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pa Pai(g California W^ AND




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Notices, iitimng *










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©cean Steamers



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Richard III!


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coaTto I s

er e«ft?r •» th« Hoemer A Rourne, Trustee? 25 00 •\M\W • Whose heads might serre for Plutarch's sages, Bankrupt)!— li, , 6716 100 100 00 Cartler Bankruptcy. ACj D, Trustee* l T lT 1for Honolulu, I'rlccoll l v«:iejo TWO MAGNIFICENT BALLETS! 408 «hh (0 so 25 Trains for Uailstoga and {-acranioDto, and a KANDAUea'ey KJ, Trustee ,t' 3902 lOu 100 00 Drlscoll ACo D_ Trustees Toe uuderslgnej, M. n. Myers, Assignee *f the above Mapa it you please, riUIODT boats. VAII VAD,B?UNEy,AUOKLAND,POBTGdALMEKS. 2380 WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. MARCH S and 9 60 with Stages for "Sonoma. *Or• OrFox's martyrs, 25 00 named Bankrolls, hereby gives SPANISH AMD INDIAN, Hooker 11 0, Trustee 6616 10 10 00 Drexler ACoL (Arrive at B:>6 p. m ) N0.10.8T. LOUIS Tnpaday 7a;« P M notice that a S3cond and Mar.hermits of the dismal ages ? Trustees 607 P, 20 o»»kl, no 00 10 00 thIM meeting of the creditors of Bald bankrupt* willbe Arianged by M. ZivU eogacl»K the services HenLestey Michael 6763 100 N0.11.ul .8? TuoM.lay MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING I Fcb29*t4 V H AOo IP, trustees P M ( Dally;, C. P. BK.San Job*. Passtn- No.U.iAriIMAH STEAMSHIP CITY O» PANAMA, these be those ? 1683 ,'• ••The boys" we knew 1 1,5 heldlntha city of San Fratxlßco of the perfect Terpalchorriui resource* cf Johnson Catherine 3232" eruhiy 50 oi> Drex'er 3^ Mar. h 3 at < J» M TUESDAY, the on Greayer In Sbakspotre's Grand; Tragedy, In 6 acts, of De Trustee 8, Their cheek* withmorning's blush were pa into3 FillDAT AND BATDBDAY. this rait MtablUhment. IH4 Ker Train (via 15 760 •\*\M Ferry), C«pUID mopping Kent R F, Trustee, bal 2870 Oakland 8 75 Dann FP, at twenty-eighth d«y of M»rch, 1K76, at two o'clock f. M., an Way mailons. 83tf «»KABnnv MABOH 10 and 11 470 10 500 at ths jftce ofJ. M. Gltche 1, E:q., one of the Begl-terb | MAKCH ioaua2sih,aii2 (Arrive at v:35 a. m.) V. Where are the Harrys, Jims, and Joes KeLt It K. Trustee 6571 20 20 00 Dann FP, Trustee port THB Trustee 2841 LADY OF : 100 60 TUWNBE.ND, LYONS I 3Vt-u v> us°, McDonald B»nu Monica, San Pedro and Anahelan. (calling at Santa MAIL BTEASWUIP O'JMPANY, tor the forw»rdln« of ~ni3 50 M Doi aid John % TiUutee 25 00 nil.iv.- :millit Bankrupt, hereby «v s notice that a ceco: iiy It .k .r IMiyro G T*Bon, Trnstees No. ll—Sal'i (carrying (10 be helJ lv the c it oi Man rr«ncUco, inn BButj t stiould • ufll.......Eureka March 6 levied I'rivaU Boxes (according to location; Keg one '1 Hi Be^Uter* opposite the Mines of the respective ataies giOandfl} amounts eet i»lA*ler 1A 00. Tru5tee5.... 67 60 ynrid*ysoniy— Diego*. WE, San Trustee 00 25 00 11:40 Monday Orizaba March 6 Seats Norwood 20 20 am koii 1:36 p m can be from 9 till5 o'clock on ......2883 In Bankruptcy for said Room DUtrrct, No, Blues, j No. of I A 00. Tru5tee5........... 59 10 Court 01 80 CUr of Panama O'Neill Wm M, Trustee 25 00 > No. 636 Cay street, Victoria& Pucet Bound March 7 boldets, as follows: and Vneaday, at the Theatre, 6863 100 100 00 QUaler dent inducement offer. A 00, Tru5tee*........... 87 tor th« purpose cf declaring a alvlFROM ALAMEDA TO BAN FRANOIBOO. Certificate. Share*. Am't, Box OiHce open dally from 10 a. m. to 10 P. m. 20 1000 Names. . Eureka March 8 Parker A Fry. Trustees iPaflean -...8796 100 100 00 Jlaiierl EVENINIi— The beautiful Drama of MONDAY dend, Co, Jlailer I A 78 10 In accord with provisions Trustees 6 00 cc the of Section f ol:ol:1 ' Angeles Boyd Loa Anaheim* A Davis. Trustees 128S-7 B 00 mtaS March 8 „ ' Kry, _488« #25 Parker A 00 7:00 8:03 9:00 A ' Tru.vees 60 50 8:00 5:00 8:fl8 Jlazler IA 00. Trustees..... 8i68> n08 10 Trustees. Ml 2>oo Montana Mexican Port* March's Oope. Richardson H A.Tru5tee...... ....2830 00 Ulrv.ler 1 A 10 10 Bte»tcboat«»ii(l ' (0 A 00. Truatoe« 2633 100 the Colonulo Ht**m Company Cape, principal plice States, OrUab* San Diego* Dhler A Co . Tn:«te*s......i:t4t4 10 60 Location of 50 ou District of California N»viDally K\ici!i.-..\u25a0 ::r! ia 5:'JO, 6:00 am ant! 1:60 p m March In of buslneat •\u25a0«*• Richardson /E A, Tirar? 10 10 00 liiH/.:,',- I 00 OomDuny for all poluta on tU« River. nb:, 4 13416 10 A Co, Trustees 10 k OMr of Panama Victoria and Puget Sound. .March in Oops, Uhler A » o, Trustees 60 00 San Franc aco, California—Location of works, JCl> COMIC OPERA COMPANY. 6 00 In Hi matter of JOSEPH MfcSUCNGEUand JOSEPH ban.-l»jaoni>- 10:20, 11:20 am, Htm, 1:20 «od UN pm ration Richardson X A. Trustee, b ii 3390 100 «. lazier I 1 Through Ullls of rjullnc wIH b«» fummhed IIIIIIIAT IIMK. Co, Trustees......... 2700 A 10 60 00 District, Lincoln county, Nevada 10 *uard»>»l .......11904 •aw, aal wham UUrn p. m. oalua by a, Itla forenoon. Co, H\ 46 87 Oavalller Ic, Truf1t0e. A A Tru5tee5.......... 1781 16 Dated at Han FrancUc >, I" bruory 2 b. 1b76 750 Kegau Thomas ...1mti l1 4477 200 200 00 Hnji-lrii,O H. TiUitee 5 00 ELABORATE SOENERY I »d wards W, Trustee, b.l. 11906 IV 23 76 Duncan W L, Trustee... 2809 n.-iiip ti c .a Trn»u»« 20 10 00 662 5 2 60 1359 6 6 00 rteiEborg. }.1-rustee mh2.lvr THEODOB EIBOHUOFF, Ka wards W. Trustee, ba1.......... 11906 21 00 L>eLurme (i V, iruatee..., 4 4-5 ! 2968 PELIOIOUB MUSIC 100 50 00 SchmlitC A.Trustee H67 10 6 00 .....2010 10 10 0 H»lb \VK Tnrsli c ..\. UK. *«. I »7«, and Jocepi lla'm, COMVItXIINO H. Kdwaids w, Trustee 12482 10 Or; Asklgoee of Joseph Messenger Keuuey C A, i'rr.awe M) 60 i 0 ......1317 (J A. Trustee........ 25 \u25a0IOH WATER. i:« 4 Bclnu'.lt LOW WITH 60 25 Ou SPARKLING DIALOGUE ! 3392 10 10 00 tarn Bankrupt*. Edwards w,Tru5tee. t'AHbKNUh'K TBAINB willleave Ban Franclaoo from .....12817 10 60 00 L.zare L P. Tru5tee........ H"ie w X rriuteo , 1899 100 :,uiitiu A, Trustee moo los.u 10 6 00 3600 10 10 00 W, STIUKINU >:, ElwanN CHORUSES I Tru5tee. 13454 80 160 00 Hale W (X Trustee 1100 50 Passenger Depot (UCOJUdaon A, )«. A nchmitt 28 ou TOWNBEND BTUEET, 316 6 li> O Trnstee ..............4508 60 60 00 Uussey. U.J., Uet'u P.M. A.M. V. M. ox U W, S 25 CO Woharuson j£ A.Trustee...... A,Tru«,.0. Trustee...... 918 100 THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI IKI 662 Hob mitt 1; A, Tru5tee........ 60 00 an is 00 e::\t 60 50 00 Hosoier A Bourse, THIRD and FOUhTH htkek T"«Ml D(l Thnr«i»y at 11 A. M. H.tur ...._....... 7307 m follows; ',6151 ox OW, Trustee 8117 10 60• 00 fOOfiarrtson is a. Trum0e.......... 67» H.VI URDAY AT TWO P. M. Hcbmledell, Hacbsiadter A Co, Trustees 2014 20 FAMILYMATINEE 10 00 lor the District of California. Slates, uuya, .',*^ 60 26 00 h. m. Ft. h. m. I Ft. I h. m. IFt FjxiiVV. Trustee. AND ALL INTERMEDIATE POBTB. 12:30 P. M. 8211 10 6•6 Hoamer Ou A 2015 HlO bourne. Truaieea...... 10 A A.l'iaMe* 707 Ti-ns:-.ra. 6 00 to 6 00 MS 393 60 wo Uo^ruer *Uourue. I'ruate' s Intbe matter of J. T. LlTTLE—Voluntary Bankrupt. A.ii.L'uilj lor tidinul.HauMUoel.l'ulma 41 2 21 2-» 3 28 -04 • raukt-1 A Blook, Trustees ....117K: 20 100 00 BUcJaaraaoa WI 2*04 to 25 00 Schmledei). Hocuau>dter A (Jo. aiuiuunlaob % a. Tru5tee.......... (78 10 " 6 ou This lit to trial ii;»:i Hommi,TruiU*» ty-ulnth Frank-el debU, HrJjuili-iJoll, assignees issue. amounts 2671 16 one or more 7 60 iiocl>*>sdw>r A Co. 13613 (iaK(ciß with : Al and HVHit For further panic .-lorn apply to QreenatMHiia, Helping A 00. 107eiand A David, Trustees 4nthuqy zi eury.... 2»4> amlley T J L, TruMea 1315 100 no 'ii00 follows: No. No. 4133 6 6 00 Uih«e.JA.Troßie«i 60 00 | be bolden at Boom No. 10 Court Block, No. 036 Clay ' for *>«»» Mliiloa-tirMtWUrr. Sioutemy. Tr uat»>es j .~..^« 12101 20 00 BMlcerHaml. • 100 m 1881 1750 street, of the city and county of San Krnnriaco, CO., AKt.nt*, 690 100 Name*. 80 00 Lniy,F X, 35 CROSS 60 00 Certificate. Sb.re.i. Am'nt., Inli woo It i Co. Triibt.'. « 448 50 Jielblog A 00, Qr«en«uaum. b.' r Berk M Tnut««..... 2411 trustee 2881 5 li, Trustee r,:I i) Hta t«ellJ at, Trustee 26 12 •'.l J i::..i 10 00 2 SO 60 matron* 50 00 10 & a. M. J>;.lly for ' BcglKter, iSO J. M. 1 aucbell, Hiro«,t. 12389 60 on thu 11 J" 816 Lory, h, V, ny Tru5tet5...... 20 00 Charles B A. Trustee.... BKV£NTKEN -im. Mat«o anil California pj«fe The Al»>rmig B.r line Trustee IU6 20 60 25 CO Alaawortb A O, 1ru»i«*< 10 10 00 1000 dr.y ol MiRCH, A. D. 1876, at 10:30 o'clock 1445 20 20 0001 Hmithaon T B. rnwtce. . 6403r nwtce............64O3 (ireenebaum, \u25a0 •\u2666!>•> Htatlous. Heibtnc 00. vi o 1A !-on. Trustees A. 3i. Mi.u'c Onacla* X A. 1*rnetee.. lim 00 Agara Jos J. Trustee, b*l bO 4ii 10 5 00 i, Si. nip. liu>iii> 11 10 5 4708 100 100 :iso 1 loo iiuieiTTA, ......12860 6 25 00 OiiQiien O A. Traaue. K. P. MAKSICLLUS, U.S. Marshal, 1;* \u25a0Alt nUNCUCO.. G. arpenebaum. 18T6. Trustets.... 1.1 10 M&IOH H&tOH 6, 187 10 6 00 • fardJoaJ, Tru5tee......... Trust je 6WO 6 6 00 U»i)«OeoT4l;oi, 8 00 3181 5 5 009 coillb Wai Helblus; A 00. •ifffc PM.Pi.lly f-.ii.iaja •Z:ep:«an M arye Ueo T A M v. Trust* b, l>al 60S nil'1 Orandaii, W Q. Trustee.... A* Hei>«enger, Dlstrl. t of California. J 6i6 26 12 616 1 Ho oka A lea. Ttaatc«a..........2074 10 M) 009 Kwetst 8 H 6ft»3 10 10 00 Mbt}« 500 j 60 Oommud,. Ollrcy.avnd Tru5teed \ u 25a0 A TrusteiB....l»7B This b to give rotlce, that on th« iStbOayof February, 17iti 60 23 00 Oarmooy a. K. Tiuatee urnoul A Co W, Trus.o 10 10 00 MaireauT 20 1000 AKQtilaalHoDgkoi.g. Uetß-*. litmiuCo. Uls 100 100 00 6531 6 26 00 Cruel. «r JM. VruaM>«.. Marl'uMU, Trustee Ship Shirley, Mathews, 16 days from Tacoma: 720 M it Killa Kllconr, Trustee*.... .....1314* A 00 1918 a ,1 Tan. bull A Co W. l'iu«te«-» mudy 1876, Ha-.iruplcy 22."2 10 600 U»i F. ruatt* 6U69 200 200 26 2 Si ii 4664 100 100 VVotrnr.t In w*s laxut-d On asaluai • HillA Kllgour, Trustees. 12641 20 100 oo C4t v W I>, Tru5tee.. EXTRA TBAIN ON SUNDAYS lumber, 75 •hip knees, to Hansou, Ackenon O». Leavs Wharf, cor Flr*tand BracDan sta. »-.; Noon for ....18 18 1J 6 Oil •hum's A A,Trustee 100 100 0J em ate of < ha 1- B. Ilarwood, of the city and • 11-•\u25a0_-. t &76 50 &0 0) T»>l4 m 0:I Vh.ikli-.'i W 3* 38 »0 ..H« 40 K.Truiite*.... 20 «iis7 20 00 i m u.inn..-.i. Yokohama withHteitruera for.Sh*nyhM MiO.)uaM h in a E. Trustee 2265 10 60 on Drtucler L. k' A Co.Truateea 1 K. rrusrw Bohr American Girl Lawrence. 6i day* from Cooa Bay; i«t,o 2387 ..2916 ) V uk. Hi H rt 76 37 10 Crocker J H, 1rtuu0 38 88 00 N..ble 100 «i nn !> belonnlng ,to such bankrupt, to him or for i.i i.--. mu>l n Carl ivju LPooL ......1611 1: .Vi Crocker J H. Trustee H ur> l\ lru-u.-.M. P. OBACJe, li) 25 20a4 100 100 00 Nub.« HHA Co 100 m Ihe tratm r of »ny proper. v by him are krbldueu In law. I.OMS -v.x. DIVISION. • o Trustees........ ....._ no))i: W..1K1 II1t...!. ...10777 10 60 00 Uah »*"!•'. r/lM«. chr ElTenia, Anderson, 54 hours from Casper Creek; 140 Haakln v -i«, H 'irart0e........ HftJL«IO. 2) to CruckHi J If, Trustee...... 1.56 Trust*** 3 60 2083 IS 2096 60 60 W) N De HilA 15 00! Wood HbUTy P. iliutat. 00 That a meeting if the creditor* of the s»ld taut. rui>t, t WILBUB 11883 (!67 10 60 a ,,'| tbelr d«bta, and t o choose one or more -vn cs of \u25a0 TNMt* t:OANK«!rioW !\u25a0 dr. a W.Tt-Dniew 80 250 00 Da By J ii,TItUUM Juljr i June i« B 17 Tills splendid new .snip cooifs Into limili withlarce Larsen, 6 days from Umpqua; 300 M ft Hume 3u)3 2581 60 25 00 Urttuaail W G,'1rt:au»0....... Wood Unary P m.mi.m1-14 10 Nobie HH 00, Trustees 3« AiiKim ie 6-7 6tt'B 1 estate, wll be held at a Court if Bankruptcy, to bo %J :twe«u tho NOilTiiK'.tN DIVISION and 1(B 76i| bis La> ham J IIA 00, Trustees...... 10076 6 25 00 \u25a0;i.li'y J 11, iriuuw. w| lumber, to W B Holcomb. g»«enieuts»nrt ci IHave quick d(rp*tcn. 2821 100 50 00 Oraudall W li.Truu.e 5 500 47«2 76 75 00) I Warreii J B Tru5tee.............. 67 ii. Mi-ii at Stn Franc sco. In b«ld Dl.vilc, ou in- Sixth | /..-iHIU.K-. HIV'MUN ia-i-e hi. r-.i p ll.'H i.ilOil' Latham J IIA Co, Trnrte* B......VOHS 10 60 00 Kilwards W. HH A Co. T.-hm,-. Cabin P!a"« on 0z!ilbltlonand >*asaa>se Tickets foi #or bn!»nce of frtI•< !i t appiy jt, 2733 JB, Trustee 76 37 60 LV»ui:j:lW (I. Truatoe... 100 100 ox Notiln 4ai « d y 1076 6 001,, Warren v.........1147 i.v* Aiittcir* UlTialun •of II;. road nil) tako it.*-. to Latham H A 00. Trustees. 13101 10 60 00 of March, .a. D. i 876, at ten o'clock A. M..«l tiie |•.\u25a0»•« lV bl^ a H 61 No. U No.- Mhiii^hiikvht.-i.i. w im Co i uj vJrmiUail M (i. lTu*te« i., Trust**l*b«r 784 ar 100 00 rrn»v»«n.b 620 By T«le ra.ptu !';(\u25a0 10 \ u 2 5 a 0 > 6727 rt!ii J B. 100 1... uirul ti It v via Oakland »* 4 00 18217 JTAi^KNKB, BEUL ft 00., Latham jH A Co. Trustees.. 20 100 00 Kosher X,Trustee »rn-t#,a Forfrrlkhti«p|ily&ttJi9 • \u25a0 •^..MtHHAOo f*clac M«ll Btc«mrblp U, lr«a*i.\ ">. '\u25a0r.r.-. fr 11) Poiht LOBO6, March s—lo|p. K. Ltnen thai I*W, «0 « •HllfomU t (i.".v Us/ 11-7 100 60 00 OraidaJt W v, Trustee Si rrusie*. 6&J7 60 00) Wolf K. Huuimi [.< .ii (.'»i|»-r.-«« : TiieDce by r.-l- «-r-i.t> m\u25a0-«m \u25a0-«12478 80 LUlentbal f N. Trustee 160 00 Ki»tier X, Truate*. Weather foggy; wind light BE 25 00 ......1801 6> 26 00 Oriui(i-.1l W O. Trustee 2i trlct. E. P. SlAllsuJ.fs. ) W.nl Jiuir, «2ms 50 2528 I 1.1.H vl.Ti!:ucli»ii|1»*«» t..>»i ;\u25a0'. .-iiu .1 , i VH uilUa to 00 Mary e OT. Tru5tee................ 10 787 60 00 Flatter K.Tru.tee... 60 00 PHILADELPHIA LINE. 5,0 ..1671 10 o>4 60 fel» 6 10 Cope. Uul. r •& r 'I'inoti'Pii 100 100 001 Wba.rt v J^iues. Trustee U. S. Markhal fur ».'d Dl trlct. | only) it m'• >>y B.niiirni l''.c!l'mpt .ii, .ml Wriii ni''oreii(e 6084 100 100 00> Wi ,1. .1,, \u0084. ;.,. .Trustee v.i.!•.\u25a0:. M«rye G r. Trustee 8254 10 60 OU Fiaa.r K. Tru5tee...... \u25a0"••\u25a0 00 Co, WnaitiDja.au 10(0 Cope, ,'>:n.-. ««f 60 60 rQ «te'iou A bob. i»«. .ilc u»rd*o KA Ii been Hchr Kiuma Louiixt, Kageinumlaen. Stewart's Poioi, Fur freight apply fat thi) payment of any debts, and dellvrry of any J. L. WIIXUOTT, Oea'l PMMUger and Ticket Ag't. BtJTLRR .',(:•> v au t.mini A Co K. ITiiairm...... 0 00II 1 lit) M m TrMW( 00 Tiatiet.K. rroiiee ............^....'.a0e 25 5 Command*! la i'hllail lg(jtaetf '.irHtit. ->«,- 4'iauci.i'n •\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0• > »• '\u25a0 Bohr JeanetW, Harder, SUllwaUr Cove. 10 MBU ou »«77 1i.1u.. to H. L. HKKO'd A CO, MM Walcut it. SAI 033 «i,TruaM* property blloaging to such Bankrupt, to b m or for hi 2>£l U 5461 Ban Francisco, ~CSTr 16 (M Caulll AUd r.. lranif««J... 6 6 001 Muu.iu,. iLir lli'rir«uiti a*y 01 M iifli.1376. or here Bud InNew York to X, Troa'.e* PUher 1 Will tail • by him, ....-' UnlilllftCuK.'lruiieoi 8631 v-«are torfor th« above oi or day. any iroterty port, 10 toi 5 5 00 and tbe transfer of about i«ih M, | »i Li* i-.uur cl twelve o'clock 01 «aid vi a.morandt llo3S WM. T. COIJMAN A 00. Ha.hatd. Tias ue....... -7 m >« 26 12 60 Chill A Co K. Iru ,i,.id. ', 60 .'.O 00|l> Ml 1 aid drlluijutiut «sct«eu:ent uiuroou, uxvuer U •ad Sam of crb ssotitb. iu,i7 S. \u25a0*3' w 5 *\u25a0' Trustee....... bo m M bidden bt law. That a meeting o' trie creditors uf>> stM 2ao go Planer«: K. MUttotf*!!, Hojuai^ter A f 1«M «\u25a0.20 001 vlli)OUUaOI Galatea, weather »ox W.Truaiee 26 12 60 Oaulll A Oo K. Trustees...... 20 bjMI«a>'.i'iaeaoi tn« tuic. to cbo^se » \zs to UlM«r 6«6< Gultl U...1 v«r Mini,g Bcumi«iei:;"A*wfcs'ti^'tSr""A "vV o'clock A. M. day o MARCH, 4. 1". \u25a0« Richardson \u25a0 A.Trnst— 60 60 00 at ten OOOJ) :-l I) •'. I M) Huiduii OomtiUirfrU nmn-«i...... B*7 2i r> l.nv, Tru5tee5 TKMI'I.AK. .« ««. 10 60 00 A M'gulre, Tiiulces 150.1 Hlchardson %A. Trustee....... 597* i.i i ioo im Coiui>au>— -Lucalluu ot i.rinci; «l pUce of buslueu, Mau aehiciHltU, K. P. MASBELLUB, U. H. Marshal, OB 10 O P, Iriuiei) 50 25 00 Child f M. for "an rt»f-el. Jaictlon, Olfmn, noKO EB a"6o, 12343 2*oo UorUuu ilociiaud'tcr" TAOOMA-Sailed m aisguire, 5.) (iul CBlld A Trustees Cillti.rnu Locatiou Master I'rsnclsco, mil, bark Xena, HoUri. for Kusaell J B.TnwtM 5981 60 00 of Wi.rks, Mna^ngr, trustees .7721 tO 1 fell As District of California. FOR " EUREKA, ar>dH)l nay tuilu'a 26 OO #>>I»Tm.lei HDMBOLDT Trustee.. "427 600 25u> 00 BAY. Will loading ithe nth InaUnt and have 1813 c.iinue'WH Russell JB. Carroil John J (Ji«M)o*b*um, Heit lug A Co. 1730 10 10 00 tjtorey cunt., Ntvaoa Not a There are d liny ci t 11 C H.,for H»a Uafael, Jii-.etl •.•;• aod Tau &\u25a0• i 12428 600 k quck Trustee 2900 00 TSKKiawV Haydeu. atxjre dlapMcn l JB. 'S"i3o for tb«* poita. l>"rado. Russell 4»J(« For fralcbt and upon the fullowlUK •OMpaia. 17&0 20 10 00 C*llaguan. Lyuch A Co, True lee , 128W 6 Moo TruaMM t» ABBJVINO IN TWKNTI.FOCB BODBB. panmteoat'p'y tv Russell J B.Trustee „ l TU» PROBATE COURT OF TUB CITY AND bat w°° 60 ioui . il 24; levied ou th« t. a "a"Od Franclwn. s ale California. VIA HADOELITO J» B A CO County Rattery ....._. 2t3» SANTA SASBABA- Arrired March sth. stiur Mohou- Ryan am >h... H«ie \V of Kan of HKFri ao« B.TnuiM treat CallaKb.au, Lynch TrnatH**g.... * 12 6i ( 11. i- several amounts set opposite the qbuihs or ISOBS A Vj, Tru it-. ». -«g— »*. T«< *: «X a I ( ii ikon 20 100 00 Jim A Xt Koor, lrui>i««« Ratberford X A. Trustee tbe re. tkuiuirdeil, Hocnaukfi;"i"o •» hi1 8 M. 'or T«niatpi.B. Junctiotj. v'»n H>r»ri, „ -i7W 20 in 2W IN I.r: MAITKBOF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES • go, Thora. hellee starch 4th bal coos 10C 1 spec'lvi Hbareholders, as follow*: 0*.,-^, vi Bchm*ldell. HochsUdur 100 00 TCBT-r-nri Way Balled March stfc,stcur Orizaba, Johustou.Hau Krancliw... 0 FOR Mli«iur, l.in», MAZATLAN, A 1runlet » -~n IViixiHini acci all 8:a lout r jo vflF ;o LA PAZ AMD BIB>ND, deceased. Wj,6 00 i'«ii'.ii«.i,Lyccn A to, Truat«t«, Trustee* 10 so r00 11111 Aaan-K. ._.a; si HillA Kllcoor, Irmmti Certiorate. Shares. Ann Schml'.t FORT TOWNBkNI>-ArriTea March 4th. achr Alice Tru5tee* Hochstadwir .--..-.-loaud Hi.i.h ( ntftlotinium! • with 1.00 I'M.»-rd l.») 6 '« UA,Truatt^"" PCUCAN, 800 Tom, 250 SJ| ,5•„. 00. It dolv «ppr«rlDK to tbe said Court by the petition of i:l'.h.< ODAYMAB. Sctimledell. bal 5.) 00 Ayrtui.t'.ipe it: Co TiusU'e.' y•-\u25a0 1'i.vi.'i, Trustee* i.t'Boiuli.l-ua'lon. 2U870 60 60 Hi Thorns 160 75 0 266 PORTLAXD-Per Oriflamme-A A Williams and wife, Schmladell, Hoshstadter A 00. 11157 Holmes 2SOB 20 A 00, l rusu-fs 10 00 Croc It U th«refori> on.end that all r-ons Interestrd In the :,!.(, (0 1horns.. DL, Trustee 4 Our elt,Tru«ieeB 4478 10 1...J.; SUNDAY TIMB. 10 00i Kiiil.-r (' -. 5u 10 BEN HOLLAUAY, JUN., Agent, Trust»^a 60 00 IIKKiIiRA 60 00 estate • 2M 100 T H Elwell, R Emore, Mrs M Reynolkn, A M Gamin, Miss .27Ai LOjliulk. 1) A rtu»lee». 10 6>o Bu.l»rUO L, 6W) tplore Trustee of deceased a his } prp Crocktr Si Qurnett, Trustees 4496 5 610 I 17524 500 0 Thomas *r Court on ' 1A O|\ »•• via Pan Qu^niln 00, ruled ell. Uookatadter 123 Call fornl* street 50 00 FRIDAY,utd Ja9 X,'irusler A W!l»on. AR Locke. J B Shenard, Mrs M X Burk C C 13&5 10 6to .\u25a0> :i 281 1' 0 nuithe & Troateea day ) Oahlil X 00. t, 1,, Marcb, 1876, ferry, A 10 10 CO Tnorans D Trustee the 31st ol Ja. etrret, | Trmst*ec. IJIB2 10 60 00 H»l» W X. Ourte Trustets 4702 20 20 01 Oahlil X Co, Trajuet'a. at 11 o'clock a. if.! **••>«? Market for Han Übf-el. . , li'.-.r, HaU wife and child. Sen Fox. L Ackerman, J U Poweis, HO 6000 Cruder 17 850 of that day, at the C-url-rooni m 1 A M 5 1 1.0 T.u : tee 00, Qurnett, Curt, HochaUdter A Crocker A 00 1 V L to ! TratUev -4761 10 10 horuss s»lu sh»w HKTUUNINa XKAINB WILL LKAVK MX) A Waldman, F Carroll, \V J Humphreys Mrs Mangen 1' Schmtedell. 2620 OREGON STKAM4KIP COMPANY. * * JlH'liJF 60 00 706} 11 25 °» caum why an order shuu d not bo • rant/ ' Trn.il •>\u25a0 10 ......13186 60 00 Kent 4764 10 d v tre said nd- San Rafael, 8:45 A.M. »n
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