A population-based approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Brotherhood, Inc. Research Team. (2001). A Charge to Keep I have: An African American HIV Prevention Train the Trainer Curriculum. New Orleans, LA: Brotherhood, Inc.

Peer-Reviewed Journals Porche, D. and Tartavoulle, T., (2013) featured article “Advances in Testosterone Replacement Therapy” New delivery and dosing choices; on-line at Advance Healthcare Network for NPs&PAs 13 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Porche.D. and Tartavoulle, T. (2012) “Low Testosterone”, The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 8 (10): 778-788 Contributing Interview for “Staying Safe: Addressing Violence in the Healthcare Workplace”, Healthcare Journal of Baton Rouge: Sept/Oct. 2012, 13-22 Porche, D. (2011) Prostate Cancer: Overview of Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment NPs&PAs: 2 (6): 18 Porche, D., and Jeanfreau, Scharalda. (2010) Testosterone Deficiency: Common in Midlife and Beyond. Advance for Nurse Practitioners. 6 (18): 16 Porche.D., and Lee, Danny. (2010) Nurse Practitioners as Essential Providers of Men’s Health. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 6 (5): 385-386 Porche,D., and Jeanfreau, S. (2010) The History and Physical Examination: Specific to Men. Advance for Nurse Practitioners, 16 (3): 18 Porche.D, and Jeanfreau, S., and Lee, D. (2010) Determinants of Health. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 6 (3): 226-227 Porche, D, and Chaudry, Rosemary, Kub, Joan, McNaughton, Diane, Schlomann, Pam, Molle, Mary, Drury, Lin, Rector, Cherie, Hays, Judy, Ervin, Naomi, Polivka, Barbara, Bergren, Martha, Hasan, Khaleelah, Issel, Michele (2010). Research Priorities for Public Health Nursing. Public Health Nursing, ACHNE POSITION PAPER, Association of Community Health Nursing Educators Research Committee Member 27 (1): 94-100 Porche.D and Danna D. (2009). The NP Entrpreneur:, Employment Contract. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 5 (10): 781-782 Porche.D and Danna D. (2009). Nurse Practitioner as Health Policy Entrepreneur. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 5 (8): 614-615 Porche, D and Danna D. (2009) Nurse Entrepreneur as a Global Executive. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 5 (6): 454-455 Porche. D and Danna D. (2009). Marketing Research. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 5 (4): 294, 295 Porche, D and Danna D. (2009). Establishing a Board of Directors. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 5 (2): 89, 90 Porche, D and Danna D. (2008). Entrepreneurial Strategy. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 4 (8): 573-574, 575 Porche, D and Danna D. (2008). The Nurse Entrepreneur: Marketing Your Practice and Business. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 4 (7): 510-511 Porche, D and Danna D. (2008). The NP Entrepreneur: States of Business Start-Up. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 4 (6): 422-423 Porche, D and Danna D. (2008). The NP Entrepreneur: Business Plan: An Entrepreneurial Proposal. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners 4 (3): 173-174 Porche, D. (2007). Genital Human Papillomavirus Infection in Men. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(10): 684-685 Porche, D. (2007). Male Contraception. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(9): 595-597 Porche, D. (2007). Male Urinary Incontinence. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(8): 507-508 14 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Porche, D. (2007). Klinefelter Syndrome. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(7): 443-444 Porche, D. (2007). Balanitis. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(5): 330-331 Porche, D. (2007). Adult Male Circumcision. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(4): 226-227 Porche, D. (2007). Penile Cancer. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(3): 150-151 Porche, D. (2007). Cardiovascular Risk in Men. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(2):82-83 Porche, D. (2007). Male body depilation. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 3(1):14-15. Porche, D. (2006). Prostatitis. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(10): 662-663. Porche, D. (2006). Anal pap in men: A screening tool. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(9): 580-581. Porche, D. (2006). Paraphimosis: An emergency condition. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(8):506-507. Porche, D. (2006). Peyronie's disease. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(7): 432-433. Porche, D. (2006). Varicoceles and hydroceles: Assessment, diagnosis, and management. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(6): 366-367. Porche, D. (2006). Male infertility: Diagnosis and treatment. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(5):298-299. Porche, D. (2006). Male infertility: Etiology, history, and physical assessment. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(4):226-227. Willis, D. & Porche, D. (2006). Envisioning and advancing marginalized men's health disparities scholarship: The marginality-cultural competence integrative framework (M-CCIF). Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 27:425-442. Porche, D. (2006). Depression in HIV-infected men. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 27:391-401. Porche, D. (2006). Tinea pedis: A common male foot problem. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(3):152-153. Porche, D. (2006). Tinea cruris: A bothersome male condition. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(2):84-85. Porche, D. (2006). Overactive bladder disorder in men. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2(1):12-13. Porche, D. (2005). Male sexual assault: History, description, epidemiology, and clinical presentation. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 1(4):196-197. Steele, S. & Porche, D. (2005). Questionnaire development to predict mammography intention among women in southeastern Louisiana. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 13(1):23-37. Porche, D. (2005). Depression in men. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 1(3):138-139. Steele, S. & Porche, D. (2005). Testing the theory of planned behavior to predict mammography intention. Nursing Research, 54(5):332-338. Porche, D. (2005). Prostate Cancer: Screening and early detection. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 1(2):70-71. Porche, D. & Willis, D. (2004). Nursing and men’s health movement: Considerations for the 21 st century. Nursing Clinics of North America, 39(2):251-258.

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CURRICULUM VITA Willis, D. & Porche, D. (2004). Male battering of intimate partners: Theoretical underpinnings, intervention approaches, and implications. Nursing Clinics of North America, 39(2):271-282. Manfrin-Ledet, L. & Porche, D. (2003). The state of science: Violence and HIV infection in women. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 14(6):56-68. Steele, S., Rocchiccioli, J., & Porche, D. (2003). Analyzing and promoting issues in health policy: Nurse manager’s perspective. Nursing Economic$, 21(2):80-83. Porche, D. & Swayzer, R. (2003). HIV Prevention: A review of interventions. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 14(1):79-81. Burrage, J. & Porche, D. (2003). AIDS service organization partnerships: A method to access outcomes of community service organizations for vulnerable populations. Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 9(1):7-12. Porche, D. (2002). Biological and Chemical Bioterrorism Agents. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 13(5):57-64. Porche, D. (2002). Treatment Review: Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (Viread). Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 13(3):100-102. Porche, D. (2001). Treatment Review: Lopinavir/Ritonavir. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 12(2):101-104. Porche, D. (2000). Treatment Review: Abacavir sulfate. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 11(6):72-75. Porche, D. (2000). Treatment Review: Efavirenz. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 11(3):95-98. Glanville, C. & Porche, D. (2000). Graduate nursing faculty: Ensuring cultural and racial diversity through faculty development. Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 6(1): 6-13. Porche, D. (2000). Nevirapine Prevents Vertical HIV-1 transmission. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 11(1):82-85. Porche, D. (1999). Pulmonary tuberculosis: Screening, Diagnosis and Management. Home Health Care Consultant, 6(8):40-44. Porche, D. (1999). Media review: Community HIV health promotion. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 10(4):98-99. Porche, D. (1999). State of the art: Antiretroviral and prophylactic treatments in HIV/AIDS. Nursing Clinics of North America, 34(1):95-112. Porche, D. & Franklin, C. (1999). Management of occupational exposures to HIV: Updated guidelines for postexposure prophylaxis. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 10(1):66-71. Porche, D. & Willard, S. (1998). Bridging the gap: 12th World AIDS Conference Update. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 9(6):82-85. Glanville, C. & Porche, D. (1998). Community level health promotion to improve the health status of African Americans. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 4(2):6-10. Porche, D. (1998). Condom effectiveness. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 9(3):91-94. Porche, D. (1998). Elder abuse in the home. Home Health Care Consultant, 5(2): 7-13. 16 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Little, L. & Porche, D. (1998). Treatment review: Manual lymph drainage (MLD). Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 9(1):78-81. Benedict, S. & Porche, D. (1998). Ethical dilemmas in HIV/AIDS Care: Should a nurse participate in a patient’s suicide? Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 9(1): 82-83. Porche, D. (1997). Treatment review: Ritonavir (Norvir™). Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 8(6): 81-83. Brennan, C. & Porche, D. (1997). HIV immunopathogenesis. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 8(4): 7-22. Benedict, S. & Porche, D. (1997). Ethical Dilemmas in HIV/AIDS Care: Should complex medication regimens be prescribed to people with a low probability of compliance? Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 8(3):90-91. Porche, D. (1997). Post exposure prophylaxis after an occupational exposure to HIV. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 8(1):83-87. Porche, D. (1997). Mycobacterium avium complex prophylaxis. Home Health Care Consultant, 4(1):33-38. Porche, D. (1996). One world. One hope. XI International Conference on AIDS. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 7(5):94-100. Porche, D. (1996). Treatment review: Saquinivir. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 7(4):61-64. Porche, D. (1996). Treatment review: Lamivudine. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 7 (3): 5153. Porche, D. (1996). Treatment review: Liposomal doxorubicin (Doxil®). Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 7(2): 55-59. Porche, D. (1996). Treatment review: Cytovene-IV, Cytovene-Capsules. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 7(1):50-55. Porche, D. (1995). Treatment review: Zerit™ (Stavudine). Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 6(5), 50-52. Porche, D. (1995). Treatment review: Testosterone (Testoderm®). Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 6(4), 43-45. Porche, D. (1994). Treatment review: Megestrol acetate oral suspension. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 5(4), 35-36, 44. Porche, D, Bertrand, M., & Beare, P. (1992). HIV counseling and testing: A primer for health care professionals. AIDS Patient Care, 6 (3), 130 - 133.

Editorials Porche, D. (2013) Legalization of Medical Marijuana [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 7 (6): 449 Porche, D. (2013) Technological Advances and Information Science: Impact on Men’s Health [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 7 (5): 361 Porche, D. (2013) Using Research to Inform Policy [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 7 (4): 273 17 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Porche,D. (2013) Chief Executive Officer: The Need to be Healthy [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 7 (3): 185 Porche, D. (2013) Beyond Gender: Cultural Sensitivity-International Lessons Learned [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 7 (2): 93 Porche D. (2013) A Dialogue on Men’s Health [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 7 (1): 5 Porche D. (2012) Men: The Missing Client in Family Planning [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 6 (6): 441 Porche.D. (2012) Men’s Health: Intricately Linked I a Symbiotic Relationship Manner [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 6 (4): 265 Porche,D. (2012) Advertisements: An Untapped Medium to communicate Men’s Health Information [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 6 (3): 177 Porche, D. (2011) Linking Scholarly Publications to Popular Press: An Avenue for Dissemination [Editorial], The American Journal of Men’s Health 5 (1): 5 Porche, D. (2010) Scholarly Discourse [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 4 (3): 6 Porche, D. (2010), Health Care Leaders’ Challenges in the Time of Health Care Reform [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 4 (2): 97 Porche D. (2010). Healthy Men 2020 [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 4 (1): 5,6 Porche D. (2009). Epidemiology as the Foundation for Population and Men’s Health [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 3 (4): 285 Porche D. (2009). The Health Care Reform Agenda [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 3 (3): 188 Porche D. (2009). Men’s Health: Building the Science [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 3 (2): 92 Porche D. (2009). Men’s Health: Integration into the National Health Care Policy Agenda [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 3 (1): 5 Porche D. (2008). Men are Victims of Sexual Violence [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 2 (3): 217 Porche D. (2008). Prostate Health: Definitely a Men’s Health Issue [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 2 (2):105 Porche D. (2008). Advancing the American Journal of Men’s Health: From Science to Practice and Policy [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 2 (1): 5 Porche D. (2007). Poverty and Men’s Health [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health 1 (4): 241 Porche D. (2007). National Men’s Health Week: An opportunity for advocacy and healthcare [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health, 1(3): 165-166 Porche D. (2007). It is time to advocate for men’s health as a specialization [Editorial]. The American Journal of Men’s Health, (Editorial) 1(2): 101-102 18 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Porche, D. (2007). A Call for the American Journal of Men’s Health [Editorial]. American Journal of Men’s Health, 1(1):5. Porche, D. (2006). The impact of HIV/AIDS on men’s health: An action imperative [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 17(6):1-2. Devereux, J. & Porche, D. (2004). Low health literacy: A unique challenge for HIV/AIDS nursing [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 15(6):15-16. Porche, D. (2004). Taking time to care and develop relationships [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 15(2):11. Porche, D. (2003). Another challenge: HCV infection [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 14(5):5. Byerly, A., Porche, D., & Eddins, E. (2003). “Hey, throw me somethin’ mister” [Editorial]. Journal of Multicultural Nursing & Health, 9(1):5-6. Willis, D. & Porche, D. (2003). Men are also victims of intimate partner violence [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 14(2):13-14. Porche, D. (2001). Focusing on the Core Functions of HIV/AIDS Care [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 12(5):13-14. Porche, D. (2000). Heterosexual prevention: The key to averting HIV orphan hood. [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 11(3): 11-12. Porche, D. (1997). Will a presidential public apology be needed for HIV/AIDS care in the future? [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 8(6): 27-28. Porche, D. & Snowden, J. (1996). JANAC: A conduit for collaboration [Editorial]. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 7 (3):15-16.

Textbook Chapters Porche, D. (2009) Epidemiology of Health and Illness. Community Health Nursing – Second Edition. (pp. 100118). Porche, D. (2007). Men's health: A leadership role for men in nursing. In C. O'Lynn and R. Tranbarger, Men in nursing: History, challenges, and opportunities (pp. 271-279). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Porche, D. (2003). AIDS Indicator diseases, Bacterial infections: Mycobacterium avium intracellular (MAC). In C. Kirton, ANAC’s core curriculum for HIV/AIDS Nursing (pp. 76-77). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Porche, D. (2003). AIDS Indicator diseases, Viral infections: Cytomegalovirus (CMV). In C. Kirton, ANAC’s core curriculum for HIV/AIDS Nursing (pp. 89-90). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Porche, D. (2003). Infectious diseases. In A. Running & A. Berndt, Management guidelines for nurse practitioners working in family practice (pp. 653-692). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Porche, D. (2001). End of life experience and care for the AIDS patient. In B. Poor & G. Porrier, End of life nursing care. Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

19 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Porche, D. (2000). HIV/AIDS case management. In J. Durham & F. Lashley (Eds), The person with HIV/AIDS: Nursing perspective (3rd ed.), (pp. 387-400). New York: Springer Publishing Company Lewis-Trabeaux, S. & Porche, D. (2000). Women’s health. In M. Stanhope & J. Lancaster (Eds), Community health nursing (4th ed.), (pp. 555-579) St. Louis: Mosby. Porche, D. & Glanville, C. (1999). Ethical Principles. Family Life Educators Resource Manual. Porche, D. & Glanville, C. (1999). Values clarification. Family Life Educators Resource Manual. Porche, D. (1999). HIV disease in older adults. In M. Stanley and P. Beare (Eds), Gerontological nursing: A health promotion/protection approach (2nd ed.), (pp. 235-241). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Beare, P. & Porche, D. (1999). Nutrition and combined nutrition-pharmacology review test. In P. Beare (Ed.), Davis’s NCLEX-PN Review (2nd Ed), (pp. 383-404). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Porche, D. (1998). Sexuality and Reproductive Health. In P. Beare and J. Myers (Eds), Adult Health Nursing (3rd ed.), (pp. 1632-1653). St. Louis: Mosby. Bowman, C. & Porche, D. (1998). Nursing management of adults with immune disorders. In P. Beare and J. Myers (Eds), Adult Health Nursing (3rd ed.), (pp. 730-766). St. Louis: Mosby. Porche, D. (1998). Nursing management of adults with sexually transmitted diseases. In P. Beare and J. Myers (Eds), Adult Health Nursing (3rd ed.), (pp. 1726-1744). St. Louis: Mosby. Porche, D. (1998). Safety, infection control, and hygiene. In S. DeLaune and P. Ladner (Ed.), Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards & Practice (pp. 693-778). Albany: Delmar. Robinson, E. & Porche, D. (1996). Mock NCLEX-RN board review test questions: Nichols State University. In P.G. Beare (Ed.) Davis NCLEX-RN Review (pp. 538-550). Philadelphia: FA Davis. Porche, D. (1996). Staff development principles. In A. S. Luggen (Ed.) Core Curriculum for Gerontological Nursing (pp. 133-142). St. Louis: Mosby. Porche, D. (1994). Nursing management of adults with immune disorders. In P. G. Beare and J. Myers (Eds.), Principles and Practice of Adult Health Nursing (2nd ed.), (pp. 1023 - 1051). St. Louis: Mosby. Porche, D. (1994). Nursing management of adults with sexually transmitted diseases. In P. G. Beare and J. Myers (Eds.), Principles and Practices of Adult Health Nursing (2nd ed.), (pp. 2057 - 2076). St. Louis: Mosby. Porche, D. (1994). Nutrition and pharmacology: Integrated test. In P. G. Beare (Ed.), Davis's NCLEX-PN Review (pp. 265-278). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. Porche, D. (1991). Universal precautions. In R. Nicholls, N. Hyslop, & J. Barlett (Eds.), Decision Making in Surgical Sepsis (pp. 186 - 187). Philadelphia: B. C. Decker, Inc.

Abstracts – National and International Conferences Porche, D., & Swayzer, R. (2002). A qualitative assessment to identify HIV risk behaviors and barriers to prevention in African American Men Who Have Sex with Men. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Abstract No. WePEC6163.

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CURRICULUM VITA Swayzer, R. & Porche, D. (2002). Utilization of a multilevel HIV prevention intervention among African American Men Who Have Sex with Men. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Abstract No. TuPeF5424. Porche, D. (2001). African American Men Who Have Sex With Men: State of Knowledge. National HIV Prevention Conference (July 2001). Abstract No. 82. Atlanta, GA. Martin, A. & Porche, D. (1998). Risk behaviors of women who have sex with women. XII World AIDS Conference - Geneva, Switzerland (June 28 - July 5). Abstract No. 23428. Porche, D. (1996). Relationship of cognitive health behavior model to the practice of anal and oral intercourse in homosexual males. XI International Conference on AIDS - Vancouver (July 7 - 12). Abstract No. 4041. Porche, D. (1996). Relationship of emotional state to the practice of anal and oral intercourse in homosexual males. American Public Health Association Conference - New York (November 17-21). Abstract Session No. 1041. Porche, D. (1991). Monitoring compliance of universal precautions. The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Fourth Annual Conference-New Orleans (November 7-9). Abstract No. 031.

Newsletters Porche D. (2010) Message from the President, Interaction 28 (1): 2 Porche D. (2009) Message from the President, InterAction 27 (4): 2 Porche D. (2009) Message from the President, InterAction 27 (3): 2 Porche D. (2009) Message from the President, InterAction 27 (2): 2. Porche D. (2009) Message from the President, InterAction 27 (1): 2 Porche, D. and O’Connor, M. (2008) Nursing Leadership Education: The Importance of Planning for Your Future, Voice of Nursing Leadership, A.O.N.E. Publication. September 2008. 8, 9, 22. Porche, D. (2008) Message from the President, InterAction 26 (4): 2. Porche, D. (2008) Message from the President, InterAction 26 (3): 1, 2. Porche, D. (2008) Message from the President, InterAction 26 (2): 1. Porche, D. (2008) Message from the President, InterAction 26 (1): 1. Porche, D. (2007) Message from the President, InterAction 25 (4): 2 Porche, D. (2007). Message from the President., InterAction, 25 (3): 1. Porche, D. (2007) Message from the President, InterAction 25 (2) 1 Porche, D. (2007). Message from the President., InterAction 25(1): 1. Porche, D. (2004). Men's health defined. InterAction, 22(4):2. Porche, D. (2001). Mentoring: The patron system. Horizons, 24(2):1, 3.

21 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Porche, D. (2001). Developing the mentor-protégé relationship. Horizons, 24(1): 4. Porche, D. (1998). Advising our future nursing leaders. Horizons, 21(2):1-2. Porche, D. (1995). Abstract: Relationship of Cognitive Health Behavior Model and Emotional State to Anal and Oral Sexual Practices of Homosexual Males in New Orleans. Carpe Diem Newsletter, 3(1), 3. Porche, D. (1993). HIV therapy guidelines by NIAID. Carpe Diem, 1(1), 2. Porche, D. (1990). Thesis abstract: Sexual behavior changes of homosexual males in response to AIDS. Sigma Theta Tau Epsilon Nu Chapter - Newsletter, 8(2), 4. Porche, D. (1990, July). Nursing committee notes: Sexual behavior changes of homosexual males in response to AIDS. Faculty Notes Newsletter, 3.

EDITORAL BOARDS: 2013- Present

European Journal of Health

2009- Present

Journal of Nursing

2007 - Present

The Open Nursing Journal

2007 – Present

American Journal of Men’s Health

2005 – Present

Journal of Nurse Practitioners

1995 - 2007

Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

1999 – 2003

Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health Care


Editorial Board Journal of Nursing This is a start up journal that will be added to the 150 journals in a variety of disciplines. Many of the journals they publish have the support of one or more scholarly associations, which actively work to build partnerships between the journals and the community of researchers.


Invited Guest Editor Open Nursing Journal Supplement Supplement issue of Open Nursing Journal presents a current state of nursing education.


Invited Guest Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care HIV/AIDS and Men's Health. Requested to integrate the state of science in HIV/AIDS and men’s health.

2006 to Present

Founder and Editor-in-Chief American Journal of Men’s Health

22 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA An interdisciplinary journal focusing on health, behavioral and social disciplines, including but not limited to medicine, nursing, allied health, public health, health psychology/behavioral medicine, and medical sociology and anthropology. 2004

Invited Guest Editor Nursing Clinics of North American Men’s Health. Requested to provide current state of men’s health for primary care clinicians focusing on primary men’s health issues.


Invited Guest Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care HIV/HCV Co-infection. Integrate current knowledge of the dual diagnosis of HIV and HCV infection.


Invited Guest Editor Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health Care Vulnerable Populations in New Orleans. Present articles on current health disparities of New Orleans populations and current intervention programs.


Associate Editor Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health Care

May-June 1998

Invited Guest Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care HIV Prevention Focus. Develop an issue of the journal focusing on best HIV prevention practices.

November 19972007

Associate Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

September 1996November 1997

Assistant Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

July-August 1996

Guest Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

May-June 1996

Guest Editor Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care


National Distinguished Writers Mentoring Program for the Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. Developed, founded, and implements a national program that provides novice writers and clinicians with a mentor to assist with scholarly publishing.

POSITION PAPERS Position paper issued by Men’s Health Braintrust, Dialogue on Men’s Health Workgroup titled “A Framework for Advancing the Overall Health and Wellness of America’s Boys and Men” – Primary Author; Giorgianni, Jr., Salvatore, J.: Collaborating Authors – Berger, Dr. Thomas J Bonhomme, Dr. Jean, Bothwell, Dr. Eric D., Brott,.Armin, Butler, Dr. Paris, Casey, Olivia, Evans, Dr. V. Jeffrey, Fadich, Ana, MPH, Johnson, David, MPH, Petty, Stephen, MA, Porche, Dr. Demetrius J., Silverman, William, Warner, Dr. Lee, Williams, Dr. Richard A., Williams, Scott, MPA

23 | P a g e


Journal of Nursing Administration

2007- Present

Public Health Reports

2006 – Present

American Journal of Men’s Health

2005 – Present

Journal of Nurse Practitioners

2005 – 2009

America Public Health Association Conference Abstracts

2004 - Present

Applied Nursing Research

2003 - 2007

Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health

2002 – 2005

American Journal of Nursing

2001 - Present

International Nursing Review

1995 – 2007

Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care





“Social Medial and the Nursing Profession; The Line in the Sand” presentation for LSNA, CNE program

Carnival Cruise Ship annual educational cruise


“Higher Education Litigation: Process and Strategies” co-presenter Kim Cheramie at The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA) 32nd Annual Meeting & Educational conference

Hyatt Regency Hotel, Savannah, GA.


“Transforming Research into Practice”, Keynote Speaker at St. Francis Medical Center, Monroe, LA.

Monroe Civic Center, Monroe, LA.


“Meet the Editors” a publishing workshop at the SRNS Conference

Peabody Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas


Presented at SNRS pre-conference on publishing “Linkage of Research & Policy”

Peabody Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas


Panel Member and Featured Speaker at 2012 “Excellence in Nursing Consortium” for Ochsner Medical Center

Renaissance New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA


Presented “Legal Issues for RN’s” for The

Intercontinental Hotel, New Orleans, LA

24 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA American Association of Nurse Attorneys 10/12/12

Key Note speaker for East Jefferson Hospital “The Future of Nursing” program in New Orleans

East Jefferson Hospital, New Orleans, LA


“Infertility Update for Family Planning Providers” presented to the 2012 National Reproductive Health Conference Title X

New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, LA


Opening welcome remarks to the Middle South Regional Conference of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc.

N.O. Marriott, New Orleans, LA


“Future of Nursing Initiative” Presented to the New Orleans Black Nurses Association

Dillard University Professional Schools, New Orleans, LA


Transforming Advanced Practice Nursing Education: Regulation and Practice

Key Note Speaker - LANP Annual Primary Conference, Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, LA


“Nursing Leadership in the Transformation of Healthcare and Emerging Roles of Nurse Informatics Leaders”

USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium 2011, Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA


“Sailing into Publication” Major presentor for LSNA educational presentation on developing a scholarly manuscript.

Carnival Cruise Ship annual educational cruise


“Nursing Scholarship in the Next Decade” Research Day presentation “Emergent Leadership During a Natural Disaster”

East Jefferson Hospital, New Orleans, LA.


Writers Workshop: “What an Editor Looks for in a Quality Manuscript”

Presentor at Our Lady of the Lake School of Nursing, Baton Rouge, LA.


“Men in Nursing”

ONSA conference in Stillwater, Ok.


“Is This Normal? Addressing Common Male Reproductive Health Concerns”

A webinar generated from Deans office For Region 7 title X Family Planning Training Center, Development Systems, Inc. & Nebraska Reproductive Health


“Is This Normal? Addressing Common Male Reproductive Health Concerns”

A webinar generated from Deans office For Region I title X Family Planning Training Center, JSI Research and Training Institute, Boston, MA.


Male Reproductive Health

FPTMC Annual Conference in New Orleans


Peri-Operative Patient Safety Issues

CRNA Conference “Nursing on the High Seas; A Peri-Anesthesia Update”


The Male Physical Assessment

2008 Michigan Family Planning Conference

25 | P a g e


Male Training History and Exam

Title X - Family Planning Male Training in South Bend, Indiana


Men’s Health

“Men…Making a Difference in Nursing” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital conference, Cincinnati, Ohio


Healthy Male Sexuality

Title X – 5 day conference for Family Planning Male Training Center in San Diego, California


Louisiana Men’s Health Symposium

Opening Speaker for two day symposium on Men’s Health Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Male Sexual Assault

National Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training New Orleans, Louisiana


Male Sexual Assault Examination

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Training Lafayette, Louisiana Jackson, Mississippi


Male Reproductive Health: Interview, Exam, and Treatment of Common Genital Disorders

National Web Cast via Internet


Male Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Immune System Basics

Southern Capacity Building Conference New Orleans, LA


Journal Clubs: Bridging the Chasm Between Research and Practice

East Jefferson General Hospital Medical Center Metairie, LA


Evidence Based Practice Models: Forces for Magnetism

Memorial Medical Center/Tenet Health Care Systems New Orleans, LA


HIV/AIDS Prevention Training Curriculum for African American Communities: Outcome Evaluation

132 Annual American Public Health Association Meeting Washington, DC


Evidence Based Practice Models

Veterans Administration Medical Center New Orleans, LA


Male Sexual Assault: Epidemiology, Examination, and Management

Baton Rouge, LA


HIV Certification Test Taking Strategies and Skills

Delta Region AIDS Education Training Center New Orleans, LA


Evidence Based Nursing: Levels of Evidence

Veterans Administration Medical Center New Orleans, LA


HIV Epidemiology and HIV Prevention

Delta Region AIDS Education Training Center New Orleans, LA


Program Planning for Community Based

Shreveport, LA

26 | P a g e


Organizations Male Sexual Assault: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Competency Training

Medical Center of Louisiana New Orleans


Moderator for Community Leaders Against Syphilis and HIV

New Orleans, Louisiana


Male Sexual Assault: Epidemiology, Examination, and Treatment

Medical Center of Louisiana New Orleans


Diffusion of Innovation and Trans-theoretical Model

Guest Lecture – Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine


Theory of Planned Behavior and Reasoned Action

Guest Lecture – Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine


SISTA Project: An HIV Prevention Intervention for African American Women

United States Conference on AIDS New Orleans, LA


Vulnerable African American Women at Risk for HIV: SISTA Project Intervention

Dr. Lucille Davis – 3rd Annual Research Symposium Southern University School of Nursing Baton Rouge, LA


Group Dynamics

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


HIV Behavior Change Theory and Process

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Immune System, HIV Risk Behaviors, and HIV Barriers in the African American Community

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Authorship and Publishing Workshop

Mississippi Nurses in AIDS Care Gulfport, MS


Co-Infection: HIV and HCV

Philadelphia Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Philadelphia, PA


HIV Behavior Change Theories and Processes

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Immune System and HIV Risk Behaviors in the African American Community

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


HIV Infection: Immune System and Diagnostic Test

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Boyer Model of Scholarship

LSUHSC – School of Nursing New Orleans, LA

27 | P a g e


Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior

Guest Lecturer – Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine New Orleans, LA


Behavior Change Theory & Process, Barriers to HIV Prevention in African American Community

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


HIV Infection: Immune System, Diagnostic Testing, and HIV Risk Behaviors in African American Community

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Group Dynamics

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Behavior Change Theory & Process, Barriers to HIV Prevention in African American Community

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


HIV Infection: Immune System, Diagnostic Testing, and HIV Risk Behaviors in African American Community

African American Community Leader Training Brotherhood, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Quality Improvement Process and JACHO

St. Claude Medical Center New Orleans, LA.


The Public Health Nurses Role in Environmental Health Satellite Video Conference

Louisiana Office of Public Health New Orleans, LA.


Nursing in the Next Millennium

New Orleans District Nurses Association, Metairie, LA.


Impact of Masculinity on Men’s Health; Issues Impacting Men’s Health in the Next Millennium

American Association of Men in Nursing Chicago, IL.


Writing Mentoring Workshop Part 1 and 2

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care San Diego, CA


Mapping the Future of Associate Degree Nursing

Louisiana Organization of Associate Degree Nursing Eunice, LA


HIV/AIDS in the Older Adult

Dillard University New Orleans, LA


Keynote: 2001: Preparing for a New Millennium

Mississippi Organization of Associate Degree Nursing Biloxi, MS


The Writers Workshop

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Miami Beach, FL


Update on Infectious Diseases and Immunizations

Nicholls State University – Nursing CE Thibodaux, LA

28 | P a g e



Sigma Theta Tau Induction Keynote

Xi Zeta Chapter Nicholls State University Thibodaux, LA.


Advanced in the Management of HIV/AIDS Populations

Contemporary Nursing Forums New Orleans, LA.


Nursing Management of HIV in the Home

Home Care Association of Louisiana Baton Rouge, LA.


HIV/AIDS: Pediatric and Perinatal Client

Our Lady of the Lake – CE Baton Rouge, LA


Immune System Defects in the Acutely Ill

Nursing Knowledge, Inc. New Orleans, LA.


HIV Disease: From Newborns to Adults in Acute and Home Care Settings

Nicholls State University – Nursing CE Thibodaux, LA.

10/5, 12, 19/95


Nursing Knowledge, Inc. New Orleans, LA

9/14, 21, 28/95


Golden Educational Services Baton Rouge, LA


Generalist Oncology Nursing – OCN Certification Review

St. Frances Hospital Tulsa, OK


Immune System Defects in the Acutely Ill

Nursing Knowledge, Inc. New Orleans, LA

4/6, 13, 27/95


Golden Educational Services Baton Rouge, LA


Infectious Disease Update for Nurses

Nicholls State University – Nursing CE Thibodaux, LA.


Germ Warfare: Protecting Yourself, Co-Workers and Patients

Tulane University Medical Center New Orleans, LA

10/6, 13, 20/94


Nursing Knowledge, Inc New Orleans, LA


Immune System Defects in the Acutely Ill

Nursing Knowledge, Inc. New Orleans, LA


Blood-Borne Diseases: Protecting the Practitioner

Norfolk Southern Association of Physicians New Orleans, LA

5/29/93 3/17/93

AIDS Update

Tulane Medical Center New Orleans, LA

29 | P a g e


Mental Health Patients with AIDS

Tulane Medical Center New Orleans, LA


HIV in the 1990’s: Women and Children Issues and Legal Implications for Nurses

Nicholls State University – Nursing CE Thibodaux, LA.


Nursing Management of the Patient with HIV Disease

Tulane Medical Center New Orleans, LA


The Medical Aspects of HIV Fears

Louisiana Nursing Home Association Baton Rouge, LA


AIDS 101

NO/AIDS Task Force New Orleans, LA


Care of the HIV Infected Client

Nicholls State University – Nursing CE Thibodaux, LA.

Poster Presentations: Dates




Odyssey Professional Growth and Experiences Mentorship Program

Rho Zeta Conference in Baton Rouge


Building Capacity Among Minority Community-Based Agencies to Improve HIV/AIDS Service Delivery

132 Annual American Public Health Association Meeting Washington, DC


Academic-Community Based AIDS Service Organization Partnership: Program Outcome Evaluation of Services

Southern Nursing Research Society Seventeenth Annual Conference Florida


African American Men Who have Sex with Men

National HIV Prevention Conference Atlanta, GA

6/28 – 7/3/98

Risk Behaviors of Women Who have Sex With Women

12th World AIDS Conference Geneva Geneva, Switzerland


Relationship of Emotional State to the Practice of Anal and Oral Intercourse in Homosexual Males

American Public Health Association New York City, NY


Relationship of Cognitive Health Behavior Model to the Practice of Anal and Oral Intercourse in Homosexual Males

XI International Conference on AIDS Vancouver, Canada


Monitoring Compliance of Universal Precautions

The Association of Nurses in AIDS Care New Orleans, LA


30 | P a g e


Louisiana State Board of Nursing – Extended appointment of presidency by the Governor


Louisiana State Board of Nursing – Elected President of the Louisiana State Board of Nursing

2010-2013 2013-2016

Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia (COA) - Appointed as University Representative, reappointed to a second term as University Rep.


WAPC (Women Against Prostate Cancer) Medical & Scientific Advisory Council – appointed Council member


Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) – Serving on the Board of Directors as an At-Large Member


New Orleans District Nurses Association – Serving on Board of Directors (Research & Development Committee Chair)


Louisiana State Board of Nursing – Serving as a Board Member appointed by the Governor

2009 – 2012

Southern Nursing Research Society – Serving as Treasurer


American Association of Colleges of Nursing – Serving as a member of the Doctoral Education Conference Subcommittee

2008 – 2012

National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists – Serve on their Education Committee

2008 – 2009

American Organization of Nurse Executives – Serve on the Publication Committee

2008 – 2010

New Orleans Faith Health Alliance – Member of the Board of Directors

2008 – 2010

PHN Public Health Nursing – Committee Chair for PHN Development Committee Fundraising


Malta Park – Member of Board of Directors


Great 100 Nurses Foundation – appointed to the Board of Directors 2007. Serves on board of directors that hold an annual event to recognize outstanding nurses and their successes, and their contributions to their profession.

2007 to 2008

Governors Louisiana Health Works Commission. Provide policy recommendations to Governor’s Office regarding funding of health professional students on community and university campuses.


Nursing Workforce Supply and Demand Commission. Provide recommendations to Governor’s Office and Louisiana Board of Regents regarding nursing education and practice workforce issues.

2004 to 2005

Community Leaders against Syphilis and Hepatitis/Herpes (CLASH). Co-Founder of community based group that collaborates with Louisiana Office of Public Health to plan community prevention programs. Membership currently includes 25 community organizations and business enterprises.

2004 to 2005

Daughters of Charity Service Planning & Evaluation Committee. Provides advisement to Daughters of Charity on development of community based health programs.

2003 to 2005

Sexual Assault Response Team. Consults on policies and procedures related to male sexual assault. Changed male sexual assault rape kit policy and chain of evidence procedures throughout the state through advocacy, professional testimony, and presentation of male sexual assault data to

31 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA District Attorney and Louisiana Attorney General. These policies have been adopted in Mississippi, Texas, and under consideration in Arkansas. 2003 to 2005

New Orleans Police Department Rape Crisis Team. Provides advisement on policies, procedures, and development of laws related to male sexual assault and assist in review of male sexual assault cases. Developed and changed clinical practice guidelines on male sexual assault examination that has been integrated into National SANE curriculum.

2002 to 2003

New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council. Provided advisement on community program evaluation and funding allocation for HIV/AIDS services.

1999 to Present Men’s Health Network Advisory Board. Provides advisement and consultation on men’s health issues as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and on national men’s health agenda. Principal advisor and content expert reviewer for the Blueprint for Men’s Health: A Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle. 2001 to Present International Nursing Review. Serves on Editorial Board. 1999 to 2001

Orleans Parish HIV Prevention Community Planning Group. Assisted with the development of a Parish wide HIV prevention plan that guides the allocation of HIV prevention funds.

1998 to Present CCNE Site Evaluator. Leads CCNE School of Nursing accreditation site visits. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education 1998

Item Writer for NCLEX-RN exam. Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools

1995 to 1998

Board of Directors Member Visiting Nurses Association

1995 to 1998

NO/AIDS Task Force, HIV Test Counselor and Early Intervention Nurse

1995 to 1997

Board of Directors Member, a home for HIV/AIDS patients. Kent House

1994 to 1997

Louisiana HIV Prevention Community Planning Committee. Provided guidance in the Development of state-wide HIV prevention programs that determined allocation of HIV prevention funds. Presented data on HIV infection rates that resulted in the allocation of $8.2 million in HIV prevention funds.

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS (Current Leadership Positions Bolded): Dates


Position/Significant Contributions


National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF)


2009- Present

American College Healthcare Executives


2007 – Present

Rotary Club International


2004 – Present

American Organization of Nurse Executives


2003 – Present

Delta Omega, Eta Chapter Honorary Society in Public Health


32 | P a g e


New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council – Quality Control Committee

Committee Member

2001 – Present

National Student Nurse Association

Sustaining Member

1999- Present

American Assembly for Men in Nursing

Member Past President 2011-2013 President 2006 to 2010 President-Elect 2005-2006 Board Member 2004 – 2006 Chair, Education Committee, 2004 to 2006 Provided visionary leadership to revision mission to include men’s health, planned two national conferences.

1999 - 2007

Society of Public Health Educators


1999 – 2012

Association of Community Health Nurse Educators

Member Research Committee Member, 2002 to Present Co-Investigator that developed national research priorities.

1998 – Present

National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialist

Member Publications Committee Member, 2001 to 2004

1998 – Present

International Council of Nurses

HIV/AIDS Consultant


SREB (Southern Regional Education Board)

Member Board Member 2010-2012

1994 – Present

Xi Zeta Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau

Member President, 1999 - 2000 Vice President, 1997 – 1999 Chair Program Committee, 1997 – 1999 Initiated awards program for member recognition.

1994 – Present

Nurses Strategic Action Team (N-STAT)


1994 – Present

Louisiana Public Health Association


1993- Present

Southern Nursing Research Society

Member Treasurer 2009-2011

33 | P a g e


New Orleans Nurses in AIDS Care

Member President, 2003 - 2004 Vice-President, 2002 - 2003 Founding President, 1991 – 1995 Co-Chairperson, Research Committee, 1991 – 1995

1990 – 2007

Association of Nurses in AIDS Care

Member Co-Chair Journal Committee, 1996 – Present

1990 – Present

Sigma Theta Tau International

Member Development Committee Task Force, 1999 – 2001

1990 – Present

Epsilon Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International

Member Program Committee, 1999 – 2001

1989 – Present

New Orleans District Nurses Association

Member Vice President, 2004 – 2006 Chair, Health Policy Committee, 2004 - Present Awards Committee Chairperson and Board Member, 2003 - Present Vice President and Chairperson, Awards Committee, 1993 – 2002

1988 – Present

American Public Health Association

Member Governing Council Member 2006 to Present Chair Public Health Nursing Development Committee, 2006 to Present Chair Public Health Nursing Research Committee, 2003 – 2006 Co-Chair Public Health Nursing Research Committee, 2002-2003 Public Health Nursing Program Committee Member, 2003 – 2005 Principal Investigator that developed national public health nursing research priorities, developing men’s health special interest group.

1987 – Present

Louisiana State Nurses Association

Board Member - 2009 Member Chair Continuing Education Committee 2005 - 2007 Continuing Education Committee Member, 1997 – 2009 Consultant to LASN, 1997 to 2003 Leadership generated $20,000 in

34 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA 2006. 1987 – Present

American Nurses Association


1987 – 1989

Bayou District Nurses Association


1994 – 2004 1987 – 1988

American Association of Critical Care Nurses



Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society




Contact Hours


AACN 2013 Fall Semiannual Meeting, JW Marriott, Washington DC

3 hr.


AACN Webinar “Doctoral Advancement in Nursing: Promising Practices for Supporting Academic Advancement to Doctoral Study”

1 hr


AACN PhD Summit in Chicago titled “The Future of Nursing Science and The Research-Focused Doctorate”

9 hr


“Diagnosing and Managing Shift Work Disorder: Patient Case Dialogues” Albert Einstein College of Medicine, a CME program

1 hr

“Legal Fundamentals” CNE Certificate of Completion from the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.


“Symptoms and treatment of low testosterone in men” AAPA CME


“Enhancing Glycemic Control in T2DM: Achieving Standards of Care in Primary Care: Case 2: Intensification of Treatment in a Patient with Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy” Joslin Diabetes Center ACCME


“Chronic Pain: Communication and Evaluation Tools to Optimize Outcomes” A case-based CME activity. Albert Einstein College of Medicine


“Medical and Surgical Management of Bladder Outlet Obstruction” Medical Education Resources, Inc.

1 hr

CNE “ICD-10: A Roadmap for Small Clinic Practices” Medscape, LLC A CNE provider for ANCC

0.75 hr


9/15/13 9/15/13




9/9/13 “Ethics Training for Public Servants” Completed his annual training to be completed for the Louisiana State Board of Ethics 9/8/13 Module 4 – “Expert Witness Roles of the LNC Practice” (American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants) provider ANCC

11.66 hr

AALNC Module 2 – “Roles of the LNC in Practice” (American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants) provider ANCC

10 hr.

AALNC Module 1 – “Introduction to Legal Nurse Consulting” (American

6.91 hr.



35 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA Association of Legal Nurse Consultants) provider ANCC 8/15-16/13 2013 NCSBN Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island

3.3 hr.

Adv. Pharmacology Module 3: Anti-infectives, CNE, University of Kentucky, provider for ANCC and KBN (Kentucky Board of Nursing)

3.2 ANCC hr. 3.8 KBN hr.

Adv. Pharmacology Module 2: Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy CNE University of Kentucky, provider by ANCC and KBN (Kentucky Board Of Nursing)

3.2 ANCC hr. 3.8 KBN hr.

AANA CNE Module 6 – Understanding the Environment for Successful Building & Sustaining of a Personal Wellness Plan

1 hr.

AANA CNE Module 5 – Management of Chemical Dependency and Addiction

1 hr.

AANA CNE Module 4- Risk & Exposure: The Signs, Symptoms, PathoPhysiology and Co-Morbidities of Substance Abuse

1 hr.

AANA CNE Module 3 – Stressors Encountered in the Healthcare System and How to Cope More Effectively

1 hr.

AANA CNE Module 2 – Stress: Understanding Causes and Consequences

1 hr.

AANA CNE Module 1-Health and Wellness: The Role and Responsibility of the Anesthesia Professional

1 hr.

Preparing for the Certified Nurse Education Examination, LSUHSC Continuing Education

6 hr.

Healthcare in Post-Katrina New Orleans: New Roles for Nurses, LSUHSC CNE program, New Orleans, LA.

1 hr.

2013 APRN Round Table for NCSBN, Chicago, Illinois

5.7 hr

Foundation of American College of Healthcare Executives, ACHE Conference, Chicago, Ill.

6 hr

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists for Assembly of School Faculty, Continuing Education Activity, Tucson, AZ.

4 hr.

“New Ideas for Nursing Education: Bringing Classroom and Clinical Teaching Together” LSUHSC Continuing Education Course, New Orleans, LA


CPTP Preventing Sexual Harassment 2012, on-line training program for LSBN


“Shaping the Future of Nursing: Psychogeometrics Applied to the Future Of Nursing Campaign” LSNA Educational Carnival Cruise – Session II








6/23/13 6/23/13



4/9/13 3/8/13





11/09/12 “Shaping the Future of Nursing: Psychogeometrics Applied to the Future Of Nursing Campaign” LSNA Educational Carnival Cruise – Session 1 10/5/12 36 | P a g e

1 hr.

CURRICULUM VITA “Attitudes, Knowledge, and Comfort Level of Allied Health and Nursing Students with Regards to Individuals with Disability and Their Sexuality” LSUHSC CNE Brown Bag

13.50 CE hrs. 9.75 Pharm Hrs.

Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners Annual 2012 Primary Care Conference “Breaking Dawn: a New Era for Nurse Practitioners”

Certificate of Completion

AACN/Wharton Executive Leadership Program – Certificate of Attendance, Philadelphia, Pa


University of Pennsylvania The Wharton School – Aresty Institute of Executive Education Certificate of successful completion of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Wharton Executive Leadership Program





6 hrs.

8/8-10/12 NCSBN Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. 7/23-25/12

24 hrs. AACN 2012 Summer Seminar – “Pumping Iron: Building Resiliency to Counteract Stress”

4/2/12 – 6/25/12

1.0hr ANA (American Nurses Association) Mortar & Pestle: Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses – CE Weekly Teleconferences

6/06/12 Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Cultural Competent Care for the Limited English Proficiency LSUHSC CNE 6/5/12


1.0hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Cultural Competent Care for the Older Adults/Seniors


.96hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Cultural Competent Care of Individuals with Disabilities


1.0hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Cultural Competent Care for the Individuals Living in Rural Areas


1.5hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: cultural Competent Care for the Persons with Mental Illness

6/4/12 Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Cultural Competent Care for the ObstetricsDelivery/Perinatal/Neonatal 6/4/12


0.95hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Cultural Competent Care for Children/Pediatrics


1.3hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle:Cultural Competent Care for the Homeless


1.3hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Ethical and Legal Issues


1.3hr Cornerstone of Cultural Competency and Diversity During the Disaster Cycle: Understanding Nursing Disaster Competencies


30 hrs. Cornerstone of Cultural Competency During the Disaster Cycle: Basics

37 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA On Disaster Preparedness – LSUHSC CNE 3/26-3/30/12

13.5hrs Comprehensive Systematic Review Training – Indiana Center for Evidence Based Nursing Practice – a Joanna Briggs Collaborating Center, NOLA


2012 NCSBN Midyear Meeting & Leadership Day, Chicago, IL


3/12-14 3/21/12 NCLEX 101 FY 2012 - NCSBN Course Completion 3/13/12

1.40 hrs President’s Governance Role on a Board of Nursing - NCSBN Course Completion


4.20hur Regulatory Management of Substance Use in High-Risk Nurse Populations NCSBN Course Completion

1.60 hrs

3/8/12 Delegating Effectively - NCSBN course Completion 3/8/12

3.30hrs Defining and Assigning Accountability for Quality Care and Patient Safety NCSBN Course Completion


Confronting Colleague Chemical Dependency - NCSBN Course Completion

Required by state

Addressing Chemically Dependent Colleagues - NCSBN Course Completion


2012 Ethics Training for Public Servants


NCSBN - Delegating Effectively v4.0


3/8/12 3/5/12 3/18/12 3/8/12 3/8/12 NCSBN - Confronting Colleague Chemical Dependency 3/8/12

1.60hrs NCSBN - Regulatory Management of Substance Use in High-Risk Nurse Populations


1.60hrs NCSBN - Defining and Assigning Accountability for Quality Care and Patient Safety

7 hrs.

Addressing Chemically Dependent Colleagues (JNR July 2011)

7.5 hrs

3/5/12 1/25-28/12 AACN 2012 Doctoral Education Conference 1/25/12 AACN 2012 Faculty Practice Pre-Conference 1/8/12 Certificate of Completion: CITI Human Research Training Course- Group II Investigators and Clinical Research Coordinator, Ochsner Clinic Foundation 11/10/11 Prescribing Controlled Substances CE Course, University of Kentucky, College of Nursing 11/10/11

5 ANCC hrs 5 KBN contact 3.2 ANCC, hrs 3.8 KBN contact 12

Principles of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, webcourse CE Course University of Kentucky, College of Nursing


10/28/11 Geriatric Assessment, Western Schools, Pomona, CA 10/22/11

1 Multidimensional Health Assessment of the Older Adult, Western Schools, Pomona, CA.

10/22/11 38 | P a g e


CURRICULUM VITA MRSA: A Healthcare and Community, Western Schools, Pomona, CA.

1.6 CEUs

10/22/11 AACN Fall Semi-Annual conference, Washington D.C. 7/2011

1.6 CEUs Leading Teams and Organizations, Intensive Professional Development University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business


1hr. Executive Leadership Strategies, Intensive Professional Development, University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business

1.5 hr

6/18/11 Complications of Grief, LSUHSC School of Nursing 6/16/11 APRN Education: Implementation of the Consensus Model and LACE Network, AACN webinar

1.5 (1hr. Pharmacology)

3/8/11 Contraceptive Management for Women with Medical Conditions: Applying For the New U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria, Online CE Library – Dublin, CA

1.25 (0.25 hr. Pharmacology)

Evaluating and Treating Abdominal and GI Complaints in Children Online CE Library – Dublin, CA

1.25 (0.75 hr. Pharmacology)


3/6/11 Trends in Contraception: New Data, Devices, Prescribing Regimens And Indications, Online CE Library – Dublin, CA 3/6/11

1.25 (0.25 hr. Pharmacology) 1.25

Allergies and Asthma in Adults: Gaining Control, Online CE Library, Dublin, CA. 3/5/11 Risky business: Working with High-Risk Teens to Foster Resilience Online CE Library – Dublin, CA 3/5/11

1.25 (0.75 hr. Pharmacology) 1.0

Plants, Pills and Patches: Strategies for Menopause Symptom Management Online CE Library – Dublin, CA 3/4/11 Research Brown Bag Series 2011:Teamwork & Communication Using Interdisciplinary High-Fidelity human Patient Simulation 3/2/11

1.25 (0.5 hr. Pharmacology) 1.25

Too Much, Too Little, Too Early or Late: Managing Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding – Online CE Library, Dublin, CA. 2/27/11

1.25 Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, and Type 2 Diabetes: Addressing the Epidemic, Dublin, CA. –Online CE Library


1.0 “The Tyranny of the Urgent”: Moving to a Wellness Model, Online CE Library, Dublin, CA


Developing Evidence Based Practice – CNE program LSUHSC


Scholar’s Day “How to be a Researcher”, LSUHSC – SON, New Orleans


2/14/11 12/3/10 10/1/10 New Orleans Viral Hepatitis Summit, Kenner, LA 9/24-25

2 AAMN Conference, Duke University “Working for the Health of the Nation and the World” Durham, North Carolina

8/13/10 39 | P a g e


CURRICULUM VITA “Medical Error Prevention: Patient Safety Updated 1 st Edition, West Bridgewater, MA – Western Schools 8/5/10

1.5 “Motivation Techniques and Power Sources”, On-Line Session, Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC


1.3 “Strategies for Successful Personal Communication”, On-Line Session Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC


.8 “Leadership: Principles, Theories, and Styles, On-Line Session, Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC


2.9 “Survival Strategies for Nurse Managers”, On-Line Session, Chapel Hill N.C., UNC


8/4/10 “Evidence- Based Practice”, On-Line Session, Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC 8/4/10

1.6 “Delegation, Accountability, and Responsibility, On-Line Session, Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC


8/3/10 “Conflict Resolution”, On-Line session Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC 8/3/10 8/2/10 8/2/10

1.2 “Strategies for Successful Risk Communication”, On-Line session Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC “Strategies for Successful Organizational Communication”, On-Line session Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC


“Instrumentation: Development, Testing and Revision”, UNC School for Nursing, Chapel Hill, N.C., UNC




1.4 Prescribing for Older Adults, Austin, Tx


1.25 Polypharmacy: Pill, Potions, Problems and Preventions. Austin, Tx.


1 To Err is Human…Steps to Safer Prescribing, Austin, Tx.

6/4/10 Research Brown Bag: The Basics of NVivo8 for the Beginner LSUHSC CNE program – New Orleans 5/22/10

8 (6hrs Advance Pharmacology) 1

Nurse Anesthesia Update 2010 – Biloxi, Ms. 5/12/10

6 AACN Webinar – “The Future of the Research-Focused Doctorate in Nursing” – New Orleans, LA.


6.4 LSNA “Louisiana Nurses: Caring Today for a Healthier Tomorrow” Baton Rouge


6 “Nursing’s Future in Louisiana” 2010 Summit of Nursing Educators Nursing Employers and Nursing Regulators – Baton Rouge

40 | P a g e


CURRICULUM VITA 12/11/09 Cultivating Civility in Nursing Education – LSUHSC New Orleans 11/13/09

7.5 Nursing Self Care, Colleague Care, and Caring for the Caregiver Nurse New Orleans


11/5-11/7 American Academy of Nursing – Atlanta, Ga. 10/31/09

5.2 AACN 40 Years of Excellence: “Celebrating the Past, Shaping the Future Of Nursing Education” Washington D.C.


10/23/09 “Men Making a Difference in Nursing” – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital 10/11/09

5 “Faculty Workload: A Fresh Look at an Ongoing Issue


5 “Delegation of Nursing Interventions by the Registered Nurse in Louisiana” LSBN Independent Study – Baton Rouge


5/11/09 “Most Frequently Asked Questions” LSBN Independent Study –Baton Rouge 5/11/09

8 “Legal Guide to the Practice of a Registered Nurse in Louisiana” LSBN Independent Study – Baton Rouge, La.


9 ‘Peri-Anesthesia Up-date” Conference Cruise 4-12-4/19 Cruise to Western Caribbean Islands – Royal Caribbean Lines


AACN 2009 Spring Executive Development Series – Washington DC


NLN Faculty Leadership Conference – New Orleans, La.


3/14/09 1/11/09 1/21/09 AACN 2009 Doctoral Educational Conference – Washington, DC 11/9/08

2.5 “Justice & Law” Not one and the same Session II – Carnival Cruise Lines, New Orleans


5.5 “Justice & Law”-Not one and the same Session I – Carnival Cruise Lines, New Orleans

10/25/08 10/24/08

5.5 “Men in Nursing: Another Way of Caring” AAMN conference – New Orleans, LA. 7.5


“Men in Nursing: Another Way of Caring” AAMN conference – New Orleans, LA.


AACN 2008 Fall Semiannual Meeting – Washington DC


“The Impact of Iron Regulation on Anemia” NODNA


“Men, Making a Difference in Nursing” – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital


Cultural Diversity: Issues in Education – LSUHSC, New Orleans, La.


8/02/08 5/10/08 5/7/08 4/25/08 4/11/08 Dr. Linda Corson Jones Research Day-Celebrating Scholarship - LSUHSC 4/07/08 “Link to the Legislature/Nurse Day 2008 Program” Baton Rouge, La. 41 | P a g e

CURRICULUM VITA 1/24-1/26/08

AACN 2008 Doctoral Conference, Captiva Island, Fl.



Nursing Economics, 2007 Summit, Scottsdale, AZ.



LSNA “Emergency Preparedness: Planning for the Realities of Disasters” (part I1), New Orleans, La.



LSNA “Emergency Preparedness: Planning for the Realities of Disasters” (part 1), New Orleans, La.



American Public Health Association Center for Learning – Global Public Health, Washington DC



American Public Health Association Center for Learning – Global Public Health, Washington DC



AACN 2007 Fall Semiannual Meeting – Teaching, Learning, and the Institution



American Assembly for Men in Nursing Men in Nursing: Contributions To The Health of Men and The Profession of Nursing, Philadelphia, Pa.



Southern Regional Education Board Making Nursing Education the Public Agenda, Atlanta, Ga.



Southern Nursing Research Society 20th Anniversary Conference, Memphis TN



AACN 2006 Doctoral Education Conference – Preparing the Next Generation of Doctoral Faculty, San Diego, CA



APHA 133rd Annual Meeting



Continuing Education Institute at the 133rd APHA Annual Meeting



Southern Regional Education Board “Who Will Teach Tomorrow’s Nurses?” Atlanta, GA



AACN 2005 Doctoral Education Conference Bold Directions: Innovative Pathways to Doctoral Education in Nursing



Community Health Clinical Nurse Specialist Self-Instructional Review



American Assembly for Men in Nursing – Men in Nursing: Meeting a World of Health Care Needs



17th Annual ANAC Conference: Unmasking HIV in the Big Easy



132nd American Public Health Association Meeting: Public Health and the Environment



Managing the Depression Spectrum: Unipolar to Bipolar Depression



Living Leadership Workshop

Non- CE program

42 | P a g e


National Congress on the State of the Science Research – Nursing Science: Working Toward A Healthier Nation



Community Acquired Pneumonia, New Orleans



AACN 2003 Fall Semiannual Meeting: Critical Resources: Investing in Nursing Education, Washington, DC



AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Program, Washington, DC



Incorporating HIV Prevention into the Medical Care of Persons Living with HIV CDC Atlanta, Georgia



Prevention of DVT New Orleans, LA



2003 National HIV Prevention Conference Atlanta, Georgia



Our Worldly Image: Nurses on Postage Stamps New Orleans, LA



Washington Health Policy Institute George Mason University Center for Health Policy Research & Ethics



HIPAA Advanced Awareness Privacy Training Course



AACN 2003 Doctoral Education Conference: Seeking Clarity in the Complexities of Doctoral Education Sanibel Island, Florida



Is Diversity Nursing’s Future – American Assembly of Men in Nursing, Nashville, Tennessee



130th APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition: Putting the Public Back into Public Health, Washington, DC



Dr. Linda Corson Jones 12th Nursing Research Day New Orleans, LA



Nurse Day & Link to the Legislature, Baton Rouge, LA



Nursing Shortage



HIV Treatment: A Primer for Primary Care Clinicians



Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference



The Case Manager as Patient Advocate



Protecting Study Volunteers in Research


43 | P a g e


18th Annual Issues in Nursing Research Conference



Reality 101: Reality to Shock



Sigma Theta Tau International Post Doctoral Institute on Knowledgebase Building



Taking the Lead: Guidelines for the Management of HIV Related Anemia



Chasing a Changing Tide: Complex Clients, Care and Communities



Management of HIV-related Anemia in the Post-HAART Era



HIV Symptom Management: Integrating Research and Practice



Success: It is a Choice



Advanced Practice Licensure and Prescriptive Authority for Nurses in Louisiana



Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis



Introduction to Forensic Nursing



Recognition and Treatment of Mood and Anxiety Disorders



Targeted Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



CDC Recommendations Regarding Selected Conditions Affecting Women’s Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Prevention and Control of Influenza: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Biological and Chemical Terrorism: Strategic Plan for Preparedness and Response Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Prevention of Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Nursing Research: Past, Present, Future Veterans Administration Health Care System, Biloxi, MS



The Science of Hand Hygiene University of Wisconsin – Madison Medical School



Back to the Future


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CURRICULUM VITA Louisiana Public Health Association’s 2000 Educational Conference Lafayette, LA 4/6/00

Sowing the Seeds of Health: Working with a Farm Community Nicholls State University



Dr. Linda Corson Jones Memorial 11th Annual Nursing Research Day Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center



Core Values for Teaching and Working with Students



The 12th Annual ANAC Conference: Building a Bridge to the 21 st Century through Nursing Care (Clinical Practice, Administration, Research and Education) Association of Nurses in AIDS Care San Diego, CA



Celebrating a Century of Progress in Public Health American Public Health Association Chicago, IL



Faculty Development in Environmental Health Workshop University of Maryland School of Nursing



Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Clinicians Contemporary Forums New Orleans, LA



Accountable and Effective Productivity in a Complex World American Association of Colleges of Nursing Washington, DC



Mapping the Future of AD Nursing Louisiana Tech University – Division of Nursing Ruston, LA



Avenues to the Future Sigma Theta Tau International Austin, TX



The 11th Annual ANAC Conference Diversity: Walking Together Through the Rivers of Change Association of Nurses in AIDS Care San Antonio, TX



1998 Fall Semiannual Meeting American Association of Colleges of Nursing Washington, DC



Evaluator Training Program Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education Dallas, TX



HIV Disease in Women


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CURRICULUM VITA HLC, Inc. Arizona Nurses Association 3/28-31/98

The Learning Revolution: Nursing Education and the Virtual Learning Experience American Association of Colleges of Nursing Washington, DC



Navigating the Waves, Exploring Our Shores & Beyond: Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 10th Annual Conference Miami, FL



Meeting Higher Education Demands in Nursing Education: Understanding the Present and Influencing the Future American Association of Colleges of Nursing Washington, DC



Preventing the Transference of Blood borne Pathogens in the Workplace Ethicon



Principles of Epidemiology Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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